Research & Initiatives Center RIC

RIC is designed to encourage, nurture and inspire research activities that will merit recognition of PSU among the top universities in the Middle East.
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PSU Research Review
PSU Research Review: An International Journal aims to cultivate and share knowledge and ideas about contemporary research. Drawing on a wide range of theoretical and methodological approaches, the journal produces a particularly rich stream of conceptual and applied research focused on practical developments in various fields.
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PSU Institutional Review Board IRB

All studies and experiments conducted in human participants first must obtain Prince Sultan University Institutional Review Board (PSU IRB) approval in order to protect participants' interests.
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PSU Research Statistics of 2023
The aim of the new research structure is to decentralize the research activities at PSU to the college level, and to reduce the duplication and overhead, and to ease the research activities process, and to identify PSU strength and set distinguished research themes driven by these strengths.
Journal Publications
Research Projects
Research Labs & Groups