Transportation and Highway Engineering Laboratory
The Transportation and Highway Engineering Laboratory ( is a teaching and research laboratory equipped to conduct standard tests for asphalt pavement design and paving materials for undergraduate teaching, as well as advanced research oriented experiments for assessing the engineering properties and behaviors of new paving materials It is also well equipped to support research activities in the areas of transportation and highway engineering
International safety and security standards are applied in the Transportation and Highway Engineering Laboratory to ensure the safety and security of our students For more information in this regard, please check our Safety Manual
The main objective of the Transportation and highway engineering laboratory is to provide a platform for the undergraduate students for practical implementation of Transportation Engineering projects Also to provide the essential support for the faculty member to perform a qualified scientific research in areas of transportation and highway engineering So that the laboratory was equipped with various facilities Those can be classified into two main categories
Testing & Equipment
The Transportation and highway Engineering laboratory have standard in situ and laboratory testing equipment, and has the capabilities to carry out the following tests
Tests for Subgrade Material :
- Sieve Analysis Test
- Hydrometer Test
- Fall cone Penetration Test
- Specific Gravity Test
- Atterberg Limits Test
- Water Content Test
- Standard Proctor Compaction Tests
- Modified Proctor Compaction Tests
- California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Tests
- Field Sand Cone Test
- Standard Consolidation Test
- Uniaxial Swelling Test
- Free Swelling Test
- Triaxial Tests
- Laboratory Vane Test
- Unconfined Compression Test
- Direct Shear Test
Tests for Aggregate Materials
- Gradation/Sieve Analysis
- Specific Gravity Test
- Water Absorption
- Unit Weight
- Los Angeles Abrasion
- Standard Procter & Modified Procter
- Field Determination of Dry Density
Tests for Bituminous Materials
- Penetration Test
- Ductility Test
- Specific Gravity
- Kinematics Viscosity (for Bitumen) (for Liquid Asphalt)
- Bitumen Content Determination
- Job Mix Design
- Marshall Stability
Numerical Analysis Software
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Software
The Laboratory is principally an educational facility that aims at qualifying civil engineers in the Transportation and Highway Engineering field The Laboratory provides artificial intelligence software to students of Prince Sultan University and also give the opportunity to the external M sc and Ph D students to use these software in their researches
- Picomixer STA (Smart Traffic Analyzer) 17 0 0 Artificial Intelligent (AI) Software
Supporting Facilities:
The Laboratory has its own supporting facilities comprising personal computers, and printers.
Educational and Research Activities
The college of engineering has well equipped the laboratory specialized in transportation and highway engineering areas with all modern equipment to cater to the requirements of students and faculty members for both the teaching and research activities
Course supported includes
- EM 477 Transportation System Management Research
Research Activities
The overall rate of high quality research output at PSU has increased dramatically throughout the period with an over 200 increase in total Scopus publications between 2012 and 2016 To facilitate this ongoing surge, Transportation Engineering Lab has been developed and upgrades with new equipment in 2019 Also, numerous research projects were approved and received institutional support in 2019 These research projects will start through the Highway Eng Lab in 2020
Training and Workshops:
The EM 477 Course content of the Transportation system management has been submitted to the project management institute ( to register the course in R E P In 2019 PMI Accredited the offered EM 477 course and now our students can reward with a certificate from PMI, if he achieved a high grade by the end of the semester

Lab. Coordinator
Dr. Mohamed Ezzat | B.Sc. (Hons), M.Sc., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering
Engineering Management Department
College of Engineering
Prince Sultan University
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Phone: +966 11 494 8292| Mobile:+966 506362379