With the participation of distinguished international speakers. The College of Computer and Information Sciences at Prince Sultan University is organizing the 8th edition of CDMA2025, with the aim of enhancing...
Numerical solutions to some families of fractional order differential equations by laguerre polynomials
Event details
Numerical solutions to some families of fractional order differential equations by laguerre polynomials
The College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) invites you to attend the 4th
Research Seminar, Entitled:
" Numerical solutions to some families of fractional order differential equations by laguerre polynomials"
Presented by Kamal Shah
Senior Researcher in the Mathematics and Sciences Department
Prince Sultan University, KSA.
When: Wednesday 5th October.
@ 12.00 - 1.00 PM
Where: Via Google Meet
How: meet.google.com/uxi-eprn-