Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: None
This first-level college writing course is designed to train students in the basic skills necessary for general writing. It focuses on writing essays using various rhetorical methods and patterns such as narration, argumentation, persuasion, description, comparison, contrast, problem-solving, and solution.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: ENG 101
This course familiarizes students with communication processes in interpersonal, organizational, mass, and intercultural contexts. Topics include communication paradigms, perceptual processes, personal and professional relationships, as well as verbal and nonverbal communication, communication technology, and the role communication plays in culture.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: None
This course surveys various fields of psychology, including learning, cognition, personality, motivation, perception, development, social interaction, and abnormal behavior. It explores current approaches to psychology that integrate biological, cognitive, and sociocultural perspectives to provide a comprehensive view of human behavior.
Credits: 3 (3,1,0) Prerequisite: MATH 002
This course is designed to develop the topics of differential calculus. Emphasis is placed on limits, continuity and derivatives of algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable. The goal of this course is developing the student’s geometric insight into the concepts of differentiation, and applying these concepts to problem solving and “real world application.
Credits: 2 (2,0,0) Prerequisite: None
This is the first part of university-level Arabic writing course. The course aims to provide students with a detailed knowledge of Arabic grammar, usage, punctuation and paragraphing in order to improve their writing skills. They are given practice in writing simple sentences, and combining them into compound and complex sentences using punctuation marks. The course seeks to improve the students writing abilities and style. This includes writing long paragraphs, whole essays and one research paper.
Credits: 2 (2,0,0) Prerequisite: None
This second-level Arabic writing course aims at providing students with the skills necessaryfor scientific and technical writing style. This includes learning certain skills necessary fortechnical and scientific writing of reports, formats, definitions, descriptions, explaining processes, and establishing comparisons. Students are asked to make at least two oral presentations, as well as a number of written assignments in and out of class.
Credits: 2 (2,0,0) Prerequisite: None
This course focuses on developing practical Arabic language skills for those students preparing to study and work in scientific and technological fields as well as in fields of business. Its teaching units are meant to build on writing skills already acquired in the two previous Arabic courses. Arabic Writing III focuses on the formal aspects of language, such as grammar and vocabulary associated with the Arabic used in science, technology, computer, and business. It is also designed with the aim of developing the student abilities to express in Arabic theconcepts involved in studying those subjects.
Credits: 2 (2,0,0) Prerequisite: None
This course examines the concept of ethics and its importance to human life. It also touches upon related areas, such as, the origins of morals and ethics, types of human behavior and their motives, human ethics and their purposes. Various categories and classifications of ethical behavior, the degrees of ethics, the types and manifestations of vice are defined; and how the Holy Quran and the Sunnah honor, purge and exalt the human soul are discussed. Examples of ethical behavior such as, truthfulness, honesty, faithfulness, modesty, benevolence and good conduct are extolled.
Credits: 2 (2,0,0) Prerequisite: None
The course aims at expounding the Islamic economic system and how to implement it in daily affairs. It touches upon Islamic economic system in relationship to Islamic Law in handling of modern economic problems, as well as its views on property, ownership, inheritance, and economic welfare. The course compares Islamic solutions to modern economic problems to those of other secular economic systems. Issues such as production, distribution, consumption, contracts, finance are also treated from an Islamic point of view.
Credits: 2 (2,0,0) Prerequisite: None
This course introduces the Quranic sciences and what kinds should be studied so as to expose students to the correct concept of the Holy Quran in order to apply it correctly as the accepted science which is in conformity with reason, and those rejected ones that are not. The most important requisites of the knowledge of the Quranic sciences is the awareness of its interpretation, the perception of its miraculous aspects, knowing its flawless, ambiguity, abrogation, abrogated, absolute, restricted, and other aspects of its eloquence. Without studying the above subjects the study of the Holy Quran will be inadequate and the student will be deprived of a lot of knowledge.
Credits: 2 (2,0,0) Prerequisite: None
The company, as a type of contract, arose a long time ago to meet the needs of the people. This development of social life led to different kinds of companies and contracts, which can be expressed as modern financial transactions, such as partnership company, limited partnership company, joint venture company, joint stock company, limited liability company, mixed economics company, public joint stock company, and insurance company. These are studied in addition to the companies known in the Islamic jurisprudence in the past such as proprietorship company, permission partnership company, all kinds of contract companies, and speculation company. The course clarifies these modern financial transactions and the viewpoint of the Islamic Shari’a on them.
Credits: 4 (3,1,2) Prerequisite: None
This course covers the concept of programming languages in Python. It enables the student to understand and write basic coding based on various operators, functions, logic statements, Strings, tuples, etc., in the Python programming language. In addition, the course covers the basic concept of files and exceptions.
Credits: 4 (3,0,3) Prerequisite: None
This course is designed to provide students with foundational knowledge of chemistry. The course content encompasses basic concepts, including units and measurements, the atomic theory, principles of stoichiometry, properties of aqueous solutions, behaviors of gasses, thermochemistry, quantum numbers, periodic trends, chemical bonding, VSEPR theory, and the classification of organic compounds.
Credits: 3 (3,1,0) Prerequisite: MATH 111
Introduction to Statistics & Probability Theory is the first course in Statistics, designed to expose the students to the use of tables and graphs as a way to summarize data and provide concise and meaningful presentations for the data. Using the computing facilities at campus, problem-solving is spreadsheet-oriented whenever possible. Excel is a spreadsheet tool for manipulating quantitative data. The extent to which the variables are related is discussed deeply through graphs and using rules. The emphasis is on analyzing, understanding, and using statistics to solve real-world problems. Coverage of the course includes descriptive statistics, probability and probability distributions, and sampling.
Credits: 4 (3,1,2) Prerequisite: None
This course introduces the principles of mechanics, energy, and heat. The course covers physics and measurement, motion in one dimension, vectors, motion in two dimensions, laws of motion, circular motion and other applications of Newton's laws, work and energy, potential energy and conservation of energy, rotational kinematics and torque, temperature, and heat. The emphasis in this course is cultivating an understanding of natural phenomena through direct observation, reasoning, and application of this knowledge.
Credits: 4 (3,1,2) Prerequisite: PHY 105
This course includes several topics in electricity, magnetism, and optics. Topics include: The electrostatic force, electric field, Gauss’s law, electric potential, capacitors and dielectrics, direct current circuits, magnetic fields, electromagnetism, induction, Faraday’s law, alternating current circuits, geometrical optics, and optical instruments.
Credits: 3 (3,1,0) Prerequisite: MATH 111
This course introduces various topics such as: the concept of anti-derivatives, definite and indefinite integrals, the fundamental theorem of Calculus, techniques of integration and improper integrals. Applications of definite integrals to find area, volume, arc length and surface of revolution. Sequences and infinite series: convergence tests, integral and comparison tests, ratio and root tests, alternating series and Power series.
Credits: 3 (3,1,0) Prerequisite: MATH 113
This course introduces the students to various topics in ordinary differential equations. These topics include: techniques for solving first order differential equations such as linear equations, separable equations, exact equations and integrating factors; homogeneous and general second order linear equations; higher order linear equations; power series solutions; the Laplace transform and applications in science and engineering, Fourier series and its convergence theorem, Separation of Variables, Heat Equation, Wave Equation and Laplace equation.
Credits: 3 (3,1,0) Prerequisite: MATH 113
This course provides a solid foundation in multivariate calculus and complex variables essential for engineering applications. The topics covered in this course are functions of several variables, double integrals and triple integrals in rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. The course also covers elementary topics in complex variables, including their properties, operations with complex numbers, polar and rectangular forms, phasors, and graphical representation.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: ENG 101
This course introduces the principles and practices of technical writing. The object of the course is cultivating writing skills cued to professional work. Through an array of homework assignments, engaged class discussions, and report projects, students obtain proficiency in various aspects of technical writing. Attention is also given to the development of argumentative and analytical skills as well as elements of document design and formatting.
Credits: 2 (2,0,0) Prerequisite: Junior Level Standing
The course discusses why ethics are important to the Engineering profession, gives an overview of professional codes of ethics, describes the rules of professional conduct, locates ethics in the social matrix, underscores the importance of environmental issues, catalogs the value of professional and technical societies in maintaining ethical standards, and provides guidelines for making value-laden decisions as engineers and citizens.
Credits: 3 (3,1,0) Prerequisite: MATH 113
The course examines the techniques of linear algebra and utilizes its tools. Topics and instruments include matrices, determinants, systems of linear equations, Euclidean vector spaces, real vector spaces, inner product spaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, linear transformation, applications.
Credits: 3 (1,0,4) Prerequisite: None
The course focuses on not only the improvement of freehand sketching skill for engineering drawings but also the graphical interpretation of orthographic projection including pictorial views, section views, dimensioning, translation of design instructions in detail, assembly drawings, civil drawings and so on. The course consists of two technical parts, drafting course and learning software course, AutoCAD and Revit. Additionally, the course will place an emphasis on practical learning process with regard to understanding engineering drawings for students.
Credits: 3 (2,2,0) Prerequisite: CEE 101
Introduction and practicing the engineering professional culture and profession. Enhancing personal skills such as teamwork, leadership, written and oral presentation. Problem solving strategies. Problem definition and techniques for stimulation of ideas. Decision making in creation, modeling, and evaluation of alternatives for a certain design.
Credits: 3 (3,1,0) Prerequisites: STAT 101
This course introduces functions and techniques for effective management of systems development and effective project leadership. Project definition, phases, and work breakdown. Scope, risk, configuration, and quality management. Cost and time estimation. Tools for planning, scheduling, monitoring, and controlling project development.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: MATH 113
This course focuses on the coupling of technical analysis and economic feasibility to determine the best course of action among alternatives competing for scarce resources. Studies the principles, concepts, and methodology of the time value of money as applied to governmental, industrial, and personal economic decisions. Topics include cost-estimating techniques for engineering projects, benefit-cost analysis, present worth, rate of return, depreciation, taxes, break-even analysis, risk and sensitivity analysis, capital investment, and the comparison of alternatives. Discussion includes the ethical and social responsibilities of engineers as they apply to project decisions affecting job creation and loss, personnel placement, and capital expenditure.
Credits: 4 (3,1,2) Prerequisite: PHY 205, MATH 113
This module provides a comprehensive introduction to both DC and AC circuit principles. Students will begin by reviewing fundamental concepts, including current, voltage, and power. The course then explores series and parallel circuits and delves into Ohm’s Law, Kirchhoff’s Laws, source transformations, bridge networks, and delta/star transformations. Key analysis methods and network theorems are also covered. Additionally, the module revisits inductors and capacitors, introduces sinusoidal sources and the concept of phasors, and details methods for analyzing AC circuits. Practical experience is emphasized through hands-on use of electrical measurement tools such as voltmeters, ammeters, wattmeters, function generators, and oscilloscopes.
Credits: 3 (3,1,0) Prerequisite: EE 201, MATH225
The course begins by reviewing the behaviors of inductor and capacitor storing elements. It then covers the characteristics and behavior of first-order RL/RC circuits, as well as second-order RLC circuits. Additionally, the course explains the conversion of time-domain circuits to the s-domain using the Laplace transform. Furthermore, it delves into frequency response and resonance, providing a basic understanding of filter circuits. The course also includes the study of electrical configurations involving three phases of networks and the analysis of two-port networks.
Credits: 4 (3,1,2) Prerequisite: EE 201
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to essential semiconductor devices and amplifiers. It covers diodes, including special-purpose types, and explores Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) with a focus on their operation, characteristics, and various biasing methods. Students will study transistor amplifier configurations such as common emitter, common collector, and common base, as well as classes of power amplifiers. The course also delves into operational amplifiers (Op-Amps), addressing their parameters, feedback mechanisms, and various practical circuit applications.
Credits: 4 (3,1,2) Prerequisite: EE 101
This module enables students to understand concepts in binary numbers, number base conversion, complements and codes, definition of Boolean Algebra, Boolean functions, digital logic gates, integrated circuits, Karnaugh map methods, combinational logic circuits, sequential logic circuits and Memory modules. Design and analysis of sequential logic circuits such as: Shift Registers, Counters, Synchronous and Asynchronous Sequential Circuits, State Diagrams, State Tables, Students will be able to develop, measure, and test different types of Sequential Circuits using D-type, T-type, and JK-type Flip-Flops.
Credits: 3 (3,1,0) Prerequisite: EE 211
This course enables the students to understand the DC and AC analysis, and modelling of multistage configuration based on BJT, FET, MOSFET. This course also helps to analyze and design the different electronic circuitries- CMOS circuit such as NAND Gates, Transmission Gates and memory elements.
Credits: 3 (3,1,0) Prerequisite: MATH 225, EE 201, MATH 215
This module is designed to introduce the electromagnetic fields. Coulomb's law, Gauss's law, electrical potential, dielectric materials capacitance, boundary value problems, Biot-Savart law, Ampere's law, Lorentz force equation, magnetic materials, magnetic inductance, time varying fields and Maxwell's equations.
Credits: 4 (3,1,2) Prerequisite: EE 211, EE 231
In this course, we focus on signal transforms and continuous-wave modulation, which is the basic operation of analog communication systems. Initially, we give the students an insight and understanding of signals classifications, Fourier series, Fourier transform, spectrum analysis, and explore their applications in the context of analog communication systems. We then cover thoroughly amplitude modulation including the generation and reception of double-side band, single side-band, and vestigial side-band. We also cover the angle modulations (phase and frequency), the generation both the narrow and wide-band angle modulation.
Credits: 4 (3,1,2) Prerequisite: EE 221, EE 211
The course will focus primarily on basic embedded system concepts and the student will learn the basics of designing, interfacing, configuring, and programming embedded systems. One of popular microcontroller is selected to implement the techniques learned in class. By the end of the course the student will have mastered the basics of embedded system design and programming.
Credits: 3 (3,1,0) Prerequisite: EE 231, MATH 223
Introduction to feedback control systems. Block diagram and signal flow graph representation. Mathematical modeling of physical systems. Stability of linear control systems. Time-domain and frequency-domain analysis tools and performance assessment. Lead and lag compensatory design. Proportional, integral, and derivative control.
Credits: 3 (3,1,0) Prerequisite: MATH 225, EE 201
This course covers basic concepts and methods related to continuous and discrete-time signals and systems. The course includes: signals and systems and their properties, linear time-invariant systems, stability analysis, sampling of continuous-time signals, z-transform, continuous and discrete-time Fourier transform, discrete Fourier transform and fast Fourier Transform.
Credits: 3 (3,1,0) Prerequisite: EE 202, EE 341
The students will learn the fundamentals of electrical machinery. They will learn to analyze the voltage-current, torque-speed characteristics of the different machines. The students also will be able to understand the transformers, principles, and operation.
Credits: 4 (3,1,2) Prerequisite: EE 211
This course is an introduction to Power Electronics. It enables the student to understand the basic Power Electronics components, operations, design, and the analysis of basic power electronics converter circuits. The course is focused on the applications of the power converter in various sectors, e.g., industrial, electric grid, renewable energy, microgrid, electric vehicle, etc. In addition, the course covers the basic characteristics, control schemes, and applications of power semiconductor devices and circuits.
Credits: 3 (3,1,0) Prerequisite: EE 304
This course provides an introduction to power systems used in electrical engineering. Examples include different types of generation systems, load flow studies and infinite bus systems with exploring their applications in substations and power plants.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
Project groups deliver their products that have progressed through the design, analysis, testing and evaluation stages. The project teams produce a polished professional report that describes the design process, implementation and testing, verification and validation, and a critical appraisal of the project. An oral presentation and graphic works are complementary project deliverables.
Credits: 10 (0,0,0) Prerequisite: Completion of 128 Credit hours
An eight-week professional training course in electrical engineering combining classroom learning with work experience, culminating in a report presentation.
Credits: 10 Prerequisite: Completion of 128 Credit hours
Cooperative Education is a planned learning experience, for which credits are earned, that integrates classroom theory and learning experiences at a workplace. The experience enables students to apply and refine the knowledge and skills acquired in a related curriculum course. The Co-op is a supervised work experience in a position in the government or the private sector which aimed to assist students in making the transition from the classroom to industry. Students are required to finish 28 weeks on the job to earn 10-credit hours for the course.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
Introduction to fundamentals of EE: circuits, energy, communication, control, signal processing, electromagnetics, electronics, and digital systems. Computational techniques, instrumentation, and measurement, along with an introduction to technology and applications.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
The course is an introduction to the fundamentals of optoelectronics and principles of optoelectronic device operation. Topics include electromagnetic theory, optical waveguides, light-emitting devices, detectors, and modulators. The course also covers the optical and electro-optical properties of semiconductors and low-dimensional semiconductor structures.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
This module provides an in-depth study of VLSI digital circuits design, covering combinational and sequential circuits using CMOS technology and VHDL. It also introduces digital systems design using FPGA.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
This course covers common electronic circuits used in communication systems, beginning with operational amplifiers and basic circuits. Topics include power amplifiers, oscillators, mixers, phase-locked loops, filters, and their application in modulation/demodulation.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
This course introduces network architecture and protocols, covering layering, OSI and TCP/IP models, physical layer transmission media, data encoding, asynchronous and synchronous transmission, data link layer functions, packet switching, routing, congestion control, internetworking, and local area networks.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
This course covers the analysis and design of digital communication systems, introducing probability concepts, sampling, quantization, digital pulse modulation, digital baseband transmission, channel noise, and the performance of digital systems in band-limited channels.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
This course covers fundamentals of wireless communications with a focus on wireless channel modeling, digital modulation, diversity techniques, multiple access techniques, multicarrier transmission, multiple antenna systems, and the cellular concept.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
This course provides an understanding of basic principles of antenna analysis and design, covering fundamental characteristics, parameters, and methods used in analyzing antennas, including linear antennas, loop antennas, and antenna arrays.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
A multidisciplinary course introducing mechatronics, including electro-mechanical systems controlled by microcontrollers, instrumentation, measurement systems, sensors, actuators, computer data acquisition, and control, integrating mechanisms, sensors, interfaces, actuators, microcontrollers, and information technology.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
Covers basic concepts of microcontrollers and programmable logic controllers (PLCs): structure, I/O, relays, counters, timers, ladder diagram concepts, data manipulation, industrial applications, and PLC communications.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
Basic configurations of robots, industrial applications, kinematics of robotic manipulators, workspace calculations, robotic forces, torques, compliant motions, and introduction to robot motion dynamics and control.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
This module provides an in-depth exploration of AI, covering intelligent agents, search algorithms, supervised and unsupervised learning, neural networks, dimensionality reduction, clustering, support vector machines, probabilistic reasoning, Bayesian networks, statistical learning, and fuzzy logic.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
Covers theory and applications of digital signal processing, including discrete-time signals, systems, Z-transform, discrete-time Fourier analysis, frequency domain characteristics, FIR and IIR filter design using MATLAB.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
Covers power system planning, reliability in a deregulated environment, evaluation of generation, transmission, and distribution system reliability, system expansion planning, and management in electricity markets.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
This course explores electric energy from renewable sources including solar, wind, and fuel cells, and discusses energy conversion, storage systems, and integration with the electricity grid and smart grids.
Credits: 3 (3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior Level Standing
This course introduces emerging subjects in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, covering topics such as high voltage techniques, power systems, antennas, signal processing, and nanotechnology.
More detailed description of the offered elective courses is available here.