
ONLINE - Events

ندوة بحثية لقسم الدراسات العامة

ندوة بحثية لقسم الدراسات العامة

قراءة أسلوبية في قصيدة حسان بن ثابت"هل المجد إلا السؤدد العود والندى"المتحدثة:د. فاطمة البراديأستاذ مساعد في قسم الدراسات العامة

LTD Seminar - A Talk on Current Approaches in Language Assessment

LTD Seminar - A Talk on Current Approaches in Language Assessment

Prof. Ari Huhta from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, will discuss current approaches in language assessment for supporting learning and teaching.Speaker: Prof. Ari Huhta

GSD Research Seminar - Effective Pedagogical Approaches

GSD Research Seminar - Effective Pedagogical Approaches

Dr. Claire Alkoutali will discuss how to animate humanity in more effective pedagogical approaches, integrating psychology into education.Speaker: Dr. Claire Alkoutali

LTD Research Seminar - Differential Emotional Expression in Autobiographical Narratives

LTD Research Seminar - Differential Emotional Expression in Autobiographical Narratives

Prof. Dina El-Dakhs, Chair of the Linguistics and Translation Department at PSU, presents research on emotional expression differences in bilingual autobiographical narratives.

5th News Story Competition - Award Ceremony

5th News Story Competition - Award Ceremony

The Language and Communication Research Lab (LCRL) cordially invites you to attend the award ceremony of the 5th News Story Competition.