Lab Leaders

Dr. Norah Almusharraf
ERL Leader, Vice Dean, the Deanship of Admissions and Registration (DAR), Associate Professor, Linguistics and Translation Department, Research Director, College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) at PSU. Fields of Interest: English as a foreign language (EFL) learning pedagogics, inquiry-based teaching and learning, project-based learning and content-based instruction, cultural magnitudes of foreign/second language teaching and learning classroom, multimodal assessment and teaching strategies, technology implantation in the EFL English classrooms, teacher professional development using class critique and through professional learning community (PLC).
T: +966 (11) 494 8600
Dr. Alia Mitchell
ERL Co-Leader, Vice Dean, the Deanship of Quality Assurance and Development (DQAD), Assistant Professor, the Linguistics and Translation department (LTD), Director of Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), Linguistics and Translation Department, College of Humanities and Sciences. Fields of Interest: Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Assessment, Language Learning and Teaching, Discourse Analysis, Professional Communication.
T: +966 (11) 494 8819
Prof. Mohammad Nurunnabi
ERL Co-Leader, Full Professor, Aide To The President of Research, Ranking and Internationalization, Chair Accounting Department, College of Business and Administration.
T:+966 (11) 494 8130 Collaborators

Prof. Janina Brutt-Griffler
ERL Collaborator, Associate Dean, Associate Dean of International Education and Language Programs Director, Center for Comparative and Global Studies in Education
Fields of Research Interest: English Education; International Education; Educational Policy; Linguistic, Discourse, and Sociocultural Context; Sociolinguistics; Qualitative Research Methods; Research Design; Research Methods
Dr. Daniel Bailey
ERL Collaborator, Assistant Professor, English Language and Culture, Konkuk University, South Korea
Fields of Research Interest: New design methods, technology possibilities, technology-rich curriculum development, computer mediated communication, computer-assisted language learning, and motivation psychology
Dr. Joseph Engemann
ERL Collaborator, Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of Education, State University of New York, Buffalo, USA
Fields of Research Interest: New design methods, technology possibilities, technology-rich curriculum development, computer mediated communication, computer-assisted language learning, and motivation psychology.
engemann@buffalo.eduLab Members

Prof. Hala Dalbani
ERL Member, Full Professor, Academic Advising Coordinator for College of Humanities & Sciences (CHS), College of Humanities & Sciences.
Fields of Research Interest: Foreign language teaching/learning, E-learning, Blended learning, Curriculum design, and Quality assurance in Higher Education.
T:+966 (11) 494 8203
Dr. Safaa Eissa
ERL Member, Associate Professor, Director of Academic Advising Center, College of Humanities & Sciences
Fields of Research Interest: Language Learning & Teaching, Vocabulary & Formulaic Language Studies
Tel: +966 (11) 494 8262
Dr. Amal Sharaf
RL Member, Assistant Professor, Co-Chair of the General Studies Department, College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS). Fields of Interest: Islamic educational ethics.
Tel: +966 (11) 494 8330
Dr. Shaista Rashid
ERL Member, Assistant Professor, College of Humanities & Sciences
Fields of Research Interest: Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL), Digital social support, Learner Training.
Tel: +966 (11) 494 8248
Dr. Enas Al-Zahrani
ERL Member, Assistant Professor, College of Law.
Tel: +966 (11) 494 8860
Dr. Hala Sirror
ERL Member, Assistant Professor, Associate Chair of the Architecture Department, College of Engineering
Fields of Research Interest: Sustainability, Architectural Education, Construction Management.
Tel: +966 (11) 494 8188
Dr. Walaa Metwally
ERL Member, Assistant Professor, Associate Director of Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), College of Engineering
Fields of Research Interest: Architectural, Sustainability, Landscape Design, Urban Design, and Teaching and Learning.
Tel: +966 (11) 494 8965
Dr. Asma Al-Musharraf
ERL Member, Assistant Professor, College of Languages and Translation, Al-imam Muhammad Ibn Islamic Saud University
Fields of Research Interest: Language Acquisition, Language learning & teaching

Dr. Badr Alhussein
Assistant Professor, Prince Sultan University, Training and Development Consultant at King Abdulaziz Center for National Dialogue, Riyadh.

Mr. Shabir Hussain
Associate Director of Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), Assistant Professor, the College of Engineering (CE) at PSU. Fields of Interest: Decision Making, Multi-Attribute Assessment, Assurance of Learning, Effective Teaching Methods in Engineering.
Tel: +966 (11) 494 8053
Dr. Faten Alarjani
ERL Member, Assistant Professor, the College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) at PSU.
Tel: +966 (11) 494 8933
Dr. Muhammad Imran
ERL member, Postdoc Researchers, Linguistics and Translation, College og Humanities and Sciences.
Fields of Research Interest:
Tel: +966 (11) 494 8147
Dr. Claire Alkouatli
ERL Member, Assistant Professor, the College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) at PSU.
Tel: +966 (11) 494 8375
Ms. Roohi Jan
RL Member, Lecturer, Director of Quality Assurance Center, College of Computer and Information Science (CCIS) at PSU. Field of Interest: Education Data Mining, Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Teaching Pedagogies in the field of Computer Science and Assessment.
Tel: +966 (11) 494 8155
Ms. Dima AlSheikh
ERL Member, Lecturer, Preparatory Year Program (PYP) at PSU. Field of Interest: E-learning, gamification, Language Learning and Teaching.
Tel: +966 (11) 494 8241 Assistants

Ms. Maha Aljasser
ERL Member, Senior Research Assistant, the Linguistics and Translation Department (LTD), the College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) at PSU. Fields of Interest: Education policy, Assessment, E-learning, gamification, Language Learning and Teaching, Literature Pedagogy, Literary Criticism, Discourse Analysis, and English as a foreign language (EFL).
Tel:+966 (11) 494 8147
Ms. Shahad Alomayrini
ERL Member, Research Engineer, the College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) at PSU. Fields of Interest: Sociolinguistics, Phonology, Contrastive linguistics, Legal translation, Audiovisual translation, Translation studies, Language acquisition, and Language learning and teaching.
Tel:+966 (11) 494 8147
Ms. Shouq Alrashed
Administrative Assistant, the Educational Research Lab (ERL), the College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) at PSU.
Tel:+966 (11) 494 8147