7th International Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference

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6th International Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference

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AI&GameDev Showcase

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Prince Sultan University Translation Award for Faculty - A.Y. 2021-2022


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Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA)

Cybersecurity Palo Alto Academy

Women in Data Science (WiDS)

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The Launching of Security Engineering Lab

IEEE Student Branch Elections 2022

The IEEE Student Branch at Prince Sultan University held its annual elections on Monday 21 March 2022. As required by the IEEE Student branch charter, all the student branches under the IEEE Organizing Units (OU) need to hold elections to elect student chairs for the branch. The elected team officers hold the position for one year. The Prince Sultan University Student Branch (STB03931) has seven chairs (officer) positions to organize various events and activities. These include Student Chair, Program Chair, and membership chair, one position for each of the male and female campuses. In addition, a publicity chair is also elected. 

The 2022-2023 student chairs are Mohammad Ouf and Reem Alballaa. The membership chairs are Serry Sibaee and Sara Algadi. The program chairs are Abdullah Daban and Sarah Alshagawi. The publicity chair is Ibrahim Khurfan. Congratulations to the newly elected branch officers.

The outgoing chairs for 2021-2022: 

Male Campus:

Naif Al-firm, Noureddin Farahat, and Talal Bafarat were honored by Dr. Mohamed Al-Kanhal, Dean of College of Computer & Information Sciences, and Dr. Basit Qureshi, Chair CS Department, and IEEE Branch Counselor, for their leadership and contributions to the IEEE student branch. 

Female Campus:

Rida Khan, Salma Barakat, and Ghadi Alghamdi were honored by Dr. Heba Khoshaim, Vice President of Female campus, Dr. Sofianiza Abdmalik, Vice chair CS Department, and Dr. Anees Ara, IEEE female campus advisor, for their contributions and accomplishments to the IEEE student branch

 More details about the IEEE Student Branch and its activities can be found on the website

Following is a selection of a few words from the branch officers regarding their role in organizing IEEE Student branch activities during 2021-2022.

Naif Alfirm - Student Branch Chair: “It was an honor to serve as the IEEE Student Chair under Dr. Basit and along side my teammates, being able to give back to the University through IEEE was a great thing, I want to thank Dr. Basit for always supporting us throughout our term as IEEE chairs”.

Noureddin Farahat: “It has been my privilege to serve as IEEE program chair alongside the team. It has been an incredible experience working in IEEE, and that’s all because of the team. I was able to improve my skills and help our college's students. I wish all the best for the new IEEE team”.

Talal Bafarat - Membership Chair: “It was an absolute pleasure serving as an SB chair alongside the supervisors and my colleagues. IEEE has always been one of the best performing clubs in PSU, as it's a hub for some of the most talented and hard-working CCIS Faculty & students. I learned a lot from this experience and I'm very optimistic about our new chairs”.

Salma Barakat: “It was an honor to be a part of the IEEE Student Branch at PSU and work with everybody. Thank you, faculty supervisors, and the rest of my colleagues, for your continuous support and encouragement. I was able to strengthen my soft skills, broaden my social network, and learn more about technology as a membership chair. I wish the best experience for our upcoming chairs and wish all my colleagues success in the future!”

Ghadi AlGhamdi: “There is no word that can be enough to explain my feeling about it. Working in IEEE especially in the female section with Dr. Anees is an awesome experience. We learn a lot from you. And taking inspiration from you. Proud for being one of your students and IEEE supervisors. I would like to thank you and Dr. Basit for my experience and the great opportunity that I had in the IEEE branch and I want to thank my colleagues' chairs for their big achievements in the club”. 

Rida Khan: “Being the Student Chair for the IEEE Student chapter was an absolutely delightful experience for me. This opportunity allowed me to firstly connect with and work with a brilliant team and moreover enabled me to learn more about my major. I believe the peak of my time with IEEE was surely preparing for the programming jams and seeing my fellow students develop greatly in the tech field.”