Events and News

workshop entitled Professional Development Policy
The Compliance, Legal and Policies Office (CLPO) at Prince Sultan University, organized a workshop entitled Professional Development Policy, it was held on 2/3/2025. The workshop aimed at increasing awareness of the policy. Dr. Shabir Hussain, the presenter spoke about the role of the Teaching and Learning Center in developing this policy. He also gave a definition about professional development and the evolutionary path of the professional development policy. He explained to the attendees how to use the Faculty Portal. He also spoke about the main reasons behind updating the policy and the significance of professional development policy. Policies evolve constantly to respond to the present and future needs and they are updated at a regular basis. The presenter explained the policy and the calculation of professional development activities in the faculty evaluation and also mentioned that the policy will be implemented next academic year. He also spoke about the misconceptions of this policy. The workshop was very useful for both faculty members and department heads. Dr. Shabir received a number of questions from the attendees, which he answered to clarify the policy.