Green Celebrations @Jubilation Office
World Kindness Day 2022
-by Ms. Nora Almohaya and Mr. Bryan Morales, Jubilation Admin Ambassadors
On the occasion of World Kindness Day, Jubilation Office at Prince Sultan University and under the supervision of Dr. Jolly Sahni, Director of JO organized an initiative for all PSU faculty and admin highlighting the importance of kindness. We embraced and celebrated the World Kindness Day with a purpose to highlight the good deeds in the community focusing on the positive power of kindness and promote ‘’ Kind to self, Kind to other and kind to the environment’’.
World Kindness Day was inaugurated on 1998 by the World Kindness Day Movement and is celebrated every 13th of November. It is observed by many countries including Singapore, India, Italy, U.S., Canada, Australia and more. Many activities and initiatives are done during this day to highlight the importance of doing good in the community.
For more information please visit The World Kindness Movement Website.
E – Sprinkle of Kindness!
As the first initiative, the Jubilation office sent out the “7 Steps to Create a Culture of Kindness” to all PSU faculty and admin. These steps provides guidance on how to do kindness in our daily life and NEVER STOP doing it. For example, simple things like, sending an uplifting message to a friend or

family member or complimenting to Co-worker will definitely bring a smile their faces. In addition to sending out the steps, a Kindness Day Card was sent to all. This initiative reminds kindness to everyone by being sustainable and being green in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Kindness Grows!
Every act of kindness grows the spirit and strengthens the soul, by this quote our initiative’s goal & contribution to United Nations SDGs “Life on Land” helps us spread kindness throughout giving away some indoor plants to all faculty members & staff of
PSU. With the support of the PSU higher management & Jubilation Office Team Starring the Director Dr. Jolly Sahni, Mr. Bryan Morales, and Ms. Nora Almuhaya, the admin ambassadors and Ms. Bayan Alghamdi, Jubilation office coordinator almost 1000 plants were distributed to everyone, starting with the President Dr. Ahmed Yamani, Vice President Dr. Saad AlRwaita and Dr. Mohamad Almisher Aljebreen, and to all faculty and administrators at PSU. The plants remind them that “Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows”. With the note of being sustainable and making Saudi green, the faculty and admins were pleased and through this it made their smile grow throughout the day. In addition on the female side the jubilation office female team starring the director of jubilation office Dr. Jolly Sahni & her team Ms. Nora Almuhaya” admin ambassador” , Ms. Bayan Alghamdi “Jubilation coordinator” presented plants to the Vice President of woman’s campus Dr. Heba Khoshaim and all the female employees in Prince Sultan University. Employees were very delighted and thanked the jubilation office for this green initiative. All of the PSU community including the departments and centers were extremely satisfied, elated, and over joyed with this green initiative.
Better Food Better Mood:
With this initiative the jubilation office with the help of the ICM provided a verity of food trucks on both sides male & female campus for faculty members & staff to enjoy. As JO believes that food can bring people together, food stalls and food trucks were invited to celebrate the day and to have other varieties of food to everyone such as burger Courner & coffee corner as well and ice cream bar.
The Jubilation team @Prince Sultan University is highly committed to enhance employees positivity and happiness at work. Celebrating these occasion and making our employees feel satisfied and joyful help us achieve our vision along with other initiatives which are organized throughout the year!