The program is implemented in response to the directions of Chairman of Board of Trustees to diversify students training programs. The university Rector, Dr. Ahmed Alyamani, launched the fourteenth round of (Fullbridge) program. The program was joined by 30 male and female students from various majors. It was also attended by a number of university leaders. This program aims to help graduates bridge the gap between university education and work environment. It has been implemented years ago in response to the directions of Prince Abdulaziz bin Mohammed bin Ayyaf, Chairman of PSU’s Board of Trustees to diversify students training programs and implement the latest globally recognized programs and methods for enhancing students’ skills. (Fullbridge) participants are students who finished their graduation requirements from various academic departments, as (Fullbridge) falls within the coop programs carried out by the university in collaboration with large private and governmental institutions. The program is supervised by faculty members from prestigious and international universities like Harvard, Preston, MIT, Boston, and INSEAD. The program, that lasts for a month, is in line with the university’s vision of combining between the academic and the practical aspects, as it simulates real work environments. This enables the students to experience work environment within (Fullbridge) lab before experiencing it in companies in which they complete their coop training period. In essence, the program serves as a bridge between academic and work environments.