البرامج الأكاديمية
وصف مقررات علوم الحاسب
CS 101 برمجة الحاسب -1
المتطلب: لا يوجد، عدد الساعات: 4 (4,0,2)
هذا المقرر عبارة عن مقدمة في عمل البرمجة والتقنيات والممارسات والتطبيقات. بحلول نهاية الفصل الدراسي، يجب أن يكون لدى الطلاب فهم أساسي لمفاهيم البرمجة والتركيبات مثل المتغيرات والأرقام والسلاسل والواجبات والتنفيذ المتسلسل مقابل التنفيذ الانتقائي وحلقات التداخل والوظائف والمصفوفات والعوامل المرجعية وما إلى ذلك. علاوة على ذلك، يجب على الطالب فهم أهمية النهج المنظم لتطوير البرمجيات. يتضمن المقرر جلسات معملية تتم مرة واحدة في الأسبوع. تتضمن المشاريع المعملية تمارين البرمجة التي يمكن إكمالها عادةً خلال جلسة المختبر. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يُطلب من الطلاب العمل في فريق لتطوير وإظهار برنامج تفاعلي كمشروع صف.CS 102 برمجة الحاسب -2
المتطلب: CS101، عدد الساعات: 3 (3,1,0)
الغرض من هذا المقرر هو تطوير فهم وسيط لمفاهيم البرمجة الشيئية. بعض الاستخدامات المعقدة للمفاهيم الموجهة للكائنات (الوراثة، تعدد الأشكال، التغليف، الوراثة المتعددة باستخدام الواجهات Java Collection Frameworks والفئات العامة والتكرار) وتقنيات بناء أنظمة متعددة المكونات المتفاعلة. هذا المقرر يعلم الطلاب كيفية تطوير تطبيقات Java. سيقوم الطلاب بتطوير واختبار تطبيقات Java (عادةً) باستخدام Netbeans IDE.CS 175 المنطق الرقمي و تركيبات الحاسوب
المتطلب: لا يوجد، عدد الساعات: 3 (3,1,0)
يستكشف هذا المقرر الدراسي تنظيم الحاسوب والمنطق الرقمي. ويغطي مقدمة لتمثيل المعلومات وأنظمة الأرقام. يقدم للطلاب الجبر المنطقي واستخدامه في معالجة وتقليل الوظائف المنطقية. ويغطي تحليل وتصميم الدوائر التوافقية، ومضاعفات الإرسال، وأجهزة فك التشفير، والمقارنات، والمضيف، بالإضافة إلى المواضيع الأساسية في تنظيم الحاسب مثل وحدة المعالجة المركزية، والذاكرة، وذاكرة التخزين المؤقت، وأنظمة الناقل.CS 202 تطبيقات الحاسب في الأعمال
المتطلب: 60 ساعة منجزه كحد أدنى، عدد الساعات: 3 (2,0,2)
يقدم مقرر CS 202 مفاهيم الحاسب في إطار تطبيقات الأعمال. سنستخدم حزم البرامج المتكاملة "Microsoft Office 2010" (Excel و Project و Visio) لبناء أساس متين في استخدام جداول البيانات (اتخاذ القرار) وإدارة المشاريع و Visio للنمذجة الرسومية. الغرض الرئيسي من هذا المقرر الدراسي هو تزويد الطلاب بمهارات تطبيق الحاسب خاصة في مجالات المحاسبة والتمويل والتسويق. تشمل التطبيقات التي يتم تناولها جدول البيانات الإلكتروني والوحدات الدقيقه الخاصة به والتحليل الإحصائي والرسومات وأدوات العرض وإدارة المشاريع. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يجب أن يكون الطلاب بارعين في استخدام أداة الرسم Microsoft Visio.CS 210 تركيب البيانات والخوارزميات
المتطلب: CS102، عدد الساعات: 3 (3,1,0)
يقدم هذا المقرر مقدمة عن تركيب البيانات والخوارزميات الكلاسيكية مع التركيز على تقييم الأداء باستخدام تحليل التقارب (Asymptotic Analysis) وفئات التعقيد. يشمل تركيب البيانات الأساسية القوائم، والمكدسات، والطوابير، والأكوام، والأشجار، والرسومات البيانية. سيتعرف الطلاب على مجموعة متنوعة من الخوارزميات المستخدمة في البحث، والفرز، والتنقل (Traversal)، والتجزئة (Hashing). بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يغطي المقرر تطبيقات هذه الهياكل والخوارزميات في حل المشكلات الواقعية وتنفيذها باستخدام لغات البرمجة الحديثة.CS 223 الجبر الخطي الحاسوبي
المتطلب: CS 101, MATH 113، عدد الساعات: 3 (3,1,0)
يقدم هذا المقرر مقدمة لمبادئ تصميم وتطوير هندسة البرمجيات. سيتعرف الطلاب على المراحل المختلفة لتطوير البرمجيات، بما في ذلك نماذج العمليات، ودورات الحياة، وتحليل المتطلبات، والتوثيق، ومنهجيات التصميم، واستراتيجيات التطوير، وإدارة المشاريع. يركز المقرر بشكل كبير على تطوير برمجيات عالية الجودة من خلال تطبيق أفضل ممارسات هندسة البرمجيات.CS 285 الرياضيات المتقطعة للحوسبة
المتطلب: CS 101، عدد الساعات: 3 (3,1,0)
يُعرِّف هذا المقرر الطلاب المنطق الرياضي والهياكل المتقطعة الأساسية، مثل: المجموعات، الدوال، العلاقات، والرسوم البيانية. كما يغطي التفكير الرياضي وتقنيات العد المختلفة. وخلال المقرر، يُطبّق الطلاب التقنيات التي يتعلمونها على مشكلات عملية مبسطة. يُعد هذا المقرر الطلاب لدورات الحوسبة المتقدمة التي تُعد هذه المفاهيم فيها ذات أهمية أساسية.CS 311 تصميم وتحليل الخوارزميات
Credits: 3(3,1,0) Prerequisite: CS 285,CS210
مقدمة إلى التقنيات الأساسية لتصميم وتحليل الخوارزميات، بما في ذلك التحليل التقريبي (Asymptotic Analysis)، وخوارزميات التقسيم والحل (Divide-and-Conquer) والمتسلسلات العودية (Recurrences)، والخوارزميات الجشعة (Greedy Algorithms)، وهياكل البيانات (Data Structures)، والبرمجة الديناميكية (Dynamic Programming)، وخوارزميات الرسوم البيانية (Graph Algorithms)، والخوارزميات العشوائية (Randomized Algorithms). أخيرًا، يقدم المقرر نظرة على فئات مختلفة من نظرية التعقيد (Complexity Theory)، التي تشرح صعوبة حل بعض المشكلات وتصنيفها حسب درجة تعقيدها.CS 315: البرمجة المتوازية والمتعددة
Credits: 3(3,1,0) Prerequisites: CS175, CS 210
This course is an introduction to parallel programming with a special emphasis on the techniques appropriate to multicore systems. The topics covered include performance analysis and tuning, data and task parallelism, synchronization techniques, shared data structures, and load balancing. The course features many hands-on practice sheets plus a term project.CS 320 لغات البرمجة مفاهيم ونماذج
Credits: 3(3,1,0) Prerequisite: CS210
CS 320 provides undergraduate students with an overview of the theoretical foundations of programming languages. Topics covered in this course include: introduction to different language paradigms (functional, logic and object-oriented), the history of programming languages and language design principles, syntax specification (using BNF, EBNF, and syntax diagrams), central semantic issues of programming languages (declaration, allocation, evaluation). Major languages covered include C, C++, Smalltalk, Java, Ada, ML, Haskell, Scheme, and Prolog; many other languages are discussed more briefly.CS 330 مقدمة في نظم التشغيل
Credits: 3(3,1,0) Prerequisites: CS 210, CS175
This course explores the evolution, services, and structures of operating systems. It covers the basic concepts of operating system design and implementation and management of system resources such as Central Processing Unit (CPU), Input/output (I/O) devices, memory, and software. Examples given from modern operating systems such as Unix and Windows-driven operating systems are scrutinized.CS 331 اتصال البيانات والشبكات
Credits: 3(3,1,0) Prerequisite: CS 175, CS 210
This course introduces the basic concepts in data communication and computer networks. Topics covered include the nature of data communication, characteristics of computer networks, the ISO-OSI network protocol layers, topologies and models, error detection and correction codes, and network performance considerations.CS 336 عمليات الشبكة وإدارتها
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS 331
This course surveys network operations and provides an overview of TCP/IP network management; network planning, configuring, installing and diagnosing; network monitoring, analysis and performance tuning; network security; users accounts; and managing system resources.CS 340 مقدمة في نظم قواعد البيانات
Credits: 3(3,1,0) Prerequisite: CS 210
This course provides a solid background in database systems and modeling. Following an overview of database systems (definitions, evolution, architecture and applications), data models are examined. Topics discussed include entity-relationship and relational data models; database query languages and standards; and database design: theory and methodology.CS 355 معمارية الحاسوب
Credits: 3(3,1,0) Prerequisite: CS 175
This course broadly surveys the design of computer systems and components. Topics covered: basic processor organization, data and control paths of the simple processor, hardwired and micro-programmed control unit, RISC vs. CISC organization. Abstract views of the computer at various levels are examined in terms of high-level language, OS, assembly language and internal register-transfer level (RTL), I/O organization, memory hierarchy, and virtual memory.CS 360 الرسم بالحاسوب
Credits: 3(3,1,0) Prerequisite: CS 210
This course introduces the basic elements and algorithms of computer graphics including design, creation and manipulation of two and three dimensional graphics. Students will learn about the different application domains of graphics. Students will produce computer graphics applications, which represent, manipulate and display geometric information.CS 370 مقدمة في الذكاء الاصطناعي
Credits: 3(3,1,0) Prerequisite: CS 210
This course provides an overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) – definitions, evolutions and applications. Subject areas looked at include: problem solving; knowledge representation methods and techniques; structures and strategies for state space search; and heuristic search techniques.CS 375 تصميم المواقع
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: SE 371
This course introduces intermediate to advanced web page design techniques. Topics include effective use of graphics, fonts, colors, navigation tools, advanced markup language elements, as well as a study of bad design techniques. Upon completion, students are able to employ advanced design techniques to create functional and high impact web pages.CS 381 برمجة الأنظمة
Credits: 3(2,0,2) Prerequisite: CS 330
The course covers the following topics: systems programming at hardware or OS levels; software for systems programming (e.g., C++ builder); Shell/ Windows Interface programming; design and implementation of applications/ system's functions; and debugging tools.CS 387 تطوير تطبيقات الموبايل
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: SE 371
This course examines the principles of mobile application design and development. Students will learn application development on the Android platform. Topics will include characteristics of Mobile Applications; Designing user interfaces; Displaying multimedia contents such as pictures, menus, audio and video; data handling; network techniques and location based services. Students are expected to work on a project that produces a professional-quality mobile application. Projects will be deployed in real-world applications.CS 391 COMPUTER AND NETWORK SECURITY
Credits: 3 (3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS 331
This course covers major aspects of computer and network security. It starts with standardized definition of security, including security services, security attacks, then proceeds to cover many cryptographic techniques such as ciphers, hash functions, MAC techniques, key management approaches, digital certificates and digital signatures. The course also covers Network security domain, where network vulnerabilities are addressed through email security, Secure Socket Layer (SSL), IP Security (IPsec) and wireless network security topics. Operational security and policies are introduced by presenting ethical hacking, intrusion detection/prevention systems and firewalls.CS 412 نظرية الحوسبة
Credits: 3(3,1,0) Prerequisite: CS 285
This course probes the theory of computation. Topics covered include: foundations – sets, relations and languages; finite automata, Turing machines; decidability and computability, computational complexity and NP-completeness.CS 415 إنترنت الأشياء
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: Senior Level
The course on Internet-of-Things (IoT) aims at preparing students to the IoT market in Saudi Arabia, given the increasing demand for engineers on this hot emerging area. The course presents the latest technologies, architecture, communication protocols and trends that are contributing to the evolution of the Internet-of-Things (IoT). It will provide an overview of IoT applications and its impact on the world economy. The course will also cover the technologies and cyber-physical platforms that transform the physical world into digital data thus allowing to connect physical things to the Internet. We will also cover networking and communication protocols (LoRa, SigFox, NarrowBand IoT, 5G, IEEE 802.15.4) that represent the major actors in the IoT ecosystem. IoT streaming applications used in IoT will be reviewed such as Apache Kafka and MQTT protocol. A major part of the course will deal with developing real-world applications prototypes for the Internet-of-Things from the sensor design to the end-user applications to solve existing problems in the society. At the end of this course, the student will be ready to enter the IoT market or making his own startup.CS 417 ذكاء الأعمال
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: CS 340
This course looks at the theory and practice of data mining applied for business. The course focuses on practical applications of data mining for business decision making. Generally available tools (e.g., EXCEL) are used to illustrate the development of decision support applications for the modern data-centric enterprise. Lessons are given on general theoretical and implementation principles; specific methods and techniques; and critical reviews of case-studies. Other topics include: data analysis methods, data mining processes, descriptive modeling, and predictive modeling for business decision-making.CS 421 بناء المترجمات
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS 320
The course is designed to cover the basic techniques that underlie the practice of Compiler Construction. Examination of the theory and tools involved includes: lexical analysis and parsing; syntax-directed translation; intermediate and machine code generation; optimization; and run- time organization.CS 425 ADVANCED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS 225
This course goes deeper into the ever-expanding realm of Software Engineering (SE). Following a brief review of SE fundamentals, these software areas are probed: qualities and principles; verification and validation processes; tools and environments; testing and maintenance; interactive technology; and project management.CS 427 تصميم الشبكات
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS 331
The course surveys an extensive range of topics relating to Network Design (ND). Items covered include: ND basic concepts, terminology and methodology; ND evaluation – characterizing the existing network, network traffic, and identifying customer needs; logical ND – designing network topology, models for naming addressing, selecting bridging, switching and routing protocols, developing network security and network management strategies; physical ND – selecting technologies and devices for campus networks, selecting technologies and devices for enterprise networks, testing optimizing and documenting the network design.CS 430 أنظمة التشغيل المتقدمة
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS 330
This course takes in-depth looks at advanced concepts in operating systems. Items under inspection include: management of concurrent processes; security and protection of computer systems; distributed file systems; and virtual memory. Ample opportunity is provided for hands- on experiments in programming concurrent applications.CS 431 EMERGING TOPICS IN NETWORK SECURITY
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS 391
This course gives opportunities to cover emerging security topics in different types of networks. Such networks include the Internet and its related network services such as Interne of Things (IoTs) and cloud services. Also, the security of Mobile networks (4G & beyond) and Wireless networks could be studied. Wireless networks whether infrastructure-based such as WLAN (IEEE802.11), WiMax (IEEE802.16) or infrastructure less networks such as Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) could be also considered. Moreover, security protocols of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) could be investigated, threats and hacking methodologies, recent security challenges and solutions will be discussed and critically analysed. Students are expected to gain practical experience and skills through the use of several security tools/simulators.CS 435 الانظمة الموزعة
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: CS 330, CS 331
The course provides an overview – definitions, evolutions, trends, applications – relevant to Distributed Systems (DS). Elements canvassed include: DS architectures; client-server systems; distributed data and object; transaction management; distributed operating systems; and DS algorithms and protocols.CS 437 مقدمة في الحوسبة المتوازية
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS 311
This is an introductory course on Parallel Computing – definitions, evolutions, applications, and issues. Items of interest are: models of parallel computers – parallel architectures, idealized parallel computer, and interconnection networks; basic Communications operations; performance and scalability of parallel systems; MPI/PVM standard; and parallel applications and programming.CS 439 محركات البحث واسترجاع المعلومات
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS 340
The course explores the basic and advanced techniques for extraction of information from search engines. Items of interest relating to information retrieval examined in the course include: web search engines; dictionaries and tolerant retrieval; indexing and invert indexing algorithms; index construction and compressions; handling imprecise matching, ranking and relevance; and machine learning and numerical methods in information retrieval, classification, clustering, web search and challenges.CS 440 أنظمة إدارة قواعد البيانات: التصميم والتنفيذ
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS 340
The course presents an overview of database management systems. Subject areas discussed feature: logical data models - relational, hierarchical, network and object-oriented; architectures and components of relational database management systems.CS 447 بناء نظام التجارة الإلكترونية
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: SE 371
This course looks at building E-Commerce (EC) systems. After defining the nature of e-commerce systems, the following topics are investigated: EC systems architecture – technical and logistic requirements; user interactions – shopping cart model, handling orders and payments; deploying, marketing and managing e-shops; and security issues.CS 451 تخطيط موارد المشاريع
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: CS 340,
This course introduces the major techniques relating to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. ERP software systems provide comprehensive management of financial, manufacturing, sales, distribution and human resources across the enterprise. The course starts by showing how ERP systems provide the foundation for a wide range of e-commerce based processes including web-based ordering and order tracing, inventory management, and built-to-order goods. It explains how ERP systems work, and highlights their role. CS 451 is a useful course for business students interested in information systems management.CS 455 المعلوماتية الحيوية الحاسوبية
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS 311
This course presents an overview of important applications of computers to solve problems in biology. The aim of the course is to introduce CS students to modern computational practices in bioinformatics. Major topics covered are computational molecular biology (analysis of protein and nucleic acid sequences), biological modeling and simulation (including computer models of population dynamics, Bioinformatics databases, BLAST). The course concentrates on the algorithmic details of bioinformatics.CS 460 مقدمة حول الروبوتات
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: CS 210, Instructor consent
The objective of this course is to present the fundamental concepts to develop autonomous mobile robots. The course covers the basics of mobile robots control, kinematic theory, navigation, localization and perception. The course will consolidate the understanding of theoretical concepts through practical hands-on activities pertaining to robot programming and deployment. The aim of this course is to give PSU students, in computer science and engineering colleges, an opportunity to discover the world of robotics, and design and develop real robotic applications.CS 462 TOPICS IN MULTIMEDIA
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: SE 371
The course introduces techniques and applications relating to multimedia. The two major subject areas of focus are: 1) a study of the principles and practice in computer-enhanced multimedia, and 2) skills development for making multimedia products by incorporating graphics, animation, video, sound and text.CS 465 تعلم الآلة
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS311, , Instructor consent
This course covers the theory and practice of machine learning from a variety of perspectives. It explores topics such as learning decision trees, neural network learning, statistical learning methods, genetic algorithms, Bayesian learning methods, explanation-based learning, and reinforcement learning. Typical assignments include neural network learning for face recognition and decision tree learning from databases of credit records.CS 469 معالجة الصور الرقمية
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: CS 210, Instructor consent
The course deals with image processing and its applications. Students learn the fundamental concepts of visual perception and image acquisition, together with the basic techniques of image manipulation, segmentation and coding, and a preliminary understanding of pattern recognition and computer vision.CS 470 ADVANCED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS 370
The course delves deeper into Artificial Intelligence with the focus on knowledge-based systems and natural language processing.CS 471 التنقيب عن اليانات
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: STAT 101, CS 340
This course introduces Data Mining (DM). DM topics range from statistics to machine learning to database, with a focus on analysis of large data sets. The course requires students to apply data mining techniques in order to complete a project involving real data.CS 476 معالجة اللغة الطبيعية
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: CS 320, Instructor consent
The course is about natural language processing – representation, parsing, natural language generation, and the interaction between long-term knowledge and understanding with a focus on Arabic language processing.CS 478 ادارة المحتوى
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisites: CS 340, SE 371
This course examines the application of the principles of information retrieval and information architecture to the design of websites and intranets. Topics discussed include: emerging role of the web content manager; organizing information for retrieval; usability design in websites; project management; conceptual design in web site development; and accessibility issues.CS 483 تعريب الحاسوب
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: Instructor consent
The course explores the use of Arabic in Computer Science in the areas of layout, characters shapes and processing, Arabic code pages, Arabic language structure and features.CS 489 موضوعات مختارة في علم الحاسوب
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: Instructor consent
This course covers topics in the computer science discipline not covered by other CS courses. Students are encouraged to propose topics for this course.CS 492 التعليم التعاوني
Credits: 10 Prerequisite: Department consent
The Co-Op is a career related professional program available to all Computer Science students. It is designed to help students build on skills already learned in the classroom and acquire new ones as well. Co-Op education is available to CCIS students who have accumulated the requisite number or more credits. The Co-Op option counts for 10 credit hours (CRs) for practical onsite experience over a 7 month period, i.e. spanning one semester and a summer.CS 493 CYBERSECURITY CAPSTONE PROJECT
Credits: 3(1,0,3). Prerequisite: Department approval
This course allows the student to practice on what they have learned during previous security courses. Student will be able to design and build a security system, to tackle a cybersecurity problem in an existing system. The course gives the student an opportunity to work with an organization to assess possible risks and study its security needs based on its organizational objectives and business requirements. Alternatively, a student can cooperate with sponsors or be part of a research group.CS 494 INDUSTRY LINK
Credits: 3 Prerequisite: Department consent
This is an elective course that follows a pre-planned program administered by the university/ department. It involves spending a specified period of time in several local – and possibly outside – computing institutions and companies and/or enrolling in their orientation programs.CS 495 الموضوعات الناشئة في علم الحاسوب
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: Instructor consent
This course covers topics in the computer science discipline that recently gained innovative attention in Computer Science. Students are encouraged to propose topics for this course.ETHC 303 الجانب الأخلاقي والاجتماعي للحوسبة
Credits: 3(3,0,0) Prerequisite: Junior level
The course concentrates on the theory and practice of computer and information ethics. It covers the basics of ethical decision-making, and emphasizes group work and presentations. Topics studied in the course include risk and reliability, privacy, info-war, crime, access, business ethics, copyright, patents, and more.CS 499 مشروع الحوسبة
Credits: 3(3,0,0) Prerequisite: Senior level + Department consent
Provides students, working in groups, with a significant project experience in which they can integrate much of the material they have learned in their program. Students will develop a significant software system, employing knowledge gained from courses throughout the program.CYS 401 أساسيات الأمن السيبراني
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: Junior Level
Fundamentals of Cybersecurity was designed to help students develop a deeper understanding of modern information and system protection technology and methods. This course is designed to provide an overview and understanding of established cyber security strategy as well as provide students with the opportunity to engage in strategic decision making in the context of cyber security.CYS 402 تطوير البرامج الآمنة
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CYS401
This course covers the concepts of software assurance and the fundamentals of the secure software lifecycle as it relates to software development. The course will discuss the secure software development lifecycle phase by phase establishing and discussing best practices in these phases. Students will experience the secure software lifecycle process by developing concrete artifacts and practicing in a lab environment.CYS 403 إدارة المخاطر الأمنية والحوكمة والرقابة
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CYS401
This course will focus on establishing the balance between business use and safeguard policies. It will concentrate on preparation of Security policies as well as implementing and assessing them based on business process. This course extends to focus on auditing, governance, internal controls, and standards contained within policy frameworks. It will look at processes to evaluate risks (Risk Assessment) based on current legislation, practices, and techniques.CYS 404 أمن النظم السيبرانية
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS331 and CYS401
This course provides an introduction to security issues relating to various cyber-physical. The goal is to expose students to fundamental security primitives specific to cyber-physical systems and to apply them to a broad range of current and future security challenges. Students will work with various tools and techniques used by hackers to compromise computer systems, smart technologies, IoT devices, embedded systems or otherwise interfere with normal operations. This course will offer insights from cutting edge applied research about the strategies and techniques that can be implemented to protect against cyber-attacks.CYS 405 اختبار الاختراق والقرصنة الأخلاقية
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS331 and CYS401
This course covers the study of techniques used by hackers to break into an organization. It gives students the necessary tools to have a hacker mind-set in order to protect network against future attacks. It gives an introduction to the principles and techniques associated with cybersecurity practice known as penetration testing or ethical hacking. This course illustrates the differences between ethical and unethical penetration testing, describes and explains the phases of a penetration test including planning, reconnaissance, scanning, exploitation, post-exploitation, and result reporting. Students will be able to apply different tools and methods to conduct penetration tests for the purpose of discovering how system vulnerabilities can be exploited and learn to avoid such problems.DMS 310 مقدمة في التصميم المرئي
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: Junior Level
This course introduces visual design through formal studies. This course covers understanding of elements and principles of design, typography, composition and branding. Students are able to produce designs such as posters, brochures, branding and package design.DMS 322 أسس الوسائط الرقمية التفاعلية
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: Junior Level
The course covers fundamental of digital media elements such as text, graphics, sound, video and animation. Students will be involved in planning, designing and producing interactive digital media projects in this course. Students will learn various types of digital media authoring tools that can be used in the development of digital media application. This course offers the opportunity for students to develop their design and development skills in digital media areas.DMS 327 التصميم الثلاثي الابعاد
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: Senior Level
This course offers students an introduction to the 3D design and modeling. The course covers related techniques needed to create 3D objects and scenes from modeling to rendering, including modeling with primitives and polygons, texturing, lighting and animation. Students will produce contents related to basic 3D objects and animation.DMS 332 الوسائط المتعددة القائمة على الشبكة
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: CS 331
This course introduces the principles of designing multimedia applications then explores recent technology advances to support multimedia application over networks. Major topics include multimedia compression, protocols and standards for audio/video streaming, VoIP, and the quality of service techniques. It discusses the real time protocols such RTP and addresses the challenges of media streaming over wireless network and security issues.DMS 351 مبادئ الرسوم المتحركة
Credits: 3 (3,0,1) Prerequisite: Junior Level
This course covers the basic concepts of animation, principles of animation and animation production process. This course also exposes students to a variety of animation techniques. Students will create short animation productions both in traditional (cel animation, rotoscoping, clay and stop-motion animation) and 2D computer generated animation with correct sketching, storyboarding, key framing, character design, background layouts, timing and sound effects.DMS 401 أدوات وتقنيات ترخيص وسائل الإعلام
Credits: 3 (3,0,1) Prerequisite: DMS 322
This course introduces the principles, concepts and terminology of digital media authoring systems. The underlying development engines are described and how these systems work are explained. The most current digital media authoring tools and technologies are surveyed and critically assessed. With the above background in place, students are given the opportunity to use these tools and technologies to author complex multimedia content related to real life applications with an emphasis on creativity, design and team work.DMS 426 تطوير اللعبة
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: Senior Level
This course emphasis on the theoretical and practical foundations of game development. Students will learn the art of designing a game concept and documentation, developing the game prototype and testing the game ideas. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to apply game design and development techniques to bring a game from design through production to playable experience. Topics covered include: history of digital games, game design and development methodologies, game engines and tools.DMS 471 بناء تطبيقات الويب
Credits: 3(3,0,1) Prerequisite: SE 371
This course makes a transition from traditional GUI IDEs to entirely programmatic environment using a framework such as FLEX/MXML and an ECMA script-compliant scripting language. The course makes use of Communications protocols to transfer serialized data and objects to enhance the speed of Communications between Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) and server. The course helps students learn how to use programming methodologies such as interfaces to create layers of abstraction and design patterns – e.g. MVC, Observer or Singleton to deal with common requirements for web-based, interactive media applications. The end point of the course is for students to design sophisticated RIAs.DMS 495 الموضوعات الناشئة في الإعلام الرقمي