Below is a list of our lab members:

Prof. Dina El-Dakhs
Dr. Dina A.S. El-Dakhs is a Full Professor at the Linguistics and Translation Department of the College of Humanities and Sciences, Prince Sultan University. She is also the Chair of the Linguistics and Translation Department and the Leader of the Applied Language and Communication Research Lab (LCRL). She has extensive teaching and coordination experience in English language teaching and Applied Linguistics programs. Her research interests are Psycholinguistics, Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis and Language Learning. She has several publications in flagship journals.
Prof. Hind AlOtaibi
Dr. Hind AlOtaibi is a Full Professor at the Translation department of the College of Language and Translation, King Saud University. She has a Ph.D. in Education in Computer-Assisted Language Learning from The University of Manchester. Her research interests include ICT in Education, distance learning, Mobile- Assisted Learning and Computer Applications in Translation. Dr. AlOtaibi is a member of several research groups and labs: iWAN and Tech-Unity research groups at KSU, LCRL, and Digital Humanities at PSU. Dr. AlOtaibi is currently working on developing several educational applications for language and translation students.
Dr. Ivana Roncevic
Dr. Ivana Roncevic is Assistant Professor at the Linguistics and Translation Department of the College of Humanities, Prince Sultan University. She is a native of Croatia, where she received her M.Ed. in English and German language, and a Ph.D. in Linguistics. She also holds a specialist MA in Conference Interpreting. Her research interests are in the field of sociolinguistics, multilingualism, critical literacy, and discourse analysis.
Dr. Alia Mitchell
Dr. Connie Mitchell, PFHEA currently holds two positions at Prince Sultan University: Vice Dean of the College of Humanities and Sciences and Director of the Teaching and Learning Center. She is also a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA). Dr. Mitchell has 22+ years of teaching experience in the United States and in the Middle East and has taught English as a Second or Foreign Language courses, TEFL courses, and Linguistic courses. She is a reviewer for NCAAA, TESOL/CAEP, and SAQF. Her research interest lies in professional development and quality assurance in higher education, program assessment, accreditation, linguistics, TESOL, TEFL, teacher training, and formative/summative assessment styles.
Dr. Suhad Sonbul
Suhad Sonbul is an Associate Professor in the English Language Centre at Umm Al-Qura University. She holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics from Nottingham University, UK. She has published in several international journals including Language Learning and Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. Her research interests include vocabulary teaching/learning and psycholinguistic measures.
Dr. Burhanettin Ozdemir
Dr. Burhanettin Ozdemir currently works as an Assistant Professor at the Math and Sciences Department and he is the Director of the Center for Statistics and Information Center (CSI). He received his Ph.D. degree from Hacettepe University, Ankara, Department of Educational Measurement and Evaluation in 2015. He worked as visiting scholar at the University of İllinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, during the 2014-2015 academic year. He worked as a psychometrician in National Centre for Assessment (NCA, Qiyas) from 2017 till 2019. He specialized in multidimensional computerized adaptive testing (MCAT) methods. His specific research interests include adaptive testing (unidimensional and multidimensional computerized adaptive testing), language testing, multistage adaptive testing, gender bias, item response theory models (IRT), structural equating modeling (SEM), multilevel modeling, multivariate statistics, test equating, and DIF (differential item functioning). Burcin Kagan Mustafa
In 2017 Burcin was granted an unconditional pass for his PhD, which focused on the way beliefs affect translation. Burcin has since published articles on the impact of narratives and beliefs on translations, and on the way the cognitive system influences the formulation of meaning. He has taught courses related to Translation Theory, Translation Technology and Translation Research Methods. He currently is an Assistant Professor at Prince Sultan University where he teaches academic writing and is undertaking research on the ethics of translation..
Dr. Fadhah Alanezi
Dr. Fadhah Alanazi is an assistant professor at the Math and Sciences Department of the College of Humanities and Sciences, Prince Sultan University. She has a PhD in Statistical Models and Operational Research from the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. Dr. Alanazi research interests are constructing new (Mixture) Regular Vine Copula Models, and developing new statistical models to predict and truncate complex multivariate models for high-dimensional data.
Dr. Norah Almusharraf
Dr. Norah Mansour Almusharraf is an Associate Professor in the Applied Linguistics Department, College of Humanities and Sciences, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She holds a Ph.D. in Foreign and Second language Education from the University at Buffalo. Her professional and research interests focus on English as a foreign language (EFL) learning pedagogics, inquiry-based teaching and learning, project-based learning and content-based instruction, cultural magnitudes of foreign/second language teaching and learning classroom, multimodal assessment and teaching strategies, technology implantation in the EFL English classrooms, teacher professional development using class critique and through professional learning community (PLC), qualitative research methods: dialogic classroom discourse & comparative case studies, and computing implementations in statistical research.
Dr. Muhammad Younas
Dr. Muhammad Younas received the Ph.D. degree in higher education from Soochow University, China. He is currently a research fellow with the Language and Communication Research Lab, Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia. Previously, he worked as a research fellow in the School of Educational Technology, Beijing Normal university. He has published academic articles in various SSCI and Scopus-indexed journals related to language teacher education and technological teaching/learning. His research interests include artificial intelligence in education, language teacher education, CALL, e-learning in higher education, technology-enhanced learning, MALL, and virtual learning environment (VLE). He received Jiangsu Province Outstanding International Researcher Award from Soochow University.
Ms. Fatima Ambreen
Ms. Fatima Ambreen is a lecturer under the College of Humanities and Sciences, Prince Sultan University. She is also an event coordinator of Applied Linguistics Research Lab (ALLAB). She has extensive teaching and coordination experience in English language teaching. Her research interests are Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, and Language Teaching and Learning. Has conducted language workshops under the banner of ALLAB in different schools.
Ms. Fouzia Amroun
Ms Fouzia Phyllis Amroun is an English Language Instructor/Lecturer in the College of Humanities and Sciences, Prince Sultan University. She has contributed to the ALLAB as an event coordinator.She has over 18 years of teaching English to speakers of other languages and has supervised English Language teachers in professional development. Her research interests cover intercultural competence in education, pragmatics, discourse analysis and language learning. She has publications in flagship journals. research assistants

Ms. Jawaher Alhaqbani
Jawaher Nasser AlHaqbani is the Senior research assistant of Applied Linguistics Research Lab, College of Humanities, Prince Sultan University. She has teaching experience in English language courses and coordination experience in academic accreditation. She is also a SAQF reviewer. She has several papers published in well-known journals. Her research interests are MALL, Pragmatics, Language Teaching and Learning and Discourse Analysis.
Afrah Alenezi
Afrah Alenezi is a research assistant of Applied Linguistics Research Lab, College of Humanities and Sciences, Prince Sultan University. She holds Master's degree in Translation from Al-Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, KSA. She has experience in teaching English language courses and translation experience with different academic institutes. Her research interests include translation theories, media translation, error analysis, and stylistics.>