Program Mission:
- To maintain its leadership in legal education with an innovative and research-oriented program, continuously striving to improve the law and the society, nationally and internationally.
- To provide the Saudi, regional and global market with high quality bilingual graduates in law.
- To enable the LLB graduates to continue their postgraduate studies in reputable universities and practice in leading offices, organizations and governmental bodies.
- To provide an outstanding legal education implementing technology and research in a collaborative environment
- To ensure that graduates have acquired the knowledge, skills and values required to be future leaders and are properly prepared for entry into professional careers in Law
- Teach legal principles, the fundamentals of jurisprudence, and legal skills and values in a manner that combines theory and practice
- Cultivate student competency in Legal Writing in both Arabic and English
- To keep our program updated based on the labor market needs locally and internationally
- To build competitive legal skilled practitioners technically and ethically
- To encourage intellectual and research production
- Provide students with opportunities to exhibit their legal knowledge via competitions, conferences, and internships
The graduate attributes of College of Law graduates are aligned with the three NCAAA domains:
1. Knowledge and Understanding
A coherent knowledge and understanding of core areas:
- the general concepts, rules and theories of legal science
- historical origins and developments of the science of law
- scientific principles in the preparation of legal research
- substantive and procedural rules of law in KSA, international and comparative law recent developments in legal sciences
2. Skills
The skills include cognitive skills, practical and physical skills, communication and information technology skills:
- Analyzes legal texts, judicial rulings and jurisprudential opinions
- Infers the applicable legal provisions on different facts and issues
- Uses critical thinking to resolve legal issues and issues
- Drafts contracts, regulations and legal briefs
- Uses legal methodology to solve a specific legal problem
- Proposes legal solutions in different matters according to the legal methodology
- Distinguishes between legal research methods to reach scientific conclusions
- Uses modern technologies to find suitable solutions for various legal problems
- Is proficient in pleading before the judiciary and the judicial committees
- Discusses verbally and in writing with others effectively and objectively
3. Values
The values include ethics, autonomy and responsibility:
- Performs the tasks assigned to him Independently
- Is Responsible for self-learning and personal development
- Undertakes the required duties and tasks through teamwork and individual work
- Shows a commitment to the ethics of professions and legal functions
- Follows the ethics of scientific research
- Commits to principles of responsible citizenship