UNESCO – Futures of Education
Our Partnership
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Become a part of this global initiative! UNESCO has launched a global debate on the futures of education – and a conversation how knowledge and learning can shape the future of humanity and the planet.
Your answers will help UNESCO and the International Commission on the Futures of Education identify priorities and help people create the futures they want.
UNESCO-GEPN Stakeholders’ Consultation
Title: Women in Education and Employment in Saudi Arabia
Date: 7 September 2020, Monday
Time: 2:00 P.M. (GMT+3)
Moderator: Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi, Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85357452547?pwd=QlVJVmw4QkNxTE5JOHByM09YRzZydz09
ID: 853 5745 2547
Password: 571289
Title: COVID-19 and Future of Education
Date: To be announced
Time: To be announced
Panellist: To be announced
Moderator: To be announced
Zoom Link: To be Announced
Title: Sustainability in Education
Date: To be announced
Time: To be announced
Panellist: To be announced
Moderator: To be announced
Zoom Link: To be Announced
Contact Us
Global Education Policy Network (GEPN)
Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi SFHEA, FRSA, FAIA(Acad), CMA, CMBEPrince Sultan University
P. O. Box – 66833
Rafha Street, Riyadh 11586
Saudi Arabia
E-mail: mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
Tel: +966 55 009 6835