Dear PSU Affiliates,

It is of great pleasure for the Institutional Communication Management (ICM) to support any and all events held at the university through providing the following services:

ICM Services

  1. Welcoming Guests
  2. Orientation Tours
  3. Hospitality (Coffee, Tea, Water)
  4. Text Messages
  5. Transportation for University Trips
  6. Announcements via Email
  7. Photography
  8. Videography
  9. Presents & Printed Material
  10. Graphic Design
  11. Social Media Publishing
  12. Display Screen Publishing
  13. Taif Aljameaa Magazine
  14. Technological Support for Events
  15. Virtual Event Platform
  16. Prince Sultan University Website

Policy & Regulations when requesting services

Requesting within Working Hours: (8:00AM-3:00PM)

  • Requests should be made by your department’s coordinator.
  • Requests should be made at least 3 DAYS prior to the event date.
  • Attach letters of approval from concerned entities.
  • Prior reservation of venue through Venue Reservation System.
  • If Hospitality is requested, please attach an available budget in that regard.

Requesting Outside of Working Hours: (3:00PM-8:00AM)

  • Requests should be made by your department’s coordinator.
  • Request should be made at least 7 DAYS prior to the event date.
  • Attach letters of approval from concerned entities.
  • Prior reservation of venue through Venue Reservation System.
  • If Hospitality, Presents, or Printable Materials are requested, please attach an available budget in that regard.

PSU’s Grand Events

  • Requests should be made by your department’s coordinator.
  • Request should be made at least TWO WEEKS prior to the event date.
  • Attach letters of approval from concerned entities.
  • Prior reservation of venue through Venue Reservation System.
  • If Hospitality, Presents, or Printable Materials are requested, please attach an available budget in that regard.
  • If Technological Support is requested, please attach an available budget in that regard.

Supported Venues

Small Auditorium 101 Lectures & Workshops 100 Available Reservation System
Main Auditorium 101 Conferences & Seminars 400 In Maintenance -
Prince Sultan Hall 101 Workshops 50 Reserved
Room 315 102 Workshops 50 Reserved -
Lobby 102 Public Events 500 Available Reservation System
Lobby 104 Public Events 700 Available Reservation System
Main Hall 104 Meetings & Workshops 20 Available
Main Hall 105 Meetings & Workshops 20 Available
Stage 1CO 105 Conferences & Seminars 345 Reserved -
Stage 2CO 105 Conferences & Seminars 366 Reserved -
Exterior Auditorium 105 Public Events 2000 Available
Courtroom 106 Lectures & Workshops 87 Available Reservation System

Important Notice

  • Services will NOT be provided if the above conditions are NOT met.
  • When requested by ICM, applications should be filled with further details regarding your event.
  • Any communication with ICM should be through your department’s coordinator only.
  • Venue Reservations are open to the public.
  • Technological support will only be conducted on ICM supported venues.

Your voice matters

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