The smart systems engineering laboratory will hold a workshop for students on soldering/de-soldering electronic components. The workshop will cover the fundamental techniques, safety precautions, and troubleshooting methods of soldering. Use...
Jubilation Office @PSU provides mental health support for all its employees
The Smart Systems Engineering Laboratory (SSEL) in the Electrical Engineering Program at Prince Sultan University is organizing a scientific workshop on artificial intelligence in medical imaging and assistive devices. The...
On 19th May 2024, the Alumni Talk, organized by Mr. Sivakumar Selvam from the Electrical Engineering Program, empowered graduates with valuable career advice Eng. Abdulelah Alyemeni, from SAMI Advanced Electronics...
The smart systems engineering laboratory will hold a workshop for students on soldering/de-soldering electronic components. The workshop will cover the fundamental techniques, safety precautions, and troubleshooting methods of soldering. Use...
The Smart Systems Engineering Laboratory (SSEL) in the Electrical Engineering Program at Prince Sultan University is organizing a scientific workshop on artificial intelligence in medical imaging and assistive devices. The...
On 19th May 2024, the Alumni Talk, organized by Mr. Sivakumar Selvam from the Electrical Engineering Program, empowered graduates with valuable career advice Eng. Abdulelah Alyemeni, from SAMI Advanced Electronics...
The smart systems engineering laboratory will hold a workshop for students on soldering/de-soldering electronic components. The workshop will cover the fundamental techniques, safety precautions, and troubleshooting methods of soldering. Use...
Event details
Jubilation Office @PSU provides mental health support for all its employees
Mental Health Awareness Day
Find you balance: Live more, Stress less
Speaker: Ms. Huda AlMedayfir
Certified NLP Practicioner Coach
Certified Associate Leadership
Certified Organizational Development Coach Therapist