The Rise of Translation Technology and Its Historical and Continued Symbiotic Relationship to the Pursuit of Ideological Power.Speaker: Dr. Burcin Mustafa, Faculty, LTD.
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The Rise of Translation Technology and Its Historical and Continued Symbiotic Relationship to the Pursuit of Ideological Power.Speaker: Dr. Burcin Mustafa, Faculty, LTD.
Unveiling Excellence: Optimizing Professional Development for Saudi EFL Instructors.Speaker: Dr. Abdulaziz M. A. Althehwi, Assistant Professor at King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences.
The Applied Linguistics Research Lab (ALLAB) cordially invites you to its research webinar.
How to apply for the Prince Sultan University Book Translation and Authoring Grants?Presented by: Prof. Hadeer Abouelnagah, Director of the Translation and Authoring Center.
The Writing and Tutoring Center (WTC) at Prince Sultan University (PSU) is pleased to announce the launch of our latest courses to enhance your design skills, English language, and communication...