مخرجات الابحاث
Research Outputs
Research Outputs

PSU Researches

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Research involvement among undergraduate medical students in Bangladesh: a multicenter cross-sectional study

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2025-12-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Relationship between technology readiness, AI adoption and value creation in hospitality industry: Moderating role of technological turbulence

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2025-05-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Do political cooperations and regulations manage Africa's sustainable mineral policy?

Dr. Najia Saqib

2025-03-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

National culture and audit report lag: cross-country investigation

Dr. Imen Khelil

2025-02-04 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Business Strategy and Auditor Report Lag: Do Board Characteristics Matter? Evidence from an Emerging Market

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2025-02-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Anti-corruption reporting: a review empirical literature

Dr. Imen Khelil

2025-01-08 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Impact of competitive intelligence on firm sustainable competitiveness and performance: strategic design collaboration’s mediating role

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2025-01-02 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Auditor practices and auditee responses to corporate governance audit regulation in Nigeria

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2025-01-02 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Foreign exchange market herd behaviour: empirical study in ASEAN-5 countries

Dr. Priyanka A. Aggarwal

2025-01-02 paggarwal@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Foreign exchange market herd behaviour: empirical study in ASEAN-5 countries

Dr. Nevi Danila

2025-01-02 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effect of IFRS on foreign shareholdings and corporate investments in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2025-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does the business strategy matter? The mandatory regulation of corporate social responsibility and earnings quality relationship

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2025-01-01 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Green bonds and clean energy stocks: Safe havens against global uncertainties? A wavelet quantile-based examination

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2025-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Dual-Mandate Debate: What Do Central Banks Really Target?

Dr. Najib Khan

2025-01-01 nkhan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Perceptions of business graduates in Egypt on incorporating data analytics into the business curriculum

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2025-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The determinants of the relationship between auditor tenure and audit report lag: evidence from an emerging market

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2025-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

How Business-Like Operations Shape Student Union Values and Accountability: Accounts of Publicness and Privateness Discourse in Universities

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2025-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Remanufactured consumer goods buying intention in circular economy: Insight of value-belief-norm theory, self-identity theory

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2025-01-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Linking the Path to Zero Hunger: Analysing Sustainable Development Goals Within the Context of Global Sustainability

Dr. Jolly Sahni

2025-01-01 jsahni@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Does Trade Openness Mitigate Environmental Degradation in BRICS Countries? An Empirical Analysis from PMG-ARDL and Panel DOLS Model Technique

Dr. Nazia Hashmi

2025-01-01 nhashmi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Perceptions of business graduates in Egypt on incorporating data analytics into the business curriculum

Dr. Samar Elsayad

2025-01-01 selsayad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Driving innovation performance: Exploring the mediating role of knowledge sharing in telecommunication companies


2025-01-01 zrawshdeh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Do Women in Leadership Positions Affect Corporate Social Disclosures?

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2025-01-01 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Women's Participation in Operational and High Managerial Positions in Family Businesses: Evidence From Saudi Context

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2025-01-01 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Assessing the Mediating Role of Employee Reciprocity in the Link between Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Key Job Attitudes

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2025 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate Governance and Employee Productivity: Evidence from Jordan

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2024-12-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Saudi dental students’ perceptions on sustainable development goals and sustainable dental practice

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2024-12-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Stakeholders’ perspective on collaboration barriers in low-income housing provision: a case study from pakistan

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2024-12-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Financial Sustainability Through Literacy and Retirement Preparedness

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2024-12-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Exploring the linkages between anti-money laundering guidelines and earnings manipulation techniques

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2024-12-01 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate Governance and Employee Productivity: Evidence from Jordan

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2024-12-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Dynamic Co-movement and Volatility Spillover Effect Between Sukuk and Conventional Bonds: A Comparison Study Between ASEAN and GCC


2024-12-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Dynamic Co-movement and Volatility Spillover Effect Between Sukuk and Conventional Bonds: A Comparison Study Between ASEAN and GCC

Dr. Nevi Danila

2024-12-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring the linkages between anti-money laundering guidelines and earnings manipulation techniques

Dr. Mariem Mejri

2024-12-01 mmejri@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Financial Sustainability Through Literacy and Retirement Preparedness

Dr. Usha Rajagopalan

2024-12-01 urajagopalan@psu.edu.sa
other : review

From board diversity to disclosure: A comprehensive review on board dynamics and ESG reporting

Dr. Usha Rajagopalan

2024-12-01 urajagopalan@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Auditors’ Perceptions of the Triggers and Obstacles of Continuous Auditing and Its Impact on Auditor Independence: Insights from Egypt

Dr. Samar Elsayad

2024-12-01 selsayad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Anti-corruption corporate disclosures and earnings management: evidence from a developed market

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2024-11-26 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Are environmental sustainability thoughts a panacea for environmental performance? Social innovation and moderating role of green innovation

Dr. Amira Khattak

2024-11-12 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Accounting for Knowledge-intensive Public Organizations: challenges represented by COVID-19 to achieve Sustainable Development Goals

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2024-11-12 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

CSR, brand image and WOM: a multiple mediation analysis


2024-11-11 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

From status to sustainability: How social influence and sustainability consciousness drive green purchase intentions in luxury restaurants

Dr. George Thomas

2024-11-01 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Retraction Note: Nexus between corporate social responsibility and firm’s perceived performance: evidence from SME sector of developing economies (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2021), 28, 2, (2132-2145), 10.1007/s11356-020-10415-w)

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2024-11-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : erratum

Retraction Note: The role of fixed capital formation, renewable and non-renewable energy in economic growth and carbon emission: a case study of Belt and Road Initiative project (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2020), 27, 36, (45476-45486), 10.1007/s11356-020-10413-y)

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2024-11-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : erratum

Retraction Note: The role of fixed capital formation, renewable and non-renewable energy in economic growth and carbon emission: a case study of Belt and Road Initiative project (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2020), 27, 36, (45476-45486), 10.1007/s11356-020-10413-y)

Dr. Yazeed Alfakhri

2024-11-01 yalfakhri@psu.edu.sa
other : erratum

Load Capacity Factor and Environmental Quality: Unveiling the Role of Economic Growth, Green Innovations, and Environmental Policies in G20 Economies

Dr. Ivan Duran

2024-11-01 idiaz@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Net-Zero Emissions Pathways in BRICS Economies: The Impact of Environmental Innovations, Policy, and Human Capital on Carbon Footprint Reduction

Dr. Ivan Duran

2024-11-01 idiaz@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Correction to: Application of TPB-SOR theory on remanufactured product buying intention among Malaysian consumers: mediation of TPB constructs and functional value (Journal of Remanufacturing, (2024), 14, 1, (125-154), 10.1007/s13243-024-00136-5)

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2024-11-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
other : erratum

Load Capacity Factor and Environmental Quality: Unveiling the Role of Economic Growth, Green Innovations, and Environmental Policies in G20 Economies

Dr. Najia Saqib

2024-11-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Net-Zero Emissions Pathways in BRICS Economies: The Impact of Environmental Innovations, Policy, and Human Capital on Carbon Footprint Reduction

Dr. Najia Saqib

2024-11-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Mapping of FinTech Ecosystem to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Saudi Arabia’s Landscape

Dr. Umara Noreen

2024-11-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Green Knowledge Sharing and the Green Performance Nexus: A Moderated Mediation Model

Dr. Luisa Alexandra Pinto

2024-11-01 lpinto@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Net-Zero Emissions Pathways in BRICS Economies: The Impact of Environmental Innovations, Policy, and Human Capital on Carbon Footprint Reduction

Dr. Kolthoom Alkofahi

2024-11-01 kkofahi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Green Knowledge Sharing and the Green Performance Nexus: A Moderated Mediation Model

Dr. Farida Saleem

2024-11-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

How Green Transformational Leaders Trigger Environmental Performance? Unleashing the Missing Links Through Green Self-Efficacy, Green Empowerment, and Green Training of Employees

Dr. Farida Saleem

2024-11-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Influence of key ESG factors on Islamic banks’ financial performance: Evidence from GCC countries

Dr. Lama Alkayed

2024-11-01 lkayed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Environmental Accounting and Sustainability: A Meta-Synthesis

Dr. Usha Rajagopalan

2024-11-01 urajagopalan@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Influence of key ESG factors on Islamic banks’ financial performance: Evidence from GCC countries

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2024-11-01 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Nexus among Economic Uncertainty, Geopolitical Risk, Oil Price Volatility and Economic Complexity in Saudi Arabia: Fresh Insights from Wavelet Local Multiple Correlations

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2024-10-31 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Accountability at a local community placed in a global context: the case of the Jasmine Village

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2024-10-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Quality assurance struggle in higher education institutions: moving towards an effective quality assurance management system

Dr. Meshal Aldhobaib

2024-10-01 maldhobaib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Enhancing sustainable energy: Mineral exports, financial development, and foreign investment can build a greener future?

Dr. Najia Saqib

2024-10-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Pathways to sustainability: Evaluating the impact of green energy, natural resources, FinTech, and environmental policies in resource-abundant countries

Dr. Najia Saqib

2024-10-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Adoption of Cryptocurrencies as a Means of Exchange

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2024-09-20 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Classification of Environmental Strategies by Corporations

Dr. Farida Saleem

2024-09-20 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring the Intersection of Board Gender Diversity, Culture, and ESG Reporting: A Bibliometric Study

Dr. Nor Asiah Mahmood

2024-09-20 nmahmood@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring the Relationship Between Hygiene Factors and Job Satisfaction in Workplace

Dr. Nor Asiah Mahmood

2024-09-20 nmahmood@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Perceived Organizational Support and Work Engagement in Malaysian Banking Industry

Dr. Nor Asiah Mahmood

2024-09-20 nmahmood@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Adoption of Cryptocurrencies as a Means of Exchange

Ms. Nadisah Binti zakaria

2024-09-20 nbintizakaria@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corruption’s Crossroads: Exploring Firm Performance and Auditors’ Role in Emerging Markets

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2024-09-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Economic Policy Uncertainty, Managerial Ability, and Cost of Equity Capital: Evidence from a Developing Country

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2024-09-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Circular Economy Practices and Sustainable Performance of the Textile and Apparel Industry: The Roles of Corporate Environmental Ethics and Green Self-efficacy

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2024-09-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Investigating Spatial Effects through Machine Learning and Leveraging Explainable AI for Child Malnutrition in Pakistan

Dr. Amira Khattak

2024-09-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Financial Interdependencies: Analyzing the Volatility Linkages between Real Estate Investment Trusts, Sukuk, and Oil in GCC Countries

Dr. Nevi Danila

2024-09-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Brand authenticity and consumers’ willingness to pay a premium price (WPP): The mediating role of brand identification


2024-09-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Takeover Protection Provisions

Dr. Engku Ngah S. Engku Chik

2024-08-31 engkungah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Foreign Locals: Myth or Reality

Dr. Farida Saleem

2024-08-31 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The economic consequences of money laundering: a review of empirical literature

Dr. Imen Khelil

2024-08-14 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Academic accounting and interdisciplinary research – Australian evidence

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2024-08-13 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Attitude Towards Sustainability in Dentistry: The Evidence From Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2024-08-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Empirical Analysis of Demand for Sukuk in Uzbekistan

Dr. Alam Asadov

2024-08-01 aasadov@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Governmental Ownership, Board Gender Diversity, and ESG Performance: Evidence from an Emerging Market

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2024-08-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Correction to: Interplay of perceived organizational and external e-readiness in the adoption and integration of augmented reality and virtual reality technologies in Malaysian higher education institutions (Education and Information Technologies, (2024), 29, 11, (13735-13761), 10.1007/s10639-023-12428-7)

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2024-08-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
other : erratum

Interplay of perceived organizational and external e-readiness in the adoption and integration of augmented reality and virtual reality technologies in Malaysian higher education institutions

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2024-08-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Modelling the contribution of green technologies, renewable energy, economic complexity, and human capital in environmental sustainability: Evidence from BRICS countries

Dr. Najia Saqib

2024-08-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of social media marketing activities on customer purchase intention: a study of the property industry in Malaysia

Ms. Nadisah Binti zakaria

2024-07-22 nbintizakaria@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for employment and government accountability: evidence from an emerging market

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2024-07-10 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Retraction Note: It is time to control the worst: testing COVID-19 outbreak, energy consumption and CO2 emission (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2021), 28, 15, (19008-19020), 10.1007/s11356-020-11462-z)

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2024-07-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : erratum

Retraction Note: It is time to control the worst: testing COVID-19 outbreak, energy consumption and CO2 emission (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2021), 28, 15, (19008-19020), 10.1007/s11356-020-11462-z)

Dr. Yazeed Alfakhri

2024-07-01 yalfakhri@psu.edu.sa
other : erratum

Exploring the asymmetric impact of economic complexity, FDI, and green technology on carbon emissions: Policy stringency for clean-energy investing countries

Dr. Najia Saqib

2024-07-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

ESG disclosure in G7 countries: Do board cultural diversity and structure policy matter?

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2024-07-01 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Drivers of Renewable Energy Use in Saudi Arabia: Evidence from Wavelet Local Multiple Correlation Approach

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2024-06-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Towards a Circular Economy: Cleaner Production Technology Adoption Among Small and Medium Enterprises in an Emerging Economy

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2024-06-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Towards a Circular Economy: Cleaner Production Technology Adoption Among Small and Medium Enterprises in an Emerging Economy

Dr. Amira Khattak

2024-06-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

National philosophy and religion on corporate social responsibility/public relations initiatives: a case study of Islamic influence in Brunei business system

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2024-06-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of green innovation and renewable energy on CO2 emissions in G7 nations

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2024-05-30 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The development of Islamic accounting education in the UAE and its challenges: an institutional perspective

Dr. Imen Khelil

2024-05-29 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Driving employee organizational citizenship behaviour through CSR: An empirical study in the context of luxury hotels

Dr. George Thomas

2024-05-01 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Democratizing accounting technologies: A case of a performance evaluation system for academics

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2024-05-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Utility and hedonic perception- Customers’ intention towards using of QR codes in mobile payment of Generation Y and Generation Z

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2024-05-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Global export flow of Chilean copper: The role of environmental innovation and renewable energy transition

Dr. Najia Saqib

2024-05-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Nexus between Oil Consumption, Economic Growth, and Crude Oil Prices in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Kolthoom Alkofahi

2024-05-01 kkofahi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Performance management in the Australian higher education system – A historically informed critique

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2024-05-01 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Herding in ASEAN Stock Markets and COVID-19

Dr. Engku Ngah S. Engku Chik

2024-04-05 engkungah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Herding in ASEAN Stock Markets and COVID-19

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2024-04-05 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Ahmed Diab

2024-04-05 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Herding in ASEAN Stock Markets and COVID-19

Dr. Zaiton Ali

2024-04-05 zali@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Retraction note: On the nonlinear effects of energy consumption, economic growth, and tourism on carbon footprints in the USA (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2021), 28, 16, (20128-20139), 10.1007/s11356-020-12242-5)

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2024-04-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
other : erratum

Going Beyond the Conventional Service Profit Chain Model

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2024-04-01 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Work stress, office clutter and employees’ performance during COVID-19 waves

Dr. Farida Saleem

2024-03-19 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Dynamic capabilities and SMEs competitiveness: the moderating effect of market turbulence

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2024-03-18 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Artificial intelligence capabilities, dynamic capabilities and organizational creativity: contributing factors to the United Arab Emirates Government’s organizational performance

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2024-03-13 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Editorial: Employment sustainability and teaching/learning techniques in higher education institutions


2024-03-07 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Employee’s personal characteristics and their perception on employee engagement: A study on hotel employees

Dr. George Thomas

2024-03-06 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Neoliberalism, ‘honour’-based regulatory frameworks of accounting and accountability in a social context: An examination of the role of accounting in the management of subsidies on petroleum products in Nigeria

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2024-03-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The interplay of episodic power in enabling and coercive budgetary designs in universities: A case study

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2024-03-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Application of TPB-SOR theory on remanufactured product buying intention among Malaysian consumers: mediation of TPB constructs and functional value

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2024-03-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The fatter the tail, the shorter the sail

Dr. Saad Alsunbul

2024-03-01 salsunbul@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Mitigating the Negative Effect of Air Traffic Controller Mental Workload on Job Performance: The Role of Mindfulness and Social Work Support

Dr. Bader Ibrahim Alaydi

2024-03-01 balaydi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Pathways towards carbon neutrality in low carbon cities: The role of green patents, R&D and energy use for carbon emissions

Dr. Najia Saqib

2024-03-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The fatter the tail, the shorter the sail

Dr. Rhada Boujlil

2024-03-01 rboujlil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Towards an institutional understanding of risk-based management controls: evidence from a developing market

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2024-02-26 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Four decades of neoliberalism and Australian public universities: Elasticity of NPM practices

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2024-02-22 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Strategic Innovation and Organizational Sustainability in the context of External Changes in Government Plans

Dr. Allwiya Allui

2024-02-14 aallui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Strategic Innovation and Organizational Sustainability in the context of External Changes in Government Plans


2024-02-14 zrawshdeh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Students’ Perception of Sustainable Development in Higher Education in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2024-02-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Leveraging environmental ICT for carbon neutrality: Analyzing the impact of financial development, renewable energy and human capital in top polluting economies

Dr. Najia Saqib

2024-02-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Nexus between corporate environmental disclosures and gender diversity: Interaction effects of board independence

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2024-02-01 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Developing a pedagogical instrument for MIS fundamental course – embracing self-regulated learning strategies

Dr. Sajed M. Abukhader

2024-01-19 sajed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Prospects of Islamic capital market in Uzbekistan: issues and challenges

Dr. Alam Asadov

2024-01-16 aasadov@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does corporate governance matter in the cleanup of reported oil spills? Evidence from Nigeria

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2024-01-05 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Developing theoretical lenses for upstream halal businesses

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2024-01-04 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A review on human resource management practices as driver for employee engagement

Dr. George Thomas

2024-01-01 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Exploring the nexus of artificial intelligence in talent acquisition: Unravelling cost-benefit dynamics, seizing opportunities, and mitigating risks

Dr. George Thomas

2024-01-01 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Quantifying Workplace Dynamics: A Mathematical Model Examining the Interplay of Work Culture, Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction

Dr. George Thomas

2024-01-01 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring the Relationship between Big Data Analytics Capability and Organization’s Strategic Intent: Mediating Role of Environmental Scanning

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2024-01-01 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Philanthropic forms of corporate social responsibility practices in a multinational company: Colonial and post-colonial perspectives

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2024-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Government ownership as a moderator between earnings management and firm performance: Insights from GCC countries

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2024-01-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

CSR reporting and corporate performance: the role of strategic emphasis

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2024-01-01 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The influence of leverage on accrual-based and real earnings management: Evidence from the UK

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2024-01-01 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Economic Diversification, Oil Revenue and Energy Transition iOil Dependent Countries: A Wavelet Decomposition and Panel Data Approach

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2024-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Economic Echoes of Conflict: Evaluating the Palestine-Israel War’s Influence on Middle Eastern Markets

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2024-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Geopolitical Risk and Stock-Bond Interplay: A Comparative Study of Islamic and Conventional Assets in the GCC

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2024-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The gold stock nexus: Assessing the causality dynamics based on advanced multiscale approaches

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2024-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Assessing the mediating role of employee reciprocity in the link between organisational citizenship behaviour and key job attitudes

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2024-01-01 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Garnering potential of zakat in Uzbekistan: A tax policy proposal

Dr. Alam Asadov

2024-01-01 aasadov@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Geopolitical Risk and Stock-Bond Interplay: A Comparative Study of Islamic and Conventional Assets in the GCC

Dr. Alam Asadov

2024-01-01 aasadov@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does financial reporting quality matter for the auditee characteristics-audit fees relationship? Evidence from an emerging market

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2024-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

ESG Performance, Auditor Choice, and Audit Opinion: Evidence from an Emerging Market

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2024-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Strategic responses of the clients of multinational audit firms to corporate governance audit regulation

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2024-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The institutional logics of job localization programs in emerging markets: evidence from GCC countries

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2024-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The moderating effect of audit quality and COVID-19 on the dividend payout-firm performance relationship: Egypt evidence

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2024-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The professional logics of accounting education in MENA countries: evidence from Egypt and KSA

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2024-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Incarnation and decay: reconciling the organizational decision-making and organizational institutional theory perspectives on budgetary research

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2024-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Philanthropic forms of corporate social responsibility practices in a multinational company: Colonial and post-colonial perspectives

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2024-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A students’ behaviors in information security: Extension of Protection Motivation Theory (PMT)

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2024-01-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Adoption of Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Among Hospitality and Tourism Companies: Perceive Performance Perspective

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2024-01-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Consumer’s acceptance of retail service robots: mediating role of pleasure and arousal

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2024-01-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Using Virtual Reality in Tourism Destination Decision: A Young Saudi Tourists’ Perspective with Habit is a Mediator

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2024-01-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Effect of Perceived Socially Responsible HRM Practices on Employee’s Attitudes and the Moderator Role of Ethical Leadership in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Allwiya Allui

2024-01-01 aallui@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Assessing factors influencing renewable energy deployment and the role of natural resources in MENA countries

Dr. Najia Saqib

2024-01-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Harnessing the synergistic impacts of environmental innovations, financial development, green growth, and ecological footprint through the lens of SDGs policies for countries exhibiting high ecological footprints

Dr. Najia Saqib

2024-01-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Bank capital and risk in emerging banking of Jordan: a simultaneous approach

Dr. Umara Noreen

2024-01-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Factors Influencing Expatriate Employees’ Commitment to the Private Sector in Qatar

Dr. Umara Noreen

2024-01-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Assessment of the Hybrid Deep Learning Models and Hedonic Pricing Model for House Price Prediction

Dr. Zaiton Ali

2024-01-01 zali@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

From face-to-face to screen-to-screen: exploring the multifaceted dimensions of digital mental health care

Dr. Amira Khattak

2024-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Using Virtual Reality in Tourism Destination Decision: A Young Saudi Tourists’ Perspective with Habit is a Mediator

Dr. Amira Khattak

2024-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Effect of Perceived Socially Responsible HRM Practices on Employee’s Attitudes and the Moderator Role of Ethical Leadership in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Luisa Alexandra Pinto

2024-01-01 lpinto@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper



2024-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Understanding undervalued vs. non-undervalued stocks from the firm characteristics perspective: the case of Malaysia


2024-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Forecasting ESG Stock Indices Using 
a Machine Learning Approach

Dr. Nevi Danila

2024-01-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Geopolitical Risk and Stock-Bond Interplay: A Comparative Study of Islamic and Conventional Assets in the GCC

Dr. Nevi Danila

2024-01-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

AR app-based brand engagement and outcomes: A moderated mediation approach


2024-01-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Fair value and investment property in accounting literature: a review

Dr. Imen Khelil

2024-01-01 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Tax evasion and money laundering: the moderating effects of the strength of auditing and reporting standards and judicial independence

Dr. Imen Khelil

2024-01-01 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

How emotional labor harms employee’s performance: unleashing the missing links through anxiety, quality of work-life and Islamic work ethic

Dr. Farida Saleem

2024-01-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

How glass ceiling perceptions affect job performance: finding the missing link through career satisfaction and work–life balance support

Dr. Farida Saleem

2024-01-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Technostress in students and quality of online learning: role of instructor and university support

Dr. Farida Saleem

2024-01-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Dividend Payout and Executive Compensation: Evidence from Islamic Banks

Dr. Lama Alkayed

2024-01-01 lkayed@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Geopolitical Risk and Stock-Bond Interplay: A Comparative Study of Islamic and Conventional Assets in the GCC

Dr. Lama Alkayed

2024-01-01 lkayed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Adoption of cloud-based accounting solutions in micro, small and medium-sized enterprises: insights from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dr. Samar Elsayad

2024-01-01 selsayad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Effect of Perceived Socially Responsible HRM Practices on Employee’s Attitudes and the Moderator Role of Ethical Leadership in Saudi Arabia


2024-01-01 zrawshdeh@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Investigating the development of narratives in directors' reports: an analysis of Barilla over six decades

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2024-01-01 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A review of psychological resilience: paving the path for sustainable consumption

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2024-01-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Co-creation Practices and Service Outcomes: A Transformative Health Service Framework

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2024-01-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Customer perceived quality of life in provider value cocreation: The mediating role of customer value cocreation and the moderating role of customer emotions

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2024-01-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Halal certification of marketing mix focusing on cosmetics

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2024-01-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Islamic Marketing and Circular Economy to Foster Sustainability of Product Life Cycle Enhancement

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2024-01-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Corporate Governance Dynamics in Saudi Arabia: Audit Committee Composition, Family Ownership, and Financial Performance

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2024 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Going Beyond the Conventional Service Profit Chain Model

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2024 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2024 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Analyzing the Impact on Talent Acquisition and Performance Management: HR and Data Analysis

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2024 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Application of TPB-SOR theory on remanufactured product buying intention among Malaysian consumers: mediation of TPB constructs and functional value

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2024 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Consumer’s acceptance of retail service robots: mediating role of pleasure and arousal

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2024 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Correction to: Application of TPB-SOR theory on remanufactured product buying intention among Malaysian consumers: mediation of TPB constructs and functional value (Journal of Remanufacturing, (2024), 14, 1, (125-154), 10.1007/s13243-024-00136-5)

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2024 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Educational Tourism: A Behavioral and Perceptual Analysis of Chinese Students in Malaysian Public Universities; [教育旅游: 马来西亚公立大学中国学生的行为与感知分析]

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2024 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Green Human Resource Management in Practice: Assessing the Impact of Readiness and Corporate Social Responsibility on Organizational Change

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2024 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Islamic teachings and environmental corporate social responsibility in Bangladesh: a mixed-methods research approach

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2024 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Managerial ethical decision-making in export-oriented readymade garment units: mediating roles of attitude and moral obligation

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2024 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2024 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Predicting m-health acceptance from the perspective of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2024 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Interaction Between Supply Chain Relationships And Management Accounting: A Literature Review

Dr. Samar Elsayad

2024 selsayad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Using Virtual Reality in Tourism Destination Decision: A Young Saudi Tourists’ Perspective with Habit is a Mediator

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2024 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Predictors of International Students’ Willingness to Communicate in a Foreign Language: The Mediating Role of Study Abroad Experience


2023-12-19 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The role of digital technology in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs): A systematic literature review, bibliometric analysis and content analysis

Dr. Priyanka A. Aggarwal

2023-12-13 paggarwal@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

The Influence of Urbanization and Environmental Factors on the Financial Performance of Retail and Automotive Industries in China

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2023-12-01 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Women's financial literacy: A bibliometric study on current research and future directions

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2023-12-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Can financing technological development programs mitigate mineral resource consumption-related environmental problems faced by Sub-Saharan African nations?

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-12-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Technostress, Quality of Work Life, and Job Performance: A Moderated Mediation Model

Dr. Farida Saleem

2023-12-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Women's financial literacy: A bibliometric study on current research and future directions

Dr. Usha Rajagopalan

2023-12-01 urajagopalan@psu.edu.sa
other : review

The Prediction Model of Human Household Behavior of the Refuse Management System with Artificial Neural Network

Dr. Nor Asiah Mahmood

2023-12-01 nmahmood@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Economic policy uncertainty: A new firm-level measurement and impact on enterprise innovation strategies

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2023-12-01 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Digitalization and money laundering: the moderating effects of ethical behaviour of firms and corruption

Dr. Imen Khelil

2023-11-28 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Antecedents of environmental strategies: a study of the manufacturing industry in Pakistan

Dr. Farida Saleem

2023-11-21 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Fraud-Free Green Finance: Using Deep Learning to Preserve the Integrity of Financial Statements for Enhanced Capital Market Sustainability

Dr. Saad Alsunbul

2023-11-10 salsunbul@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Fraud-Free Green Finance: Using Deep Learning to Preserve the Integrity of Financial Statements for Enhanced Capital Market Sustainability

Dr. Rhada Boujlil

2023-11-10 rboujlil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Alam Asadov

2023-11-01 aasadov@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Harnessing digital solutions for sustainable development: a quantile-based framework for designing an SDG framework for green transition

Dr. Ivan Duran

2023-11-01 idiaz@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Resisting institutionalized corruption: The case of public audit in Nigeria

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2023-11-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Cultivating sustainability consciousness through mindfulness: An application of theory of mindful-consumption

Dr. Owais Nazir

2023-11-01 owani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Are technological innovations and green energy prosperity swiftly reduce environmental deficit in China and United States? Learning from two sides of environmental sustainability

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-11-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Harnessing digital solutions for sustainable development: a quantile-based framework for designing an SDG framework for green transition

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-11-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Incorporating Russo-Ukrainian war in Brent crude oil price forecasting: A comparative analysis of ARIMA, TARMA and ENNReg models

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-11-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Investigating the implications of technological innovations, financial inclusion, and renewable energy in diminishing ecological footprints levels in emerging economies

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-11-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Dynamic connectedness, spillover, and optimal hedging strategy among FinTech, Sukuk, and Islamic equity markets

Dr. Rhada Boujlil

2023-11-01 rboujlil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Comparing the value-relevance of AAOIFI versus IFRS accounting numbers in the Takaful industry

Dr. Mariem Mejri

2023-10-27 mmejri@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The working relationship between internal and external auditors and the moral courage of internal auditors: Tunisian evidence

Dr. Imen Khelil

2023-10-25 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Development and validation of key antecedents of religious brand attitude: a cross-cultural quantitative analysis using smart PLS

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2023-10-25 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Customer engagement and trust: The moderating role of age and gender


2023-10-17 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

COVID-19 pandemic and financial market volatility: A quantile regression approach

Dr. Nazia Hashmi

2023-10-01 nhashmi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Do Foreign Fund Flows Influence the Stock Market Index? Evidence From Indonesia

Dr. Nevi Danila

2023-10-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Spillover of volatility among financial instruments: ASEAN-5 and GCC market study

Dr. Nevi Danila

2023-10-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Asymmetric environmental performance under economic complexity, globalization and energy consumption: Evidence from the World's largest economically complex economy

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-09-15 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Toward greater stability in stablecoins: Empirical evidence from an analysis of precious metals

Dr. Alam Asadov

2023-09-01 aasadov@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Controllers’ role in managerial sensemaking and information trust building in a business intelligence environment

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2023-09-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Individual Self versus Collective Self: Performance Measures for Academics in a Collectivist Culture

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2023-09-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Environmental factors affecting green purchase behaviors of the consumers: Mediating role of environmental attitude


2023-09-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Role of Green Finance and Green Technology in Improving Environmental Performance Across OECD Economies: An in-depth Investigation Using Advanced Quantile Modeling


2023-09-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Engaging consumers via online brand communities to achieve brand love and positive recommendations

Dr. George Thomas

2023-08-21 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Linking entrepreneurial orientation with export performance: mediation effects of multiple differentiation strategies


2023-08-03 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Do social media influence altruistic and egoistic motivation and green purchase intention towards green products? An experimental investigation


2023-08-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Dynamic capabilities as a strategic flexibility enabler: organizational responsiveness to COVID-19

Dr. Amira Khattak

2023-07-07 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The relationship between income smoothing and the cost of debt: evidence from the United Kingdom and Nigeria

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2023-07-04 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Unraveling the Interrelationship of Digitalization, Renewable Energy, and Ecological Footprints within the EKC Framework: Empirical Insights from the United States

Dr. Ivan Duran

2023-07-01 idiaz@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Correction to: The impact of geopolitical risk, governance, technological innovations, energy use, and foreign direct investment on CO2 emissions in the BRICS region (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2023), 30, 29, (73714-73729), 10.1007/s11356-023-27466-4)

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-07-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
other : erratum

Heterogeneity, sunk cost, and export performance: A firm level study of Pakistan's textile sector

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-07-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Innovations and the CO2 Emissions Nexus in the MENA Region: A Spatial Analysis

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-07-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Unraveling the Interrelationship of Digitalization, Renewable Energy, and Ecological Footprints within the EKC Framework: Empirical Insights from the United States

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-07-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

How Do Women on Board Reduce a Firm’s Risks to Ensure Sustainable Performance during a Crisis?

Dr. Umara Noreen

2023-07-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does board diversity improve carbon emissions score of best citizen companies?

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2023-06-15 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The evolution of financial reporting quality for companies listed on the Tadawul Stock Exchange in Saudi Arabia: New emerging markets' evidence

Dr. Waleed Alsuhaibani

2023-06-01 walsuhaibani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Environmental technology, economic complexity, renewable electricity, environmental taxes and CO2 emissions: Implications for low-carbon future in G-10 bloc

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-06-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of geopolitical risk, governance, technological innovations, energy use, and foreign direct investment on CO2 emissions in the BRICS region

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-06-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A Qualitative Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility in Saudi Arabia’s Service Sector-Practices and Company Performance

Dr. Luisa Alexandra Pinto

2023-06-01 lpinto@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Green innovation behaviour: Impact of industry 4.0 and open innovation


2023-06-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Impact of CSR Authenticity on Brand Advocacy: The Mediating Role of Brand Equity


2023-06-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exposure to Terrorism, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and University Teachers’ Performance: Underpinning the Role of Social Support

Dr. Farida Saleem

2023-06-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Multi-Valued Neutrosophic Sets for Forecasting Cryptocurrency Volatility

Dr. Rhada Boujlil

2023-06-01 rboujlil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of institutional ownership on the value relevance of accounting information: evidence from Egypt

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2023-05-31 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Tax avoidance in family firms: a literature review

Dr. Imen Khelil

2023-05-24 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Contract Structure of Production Sharing Agreement by International Oil Company in Exploration of Petroleum Resources in Developing Countries

Dr. Saghir Munir Mehar

2023-05-17 smehar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The association between internal control quality and audit report lag in the French setting: the moderating effect of family directors

Dr. Imen Khelil

2023-05-16 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The determinants of food waste behavior in young consumers in a developing country

Dr. Farida Saleem

2023-05-16 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Cryptocurrency in the Darknet: sustainability of the current national legislation

Dr. Saghir Munir Mehar

2023-05-02 smehar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Demystifying the Relationship between Restaurant Innovativeness, Customer Engagement, and Customer Willingness to Pay a Higher Price

Dr. George Thomas

2023-05-01 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

FDI, exports, imports, and consumption-based CO2 emissions in the MENA region: spatial analysis

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-05-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Nevi Danila

2023-05-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

An Integrative Framework to Explore Corporate Ability and Corporate Social Responsibility Association’s Influence on Consumer Responses in the Banking Sector


2023-05-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does Perceived Sustainability Affect the Customer Responses toward the Brands? Role of Customer Engagement as a Mediator


2023-05-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Calmness instead of panicking: a reverse strategy to fight a crocodile attack using downside risk

Dr. Umara Noreen

2023-04-28 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The landscape of “quality circles for education” – a structured analysis

Dr. Sajed M. Abukhader

2023-04-17 sajed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the volatility of conventional and Islamic stock indexes: a comparative study on ASEAN and GCC countries

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2023-04-17 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the volatility of conventional and Islamic stock indexes: a comparative study on ASEAN and GCC countries

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2023-04-17 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Heterogeneous role of energy utilization, financial development, and economic development in ecological footprint: How far away are developing economies from developed ones

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-04-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Pollution Haven or Halo? How European countries leverage FDI, energy, and human capital to alleviate their ecological footprint

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-04-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The dynamic change trends and internal driving factors of green development efficiency: robust evidence from resource-based Yellow River Basin cities

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-04-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

How Do Bank Customers’ Perceptions of CSR Influence Marketing Outcomes: Their Trust, Identification, and Commitment?


2023-04-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of CSR on Customer Citizenship Behavior: Mediating the Role of Customer Engagement


2023-04-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Assessing the Connection between Nuclear and Renewable Energy on Ecological Footprint within the EKC Framework: Implications for Sustainable Policy in Leading Nuclear Energy-producing Countries

Dr. Ivan Duran

2023-03-24 idiaz@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Assessing the Connection between Nuclear and Renewable Energy on Ecological Footprint within the EKC Framework: Implications for Sustainable Policy in Leading Nuclear Energy-producing Countries

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-03-24 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Psychological capital, moral courage and internal audit effectiveness (IAE): a complementary or substitution effect

Dr. Imen Khelil

2023-03-16 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Imen Khelil

2023-03-13 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

The effect of the strength of auditing and reporting standards on infrastructure quality in Africa: do ethical behaviour of firms and judicial independence matter?

Dr. Imen Khelil

2023-03-07 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Idiosyncratic volatility and interruption mechanisms in South Korean stock markets

Dr. Saad Alsunbul

2023-03-03 salsunbul@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Data analytics in digital marketing for tracking the effectiveness of campaigns and inform strategy

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2023-03-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Data analytics in digital marketing for tracking the effectiveness of campaigns and inform strategy

Dr. Amira Khattak

2023-03-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Can financial globalization and good governance help turning emerging economies carbon neutral? Evidence from members of the BRICS-T

Dr. Nazia Hashmi

2023-03-01 nhashmi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Money laundering and infrastructure quality: the moderating effect of the strength of auditing and reporting standards

Dr. Imen Khelil

2023-02-28 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Affordable luxury consumption: an emerging market's perspective

Dr. George Thomas

2023-02-24 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Sustainably engaging employees in food wastage reduction: A conscious capitalism perspective

Dr. Owais Nazir

2023-02-20 owani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Determinants of Muslim consumers’ halal cosmetics repurchase intention: an emerging market’s perspective

Dr. George Thomas

2023-02-10 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Healthcare quality for Muslims: TCCM and TSR frameworks analyses

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2023-02-10 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
other : review

The habitus of individuals in performance measurement practices in universities: a case study

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2023-02-07 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Examining the Impact of Pro-Environmental Factors on Sustainable Consumption Behavior and Pollution Control

Dr. George Thomas

2023-02-01 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Integration of renewable energy and technological innovation in realizing environmental sustainability: the role of human capital in EKC framework

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-02-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Banking 4.0: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Banking Industry & Consumer’s Perspective

Dr. Umara Noreen

2023-02-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand Advocacy among Consumers: The Mediating Role of Brand Trust


2023-02-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

CSR Influence on Brand Image and Consumer Word of Mouth: Mediating Role of Brand Trust


2023-02-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Understanding the Influence of CPE on Brand Image and Brand Commitment: The Mediating Role of Brand Identification


2023-02-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The commercialized Australian public university: An accountingized transition

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2023-02-01 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Empowering resources recombination through dynamic capabilities of an enterprise

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2023-01-27 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Perceived socially responsible-HRM on talent retention: The mediating effect of trust and motivation and the moderating effect of other-regarding value orientation


2023-01-16 zrawshdeh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Self, ethics, morality and accountability: a case of a public university

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2023-01-10 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

An institutional analysis of the risk management process during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from an emerging market

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2023-01-02 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Demystifying the nexus between empowering leadership and employee proactivity: a solicitation of person-environment theory

Dr. George Thomas

2023-01-01 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of Work–Life Balance on Working Women in the Banking Sector

Dr. George Thomas

2023-01-01 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Understanding passengers’ satisfaction and loyalty towards ridesharing services

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2023-01-01 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises’ need for digitization to counteract COVID-19: From “nice-to-have” to “must-have”?

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2023-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Moderation effects of multiple directorships on audit committee and firm performance: A middle eastern perspective

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2023-01-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Critical success factors for value management techniques in construction projects: case in Jordan

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2023-01-01 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does corporate sustainable development still promote corporate financial performance during global crises? Empirical Study from China

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2023-01-01 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Bitcoin connectedness to traditional asset-classes in times of COVID-19

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2023-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

How COVID-19 pandemic and oil prices drive the Saudi sectors over investment horizons: a wavelet sector-based view

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2023-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Drivers and impact of big data analytic adoption in the retail industry: A quantitative investigation applying structural equation modeling

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2023-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Toward Developing a National Customer Satisfaction Index in Jordan

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2023-01-01 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of House Price on Economic Stability: Some Lessons from OECD Countries

Dr. Alam Asadov

2023-01-01 aasadov@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Alam Asadov

2023-01-01 aasadov@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

System and Information Qualities in Mobile Fitness Apps and Their Effects on User Behavior and Performance

Dr. Mobark Qoblan Aldossari

2023-01-01 mAldossari@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Audit quality, firm value and audit fees: does audit tenure matter? Egyptian evidence

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2023-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Earnings management, institutional ownership and investment efficiency: evidence from a developing country

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2023-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Perceptions of users and preparers towards corporate internet reporting: Evidence from an emerging market

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2023-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The appearance of anti-corruption reporting in a developed market: UK evidence

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2023-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The determinants and effects of the early adoption of IFRS 15:Evidence from a developing country

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2023-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The effect of political risk and corporate governance on bank stability in the MENA region: Did the Arab Spring uprisings matter?

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2023-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises’ need for digitization to counteract COVID-19: From “nice-to-have” to “must-have”?

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2023-01-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Political economics and citizens’ engagement in Croatia: a differential analysis

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2023-01-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The public purse as a reelection lever: does it work in a corrupt political environment? The case of Honduras

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2023-01-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Individual Self versus Collective Self: Performance Measures for Academics in a Collectivist Culture

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2023-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

New development: New public management values and public sector accounting education in Australia—A ‘reflection-in-action’ perspective

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2023-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Factors and issues affecting electronic insurance adoption in an emerging market

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2023-01-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Demystifying the nexus between empowering leadership and employee proactivity: a solicitation of person-environment theory

Dr. Owais Nazir

2023-01-01 owani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

COVID-19 and online distance learning in Malaysia: A blessing or a curse?

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2023-01-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Moderation effects of multiple directorships on audit committee and firm performance: A middle eastern perspective

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2023-01-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Oil and natural gas rents and CO2 emissions nexus in MENA: spatial analysis

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-01-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Synergizing green energy, natural resources, global integration, and environmental taxation: Pioneering a sustainable development goal framework for carbon neutrality targets

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-01-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The determinants of life expectancy and environmental degradation in Pakistan: evidence from ARDL bounds test approach

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-01-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The moderating role of technological innovation and renewable energy on CO2 emission in O.E.C.D. countries: evidence from panel quantile regression approach

Dr. Najia Saqib

2023-01-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Determinants and Influences of Information Systems Integration in a Public Higher Education Context

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2023-01-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A comparative study between retail sukuk and retail bonds in Indonesia

Dr. Umara Noreen

2023-01-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Higher Education in the COVID-19 Environment: ICT-Based Perspective for GCC Countries

Dr. Umara Noreen

2023-01-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Investment Funds in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Umara Noreen

2023-01-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

A Comparative Assessment of Accomplishment of Sustainable Development Goals in Tropical Region

Dr. Jolly Sahni

2023-01-01 jsahni@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Is Learning Analytics the Future of Online Education? Assessing Student Engagement and Academic Performance in the Online Learning Environment

Dr. Jolly Sahni

2023-01-01 jsahni@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Managerial skills, technology adaptation and firm performance: Mediating role of process innovation and product innovation

Dr. Amira Khattak

2023-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Investigating the Relationship Between Green Supply Chain Purchasing Practices and Firms’ Performance

Dr. Luisa Alexandra Pinto

2023-01-01 lpinto@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A comparative study between retail sukuk and retail bonds in Indonesia


2023-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Deconstructed entrepreneurial orientation and export performance: mediating role of differentiation and cost leadership strategy from the developing country context


2023-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Evaluation of depression and obesity indices based on applications of ANOVA, regression, structural equation modeling and Taguchi algorithm process


2023-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Islamic versus conventional financial market: a meta-literature review of spillover effects


2023-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Understanding Consumer Environmental Ethics and the Willingness to Use Green Products


2023-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

When and How Green Human Resource Management Practices Turn to Employees’ Pro-Environmental Behavior of Hotel Employees in Nigeria: The Role of Employee Green Commitment and Green Self-Efficacy


2023-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A comparative study between retail sukuk and retail bonds in Indonesia

Dr. Nevi Danila

2023-01-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Nevi Danila

2023-01-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Herding Behaviour in ESG Stock Index: Evidence from Emerging Markets

Dr. Nevi Danila

2023-01-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

CSR Influence on Brand Loyalty in Banking: The Role of Brand Credibility and Brand Identification


2023-01-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Mobile app vs. desktop browser platforms: the relationships among customer engagement, experience, relationship quality and loyalty intention


2023-01-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Using Netnography to Understand Customer Experience towards Hotel Brands


2023-01-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Ethical Behavior of Firms and Foreign Direct Investments in African Settings: The Moderating Effect of Judicial Independence

Dr. Imen Khelil

2023-01-01 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Political connections and cost of debt: a meta-analysis

Dr. Imen Khelil

2023-01-01 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Evaluating Software Quality in DevOps Practices in Pakistan: A Survey Approach

Dr. Farida Saleem

2023-01-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

The slippery slope effect of patient incivility: unleashing the roles of surface acting and receiving help in employees’ unethical behavior and organizational citizenship behavior

Dr. Farida Saleem

2023-01-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The nexus between executive compensation and performance: Case of Islamic Banks

Dr. Lama Alkayed

2023-01-01 lkayed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does Management Accounting Lose Relevance Again? Supply-Chain Perspective

Dr. Samar Elsayad

2023-01-01 selsayad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Saving Behaviour Among the University Students in Malaysia

Dr. Nor Asiah Mahmood

2023-01-01 nmahmood@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Corporate tax aggressiveness and corporate governance: The case of citizen firms

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2023-01-01 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

The nexus between executive compensation and performance: Case of Islamic Banks

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2023-01-01 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Islamic versus conventional financial market: a meta-literature review of spillover effects

Ms. Nadisah Binti zakaria

2023-01-01 nbintizakaria@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Machine learning In the financial industry: A bibliometric approach to evidencing applications

Ms. Nadisah Binti zakaria

2023-01-01 nbintizakaria@psu.edu.sa
other : review

The Volatility and Risk-Return Trade-Off of Malaysian Islamic and Conventional Indexes During the Global Financial Crisis and COVID-19 Pandemic

Ms. Nadisah Binti zakaria

2023-01-01 nbintizakaria@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring business graduates employability skills and teaching/learning techniques


2023 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring the Impact of Cryptocurrency Integration on E-Commerce Platforms: A Framework for Marketplace Integration


2023 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Navigating the Future: Blockchain�s Impact on Accounting and Auditing Practices. Sustainability, 15 (24), 16887

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2023 profizani@psu.edu.sa
other : misc

The Influence of Urbanization and Environmental Factors on the Financial Performance of Retail and Automotive Industries in China

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2023 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Challenges faced by Women Entrepreneurs: Family, Work, and General obstacles in thecontext of sustainable business- Lessons from India and the UAE

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2023 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
conference : inproceedings

Acceptance of online distance learning (ODL) among students: Mediating role of utilitarian and hedonic value

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Buying Behaviour towards Eco-Labelled Food Products: Mediation Moderation Analysis

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Consumers' intention toward buying ethically produced products in Bangladesh

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Desire to stay shorter time at the shopping mall: insight from protection motivation (PMT), behavioral inhibition system (BIS), reactance, and expectancy theories

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effects of Internet of Things, supply chain collaboration and ethical sensitivity on sustainable performance: moderating effect of supply chain dynamism

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Experience, Trust, eWOM Engagement and Usage Intention of AI Enabled Services in Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Moderating Mediating Analysis

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring the Hype of Blockchain Adoption in Agri-Food Supply Chain: A Systematic Literature Review

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring the mass adoption potential of wearable fitness devices in Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Green Gardening Practices Among Urban Botanists: Using the Value-Belief-Norm Model

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Green Home Buying Intention of Malaysian Millennials: An Extension of Theory of Planned Behaviour

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Green Logistics, Green Human Capital, and Circular Economy: The Mediating Role of Sustainable Production

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of E-Commerce and Digital Marketing Adoption on the Financial and Sustainability Performance of MSMEs during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impulsive hotel consumption intention in live streaming E-commerce settings: Moderating role of impulsive consumption tendency using two-stage SEM

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Integrating the social support theory and technology acceptance model of social commerce websites; [Integración da teoría do apoio social e o modelo de aceptación da tecnoloxía de sitios web de comercio social]

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Interplay of perceived organizational and external e-readiness in the adoption and integration of augmented reality and virtual reality technologies in Malaysian higher education institutions

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Negative and positive antecedents of intention to resume hotel consumption in new normal settings in Malaysia: insight from three psychological theories

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Relationship between Diversification, Institutional Environment and Growth: A Study of Agricultural Companies in China

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Effects of Service Quality Performance on Customer Satisfaction for Non-Banking Financial Institutions in an Emerging Economy

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Mediating Role of Brand Trust and Brand Love between Brand Experience and Loyalty: A Study on Smartphones in China

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Structural Relationship among Students' Perceptions of Sales-Related Skills, Sales Careers, and Views of Others and the Intention to Pursue Sales Careers in Malaysia: The Mediating Effect of Feelings towards Selling; [Hubungan Struktural antara Persepsi Pelajar terhadap Kemahiran Berkaitan-Jualan, Kerjaya Jualan, dan Pandangan Orang Lain dan Niat untuk Meneruskan Kerjaya Jualan di Malaysia: Kesan Pengantaraan Perasaan Terhadap Jualan]

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2023 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate entrepreneurship in banks: The role of technology self-efficacy and technology-based customer relationship management

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2023 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Sustaining the sisterhood: Soul Sisters Pakistan (SSP)

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2023 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Revisiting EKC hypothesis in context of renewable energy, human development and moderating role of technological innovations in E-7 countries?

Dr. Najia Saqib

2022-12-16 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Telework operationalization through internal CSR, governmentality and accountability during the Covid-19: evidence from a developing country

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2022-12-07 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate Social Responsibility as a Sustainable Business Practice: A Study among Generation Z Customers of Indian Luxury Hotels

Dr. George Thomas

2022-12-01 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of mandatory adoption of IFRS in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2022-12-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Antecedents of Big Data Analytic Adoption and Impacts on Performance: Contingent Effect

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2022-12-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Najib Khan

2022-12-01 nkhan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Do subcultures play a role in facilitating academic quality?—A case study of a Saudi higher education institution

Dr. Meshal Aldhobaib

2022-12-01 maldhobaib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Nexus between green technology innovation, green financing, and CO2 emissions in the G7 countries: The moderating role of social globalisation

Dr. Najia Saqib

2022-12-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Innovation performance in digital economy: does digital platform capability, improvisation capability and organizational readiness really matter?

Dr. Amira Khattak

2022-12-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Supervisor Support, Self-Efficacy, and Employee Performance: The Mediating Role of Office De-Clutter

Dr. Farida Saleem

2022-12-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Workplace Incivility and Employee Performance: Does Trust in Supervisors Matter? (A Dual Theory Perspective)

Dr. Farida Saleem

2022-12-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Towards innovation performance of SMEs: investigating the role of digital platforms, innovation culture and frugal innovation in emerging economies

Dr. Amira Khattak

2022-11-30 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

“Taming the black elephant”: assessing and managing the impacts of COVID-19 on public universities in Australia

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2022-11-23 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

“Doing good and feeling good” Relationship between authentic leadership with followers' work engagement: The mediating role of hedonic and eudaimonic wellbeing

Dr. Amira Khattak

2022-11-18 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Operator Jensen’s Inequality for Operator Superquadratic Functions

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2022-11-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Customer Company Identification and Customer Loyalty: Using the Social Exchange Theory Perspective: Customer Reciprocity as a Mediating Factor

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2022-11-01 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Medical managers’ financial accountability: The effects of feedback on work outcome and managerial performance

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2022-11-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Consumer Formation of CSR Image: Role of Altruistic Values


2022-11-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Toxic Leadership and Project Success: Underpinning the Role of Cronyism

Dr. Farida Saleem

2022-11-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

COVID-19 effect on Islamic vs. conventional banks’ stock prices: Case of GCC countries

Dr. Lama Alkayed

2022-11-01 lkayed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

COVID-19 effect on Islamic vs. conventional banks’ stock prices: Case of GCC countries

Dr. Rhada Boujlil

2022-11-01 rboujlil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

COVID-19 effect on Islamic vs. conventional banks’ stock prices: Case of GCC countries

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2022-11-01 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Oil rents, economic growth, and CO2 emissions in 13 OPEC member economies: Asymmetry analyses

Dr. Najia Saqib

2022-10-24 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Continuous professional development programmes for school principals in the 21st century: Lessons learned from educational leadership practices


2022-10-05 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate social responsibility and customer-citizenship behaviors: the role of customer–company identification


2022-10-05 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

On the asymmetrical connectedness between cryptocurrencies and foreign exchange markets: Evidence from the nonparametric quantile on quantile approach

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2022-10-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The marginal effects of economic growth, financial development, and low-carbon energy use on carbon footprints in Oman: fresh evidence from autoregressive distributed lag model analysis

Dr. Nazia Hashmi

2022-10-01 nhashmi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Random Walk of Socially Responsible Investment in Emerging Market

Dr. Nevi Danila

2022-10-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Safety Management and Safety Performance Nexus: Role of Safety Consciousness, Safety Climate, and Responsible Leadership

Dr. Farida Saleem

2022-10-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Dynamic generalized normal distribution optimization for feature selection


2022-10-01 zrawshdeh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

How does consumer-to-consumer community interaction affect brand trust?

Dr. George Thomas

2022-09-27 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Modern slavery, accountability and technology: evidence from a West Asian context

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2022-09-22 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Testing the directional predictability between carbon trading and sectoral stocks in China: New insights using cross-quantilogram and rolling window causality approaches

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2022-09-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Dividends Payout and Earnings Predictability: Evidence from a Developing Country

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2022-09-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does the Adaptive Market Hypothesis Reconcile the Behavioral Finance and the Efficient Market Hypothesis?

Dr. Umara Noreen

2022-09-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Influence of energy structure, environmental regulations and human capital on ecological sustainability in EKC framework; evidence from MINT countries

Dr. Ivan Duran

2022-08-26 idiaz@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Influence of energy structure, environmental regulations and human capital on ecological sustainability in EKC framework; evidence from MINT countries

Dr. Najia Saqib

2022-08-26 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Non-financial information and public management

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2022-08-25 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Nexuses between international trade, renewable energy, and transport services: Leading toward practical implications and trade policies

Dr. George Thomas

2022-08-22 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate image as an enabler of customer retention

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2022-08-10 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Oil price dynamics and fiscal policy cyclicality in Saudi Arabia: New evidence from partial and multiple wavelet coherences

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2022-08-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Asymmetric linkages between renewable energy, technological innovation, and carbon-dioxide emission in developed economies: non-linear ARDL analysis

Dr. Najia Saqib

2022-08-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Nexus between the renewable and nonrenewable energy consumption and carbon footprints: evidence from Asian emerging economies

Dr. Najia Saqib

2022-08-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment


2022-08-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Modeling Socio-Economic Consequences of COVID-19: An Evidence From Bibliometric Analysis

Dr. Nazia Hashmi

2022-07-22 nhashmi@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Exploring the impact of green human resource management on environmental performance: the roles of perceived organizational support and innovative environmental behavior

Dr. Farida Saleem

2022-07-19 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Performance management change: discourses at play in an Italian university

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2022-07-11 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

An Empirical Study on the Impact of Energy Poverty on Carbon Intensity of the Construction Industry: Moderating Role of Technological Innovation

Dr. Najia Saqib

2022-06-22 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Actual Use of Mobile Learning Technologies during Social Distancing Circumstances: Case Study of King Faisal University Students

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2022-06-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Ownership Characteristics and Financial Performance: Evidence from Chinese Split-Share Structure Reform

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2022-06-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Modelling the effect of renewable energy and public-private partnership in testing EKC hypothesis: Evidence from methods moment of quantile regression

Dr. Najia Saqib

2022-06-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Determinants of the Digitalization of Accounting in an Emerging Market: The Roles of Organizational Support and Job Relevance

Dr. Farida Saleem

2022-06-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

On the resilience of Australian public universities: why our institutions may fail unless vice-chancellors rethink broken commercial business models

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2022-06-01 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of abnormal real earnings management to meet earnings benchmarks on future operating performance

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2022-05-01 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Factors Affecting the Quality of Online Learning During COVID-19: Evidence From a Developing Economy

Dr. Farida Saleem

2022-04-28 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effect of cultural tightness-looseness on money laundering: a cross-country study

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2022-04-21 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effect of cultural tightness-looseness on money laundering: a cross-country study

Dr. Mariem Mejri

2022-04-21 mmejri@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Explaining the Factors Affecting Students’ Attitudes to Using Online Learning (Madrasati Platform) during COVID-19

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2022-04-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of Oil Price, Economic Growth and Urbanization on CO2 Emissions in GCC Countries: Asymmetry Analysis

Dr. Alam Asadov

2022-04-01 aasadov@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Technological Revolution and Circular Economy Practices: A Mechanism of Green Economy

Dr. Alam Asadov

2022-04-01 aasadov@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of Financial Deepening, Energy Consumption and Total Natural Resource Rent on CO2 Emission in the GCC Countries: Evidence from Advanced Panel Data Simulation

Dr. Ivan Duran

2022-03-20 idiaz@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of Financial Deepening, Energy Consumption and Total Natural Resource Rent on CO2 Emission in the GCC Countries: Evidence from Advanced Panel Data Simulation

Dr. Najia Saqib

2022-03-20 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of Financial Deepening, Energy Consumption and Total Natural Resource Rent on CO2 Emission in the GCC Countries: Evidence from Advanced Panel Data Simulation

Dr. Nazia Hashmi

2022-03-20 nhashmi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Photo disclosure in human rights issues by fortune companies: an impression management perspective

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2022-03-17 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Network control and balanced scorecard as inscriptions in purchaser–provider arrangements: insights from a hybrid government agency

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2022-03-09 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Are Business Graduates’ Employability Skills and Learning/Teaching Techniques Universal? Exploring the Role of Culture: A Comparative Study among Australia, China, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia


2022-03-01 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Green HRM Practices and Employee Satisfaction in the Hotel Industry of Saudi Arabia


2022-03-01 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of introducing new regulations on the quality of CSR reporting: Evidence from the UK

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2022-03-01 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A Conceptual Framework for Determining Quality Requirements for Mobile Learning Applications Using Delphi Method

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2022-03-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Banks’ concurrent risks during the COVID-19 pandemic: A road map for risk officers and risk management

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2022-03-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Non-Financial Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility to Saudi Companies

Dr. Allwiya Allui

2022-03-01 aallui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Non-Financial Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility to Saudi Companies

Dr. Luisa Alexandra Pinto

2022-03-01 lpinto@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Overconfidence Bias: The Case of Cyclical and Defensive Sectors

Dr. Nazia Hashmi

2022-03-01 nhashmi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Delineation of UK Retail Sector: An Actor-Network Perspective1

Dr. Samar Elsayad

2022-03-01 selsayad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Customer-perceived service wellbeing in a transformative framework: Research propositions in the area of health services

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2022-03-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Engaging luxury brand consumers on social media


2022-02-09 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Bank Employee Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices: Evidence from Egypt

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2022-02-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article



2022-02-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Bank Employee Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices: Evidence from Egypt

Dr. Samar Elsayad

2022-02-01 selsayad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Internal auditors’ perceptions of their role as assurance providers: a qualitative study in the Tunisian public sector

Dr. Imen Khelil

2022-01-20 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Political connections, political corruption and auditing: a literature review

Dr. Imen Khelil

2022-01-10 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Accounting for unstable environments in the public sector: managing post-COVID-19 times

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2022-01-03 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Accounting for unstable environments in the public sector: managing post-COVID-19 times

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2022-01-03 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Public universities and impacts of COVID-19 in Australia: risk disclosures and organisational change

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2022-01-03 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Empirical Determinants of Corruption in Honduran Municipalities

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2022-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Sustainable academic performance in higher education: a mixed method approach

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2022-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Adoption of Smart Systems and The Health Workers’ Sustainable Job Performance: The Role of Attitude towards Smart Systems, Technology Readiness, Perceived Usefulness and Practicality of Medical Applications


2022-01-01 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article



2022-01-01 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article



2022-01-01 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring business graduates employability skills and teaching/learning techniques


2022-01-01 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article



2022-01-01 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Development of an agent-based model to understand the diffusion of value management in construction projects as a sustainability tool

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2022-01-01 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of the COVID-19 outbreak and its related announcements on the Chinese conventional and Islamic stocks’ connectedness

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2022-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effective of Smart Mathematical Model by Machine Learning Classifier on Big Data in Healthcare Fast Response

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2022-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
other : retracted

Erratum: Early Detection of Medical Image Analysis by Using Machine Learning Method (Computation and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (2022) 2022 (3041811) DOI: 10.1155/2022/3041811)

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2022-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
other : erratum

Multi-agent Systems for Distributed Data Mining Techniques: An Overview

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2022-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

The role of operational innovation and external environment on the relationship between service quality and marketing performance in the hotel business

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2022-01-01 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of the COVID-19 outbreak and its related announcements on the Chinese conventional and Islamic stocks’ connectedness

Dr. Alam Asadov

2022-01-01 aasadov@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does Inflation Targeting Really Promote Economic Growth?

Dr. Najib Khan

2022-01-01 nkhan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Empirical Determinants of Corruption in Honduran Municipalities

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2022-01-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Flypaper effect and partisanship theories best explain municipal financial performance in Latin America

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2022-01-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Impact of Mayors’ Corruption on Spanish Municipal Spending

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2022-01-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Technology Strategy in Boosting Halal Tourism Activities

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2022-01-01 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Islamic Securitization as a Yardstick for Investment in Islamic Capital Markets

Dr. Saghir Munir Mehar

2022-01-01 smehar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Green energy, non-renewable energy, financial development and economic growth with carbon footprint: heterogeneous panel evidence from cross-country

Dr. Najia Saqib

2022-01-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Link between Economic Growth and Sustainable Energy in G7-Countries and E7-Countries: Evidence from a Dynamic Panel Threshold Model

Dr. Najia Saqib

2022-01-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Enhancing student's learning through trading simulation: a vehicle for experiential learning: an action research

Dr. Umara Noreen

2022-01-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Analysis of the Dimensionality Issues in House Price Forecasting Modeling

Dr. Zaiton Ali

2022-01-01 zali@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper


Dr. Amira Khattak

2022-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Determinants of SMEs’ product innovation performance in Malaysia: an extended model

Dr. Amira Khattak

2022-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Digital social responsibility towards corporate social responsibility and strategic performance of hi-tech smes: Customer engagement as a mediator

Dr. Amira Khattak

2022-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Hegemony of Digital Platforms, Innovation Culture, and E-Commerce Marketing Capabilities: The Innovation Performance Perspective

Dr. Amira Khattak

2022-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of the COVID-19 outbreak and its related announcements on the Chinese conventional and Islamic stocks’ connectedness

Dr. Nevi Danila

2022-01-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Performance of conventional banks vs. Islamic banks: evidence from Indonesia

Dr. Nevi Danila

2022-01-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Talent management practices on employee performance: a mediating role of employee engagement in institution of higher learning: quantitative analysis


2022-01-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of the COVID-19 outbreak and its related announcements on the Chinese conventional and Islamic stocks’ connectedness

Dr. Lama Alkayed

2022-01-01 lkayed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Mediating Role of Work Engagement Between Positive Emotions and Individual Work Performance in Banking Industry, Peninsular Malaysia

Dr. Nor Asiah Mahmood

2022-01-01 nmahmood@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Municipal tax restrictions and economic efficiency: an analysis of Australian local councils

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2022-01-01 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Maha AlDalahmeh

2022-01-01 maldalahmeh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2022-01-01 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Social comparison orientation and religious commitment influence on outbound travel intentions

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2022-01-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Green HRM Practices and Employee Satisfaction in the Hotel Industry of Saudi Arabia


2022 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Risk Management and Financial Performance of Banks: An Application of CAMEL Framework


2022 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A framework for effective food supply chain safety controls

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2022 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Technology Strategy in Boosting Halal Tourism Activities

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2022 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
bookchapter : bookchapter

Augmented reality adoption intention among travel and tour operators in Malaysia: mediation effect of value alignment

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2022 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Can Corporate Ethics Programs Reduce Unethical Behavior? Threat Appraisal or Coping Appraisal

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2022 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Consumers’ buying intention towards healthy foods during the COVID-19 pandemic in an emerging economy

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2022 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does the relationship marketing orientation of an entrepreneur support agency improve performance? Evidence from small- And medium-size enterprises in Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2022 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Factors Affecting Photo Voltaic Solar Energy Usage Intention in Rural Households in Bangladesh: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2022 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Intention to Adopt AI-Powered Online Service Among Tourism and Hospitality Companies

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2022 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Predicting the Intention and Adoption of Mobile Shopping During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2022 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Business Performance among Malay-Owned SMEs in Malaysia: A PLS Analysis

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2022 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Teacher Competencies and School Improvement Specialist Coaching (SISC+) Programme in Malaysia as a Model for Improvement of Quality Education in China

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2022 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

{National culture and audit report lag: cross-country investigation}

Dr. Imen Khelil

2022 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

National culture and audit report lag: cross-country investigation

Dr. Imen Khelil

2022 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Capturing customer’s store loyalty through relationship benefits: moderating effect of retail innovation

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2022 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Predicting consumer purchase intention toward hybrid vehicles: testing the moderating role of price sensitivity

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2022 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Predicting consumers' intentions to purchase eco-friendly athletic wear in a moderated model of individual green values and gender

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2022 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Relationship Between Business Sustainability and Management Innovation

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2021-12-01 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Factors affecting students’ acceptance of mobile learning application in higher education during covid-19 using ann-sem modelling technique

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2021-12-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Understanding environmentally friendly airline travelers' internal environmental locus of control and its consequences

Dr. Jung Kyu Choi

2021-12-01 jkchoi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Boundary management and accounting visibility in social services: a case study

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2021-12-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Downside beta and downside gamma: In search for a better capital asset pricing model

Dr. Umara Noreen

2021-12-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Relationship Between Business Sustainability and Management Innovation


2021-12-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The neoliberal reality of higher education in Australia: how accountingisation is corporatising knowledge

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2021-11-25 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Operationalising ethnicity in accountability: insights from an ethnic group within the Salvation Army

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2021-11-12 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Digital technologies, circular economy practices and environmental policies in the era of covid-19

Dr. George Thomas

2021-11-01 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of Service Encounter Elements on Experiential Value and Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Investigation in the Coffee Shop Context

Dr. George Thomas

2021-11-01 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

What makes excellence models excellent: a comparison of the American, European and Japanese models

Dr. George Thomas

2021-10-28 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Technostress and Employee Performance Nexus During COVID-19: Training and Creative Self-Efficacy as Moderators

Dr. Farida Saleem

2021-10-13 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Mobile phone buying decisions among young adults: An empirical study of influencing factors

Dr. George Thomas

2021-10-01 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The decision-making analysis on end-of-life vehicle recycling and remanufacturing under extended producer responsibility policy

Dr. George Thomas

2021-10-01 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The biopolitics of transformation to ERM technologies: A case from Egypt

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2021-10-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The quest of tourism and overall well-being: the developing economy of Pakistan

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2021-09-10 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Assessing energy efficiency in the Asia-Pacific region and the mediating role of environmental pollution: evidence from a super-efficiency model with a weighting preference scheme

Dr. Yazeed Alfakhri

2021-09-01 yalfakhri@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The appearance of community logics in management accounting and control: Evidence from an Egyptian sugar beet village

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2021-09-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Work Stress Hampering Employee Performance During COVID-19: Is Safety Culture Needed?

Dr. Farida Saleem

2021-08-26 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Forest resource management: An empirical study in northern pakistan

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2021-08-02 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of family ownership on quality and disclosure of internal control in pakistan

Dr. Umara Noreen

2021-08-02 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Assessment of rice and wheat production efficiency based on data envelopment analysis

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2021-08-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Evaluating decision making in sustainable project selection between literature and practice

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2021-08-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Psychological impact of COVID-19 and lock down measures: An online cross-sectional multicounty study on Asian university students

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2021-08-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : review

The covid-19 pandemic and the acceptance of e-learning among university students: The role of precipitating events

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2021-08-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Assessment of rice and wheat production efficiency based on data envelopment analysis

Dr. Yazeed Alfakhri

2021-08-01 yalfakhri@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Comparative report of compliance to precautionary measures against COVID-19 in Nigeria and Jordan

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2021-08-01 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Democratic transition, political risk, economic instability, and tourist inflows: The case of Tunisia

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2021-08-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Psychological impact of COVID-19 and lock down measures: An online cross-sectional multicounty study on Asian university students

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2021-08-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Impact of environmental orientation on proactive and reactive environmental strategies: Mediating role of business environmental commitment

Dr. Farida Saleem

2021-08-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Psychological impact of COVID-19 and lock down measures: An online cross-sectional multicounty study on Asian university students

Dr. Usha Rajagopalan

2021-08-01 urajagopalan@psu.edu.sa
other : review

How world uncertainties and global pandemics destabilized food, energy and stock markets? Fresh evidence from quantile on quantile regressions

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2021-07-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Auditors, underwriters, and firm owners’ interaction in an ipo environment: The case of oecd nations

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2021-06-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

How do employees learn from performance measures? Evidence from a local government entity

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2021-06-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Auditors, underwriters, and firm owners’ interaction in an ipo environment: The case of oecd nations

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2021-06-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Role of behavioral determinants for investment decision making

Dr. Umara Noreen

2021-06-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Educational landscape of virtual reality in higher education: Bibliometric evidences of publishing patterns and emerging trends

Dr. Amira Khattak

2021-06-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Auditors, underwriters, and firm owners’ interaction in an ipo environment: The case of oecd nations

Dr. Nevi Danila

2021-06-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Online destination brand experience and authenticity: Does individualism-collectivism orientation matter?


2021-06-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Auditors, underwriters, and firm owners’ interaction in an ipo environment: The case of oecd nations

Dr. Usha Rajagopalan

2021-06-01 urajagopalan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Decision support system for diabetes classification using data mining techniques: Classification using data mining techniques

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2021-05-28 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Outputs vs. outcomes: Quality of services in Honduran municipalities

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2021-05-24 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Public budgeting in Bangladesh: An earnest quest for transparency and accountability

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2021-05-24 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Public sector reform and performance management in emerging economies: Outcomes-based approaches in practice

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2021-05-24 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
book : book

AI Support Marketing: Understanding the Customer Journey towards the Business Development

Dr. Najib Khan

2021-04-06 nkhan@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Antecedents of the green behavioral intentions of hotel guests: A developing country perspective

Dr. Farida Saleem

2021-04-02 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

It is time to control the worst: testing COVID-19 outbreak, energy consumption and CO2 emission

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2021-04-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : retracted

The evaluation of efficiency and value addition of IFRS endorsement towards earnings timeliness disclosure

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2021-04-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

It is time to control the worst: testing COVID-19 outbreak, energy consumption and CO2 emission

Dr. Yazeed Alfakhri

2021-04-01 yalfakhri@psu.edu.sa
other : retracted

On the nonlinear effects of energy consumption, economic growth, and tourism on carbon footprints in the USA

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2021-04-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
other : retracted

Does csr governance improve social sustainability and reduce the carbon footprint: International evidence from the energy sector

Dr. Umara Noreen

2021-04-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A scientometric analysis of forty-three years of research in social support in education (1977–2020)

Dr. Amira Khattak

2021-04-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Entrepreneurial intentions among women: does entrepreneurial training and education matters? (Pre- and post-evaluation of psychological attributes and its effects on entrepreneurial intention)


2021-03-17 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Profit-loss sharing principle: The strategic answer of solidarity in islamic finance

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2021-03-08 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Do experience and engagement matter to millennial consumers?


2021-03-08 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Futuristic trends and innovations for examining the performance of course learning outcomes using the rasch analytical model

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2021-03-02 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Are Islamic gold-backed cryptocurrencies different?

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2021-03-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effect of CSR participation on employee sense of purpose and experienced meaningfulness: A self-determination theory perspective

Dr. Owais Nazir

2021-03-01 owani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Mental stress post-COVID-19


2021-03-01 zrawshdeh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

From inputs-outputs to outcomes-based approaches to government budgeting: Insights from Australia

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2021-02-23 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter


Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2021-02-23 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : editorial

Public sector reform and performance management in developed economies: Outcomes-based approaches in practice

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2021-02-23 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
book : book

Public sector reform and performance management in developed economies: Outcomes-based approaches in practice: An overview

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2021-02-23 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Outcomes-based metrics and research measurement in Australian higher education

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2021-02-23 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

COVID-19: Exploring impacts of the pandemic and lockdown on mental health of Pakistani students

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2021-02-03 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

COVID-19: Exploring impacts of the pandemic and lockdown on mental health of Pakistani students

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2021-02-03 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Coping with covid‐19: The strategies adapted by pakistani students to overcome implications

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2021-02-02 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Coping with covid‐19: The strategies adapted by pakistani students to overcome implications

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2021-02-02 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The preventive strategies of COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2021-02-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : letter

On the investors' sentiments and the Islamic stock-bond interplay across investments' horizons

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2021-02-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Determinants and market performance of Fortune 100 best companies: evidence from Islamic perspective


2021-01-18 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of client size and financial performance on audit opinion: Evidence from a developing market

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2021-01-17 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Enhancing student engagement through heterogeneous pedagogical approaches: action research in a university level course in Saudi Arabia

Dr. George Thomas

2021-01-04 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Continuous mobile devices usage tendency in the TPACK-based classroom and academic performance of university students

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2021-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Nexus between corporate social responsibility and firm’s perceived performance: evidence from SME sector of developing economies

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2021-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : retracted

Tensions between local and international accreditation: Insights into interior design learning outcomes

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2021-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Covid-19, Dow Jones and equity market movement in ASEAN-5 countries: evidence from wavelet analyses

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2021-01-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2021-01-01 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The consequence of earnings management through discretionary accruals on the value relevance in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2021-01-01 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Impact Of The Standard Costing System On The Performance Of Industrial Companies In Jordan

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2021-01-01 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Oil-stock Nexus in an Oil-rich Country: Does Geopolitical Risk Matter in Terms of Investment Horizons?

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2021-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring the Main Determinants of Mobile Learning Application Usage During Covid-19 Pandemic in Jordanian Universities

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2021-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Multi-Agent System Combined with Distributed Data Mining for Mutual Collaboration Classification

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2021-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Performance Comparison of Several Deep Learning-Based Object Detection Algorithms Utilizing Thermal Images

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2021-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Predicting the Acceptance of Mobile Learning Applications During COVID-19 Using Machine Learning Prediction Algorithms

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2021-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Analysis of the factors that influence adoption of information from managerial responses to negative electronic word-of-mouth

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2021-01-01 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Analyzing The Impact Of Inflation Targeting Adoption On FDI Inflows

Dr. Najib Khan

2021-01-01 nkhan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The accountability process during the centrality of state institutional logics: a case from an African rural context

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2021-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Accountability Process During The Time Of Covid-19 Pandemic And The Emerging Role Of Non-Profit Associations

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2021-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The failure of global leadership and accountability problems during the covid-19 pandemic

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2021-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on medical and travel insurance pricing and fraud risks: An exploratory study

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2021-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Accounting as rhetorical devices during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Australian universities

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2021-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The fate of the balanced scorecard: alternative problematization and competing networks

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2021-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effect of destination brand quality on students’ decision on determining a country of their study: A case of international students at Jordanian Private Universities

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2021-01-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The consequences of knowledge hiding behavior in organizations: A systematic literature review

Dr. Bader Ibrahim Alaydi

2021-01-01 balaydi@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Global Research on Andragogy: A Bibliometric Analysis

Dr. Saghir Munir Mehar

2021-01-01 smehar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Covid-19, Dow Jones and equity market movement in ASEAN-5 countries: evidence from wavelet analyses

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2021-01-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Islamic index market sentiment: evidence from the ASEAN market

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2021-01-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Energy consumption and economic growth: Empirical evidence from mena region

Dr. Najia Saqib

2021-01-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Structural understanding of electronic government websites: A systematic literature review

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2021-01-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
other : review

What explains the investment decision-making behaviour? The role of financial literacy and financial risk tolerance

Dr. Umara Noreen

2021-01-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Employee Engagement Among Millennial Workforce: Empirical Study on Selected Antecedents and Consequences

Dr. Jolly Sahni

2021-01-01 jsahni@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Bibliometric analysis of green marketing research from 1977 to 2020

Dr. Amira Khattak

2021-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Do organizational citizenship behavior for the environment predict triple bottom line performance in manufacturing firms?

Dr. Amira Khattak

2021-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Environmental upgrading leading to social upgrading in global value chains: Evidence from Bangladesh and Sri Lanka

Dr. Amira Khattak

2021-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Mapping the scientific literature on covid-19 and mental health

Dr. Amira Khattak

2021-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Participation of hotel managers in CSR activities in developing countries: A defining role of CSR orientation, CSR competencies, and CSR commitment

Dr. Amira Khattak

2021-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The residual impact of offshore outsourcing on learning and innovation for emerging-economy suppliers: Evidence from the apparel industry of Pakistan

Dr. Amira Khattak

2021-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Exploring antecedents of online purchasing behavioral intention of generation z: An integrated model of four theories


2021-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Influence of readiness measures on planning tourism digital shift


2021-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Political connections and cash holdings in financially constrained firms: Evidence from top 500 firms in Malaysia


2021-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Product innovation, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty of using smartphones among university students: PLS - SEM approach


2021-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring antecedents of online purchasing behavioral intention of generation z: An integrated model of four theories

Dr. Nevi Danila

2021-01-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Islamic index market sentiment: evidence from the ASEAN market

Dr. Nevi Danila

2021-01-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Bibliometric analysis of green marketing research from 1977 to 2020

Dr. Farida Saleem

2021-01-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Environmental upgrading leading to social upgrading in global value chains: Evidence from Bangladesh and Sri Lanka

Dr. Farida Saleem

2021-01-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter


Dr. Farida Saleem

2021-01-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Toxic Leadership and Safety Performance: Does Organizational Commitment act as Stress Moderator?

Dr. Farida Saleem

2021-01-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Online Recruitment Website is Significantly Influence the Job-Seekers to Apply Job Online

Dr. Nor Asiah Mahmood

2021-01-01 nmahmood@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Relationship between Motivational Factors and Job Satisfaction in Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) Headquarters

Dr. Nor Asiah Mahmood

2021-01-01 nmahmood@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Workforce gender diversity and corporate performance – Evidence from Tunisian companies

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2021-01-01 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Internal marketing: a review and future research agenda

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2021-01-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Indian Medical Tourism Industry Basics and Its Competitive Positioning: Case Study

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2021 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
bookchapter : bookchapter

Factors affecting augmented reality adoption in the retail industry

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2021 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Factors affecting photovoltaic solar technology usage intention among households in Malaysia: Model integration and empirical validation

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2021 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Green finance development in Bangladesh: The role of private commercial banks (PCBs)

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2021 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Perceived environmental responsibilities and green buying behavior: The mediating effect of attitude

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2021 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Perceived retailer innovativeness and brand equity: mediation of consumer engagement; [#x611f;#x77e5;#x96f6;#x552e;#x5546;#x521b;#x65b0;#x6027;#x4e0e;#x54c1;#x724c;资产:消费者参与的调节]

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2021 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Purchase intention of renewable energy technology in rural areas in Bangladesh: Empirical evidence

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2021 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The panic buying behavior of consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Examining the influences of uncertainty, perceptions of severity, perceptions of scarcity, and anxiety

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2021 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Working adults’ buying intention through online social network: An empirical study in Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2021 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Examining mobile financial services in Pakistan: Rural and urban perspective with gender as a moderator

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2021 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Intergenerational differences in fans' motivation to watch the T20 world cup: a generation cohort theory perspective

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2021 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Muslim travelers’ inconvenient tourism experience and self-rated mental health at a non-islamic country: Exploring gender and age differences

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2021 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Sustaining Hazir Sabzi through study, work and family: A three-tier conflict

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2021 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of type of content use on smartphone addiction and academic performance: Physical activity as moderator

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2021 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Indian medical tourism industry basics and its competitive positioning: Case study

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2020-12-18 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Influence of CSR-specific activities on work engagement and employees’ innovative work behaviour: an empirical investigation

Dr. Owais Nazir

2020-12-16 owani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Recovery planning and resilience of SMEs during the COVID-19: experience from Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-12-15 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Guest editorial

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2020-12-15 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : editorial

Anxiety Level of University Students During COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-12-11 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Anxiety Level of University Students During COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2020-12-11 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effects of focus versus diversification on bank risk and return: evidence from Islamic banks’ loan portfolios

Dr. Lama Alkayed

2020-12-06 lkayed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effects of focus versus diversification on bank risk and return: evidence from Islamic banks’ loan portfolios

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2020-12-06 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring the relationship between customer loyalty and financial performance of banks: Customer open innovation perspective

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-12-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The role of fixed capital formation, renewable and non-renewable energy in economic growth and carbon emission: a case study of Belt and Road Initiative project

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-12-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : retracted

The role of fixed capital formation, renewable and non-renewable energy in economic growth and carbon emission: a case study of Belt and Road Initiative project

Dr. Yazeed Alfakhri

2020-12-01 yalfakhri@psu.edu.sa
other : retracted

COVID-19, Government Response, and Market Volatility: Evidence from the Asia-Pacific Developed and Developing Markets

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2020-12-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

COVID-19, Government Response, and Market Volatility: Evidence from the Asia-Pacific Developed and Developing Markets

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2020-12-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Australia's COVID-19 public budgeting response: the straitjacket of neoliberalism

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2020-11-24 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

CSR in Saudi Arabia and Carroll’s Pyramid: what is ‘known’ and ‘unknown’?

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-11-16 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

CSR in Saudi Arabia and Carroll’s Pyramid: what is ‘known’ and ‘unknown’?

Dr. Yazeed Alfakhri

2020-11-16 yalfakhri@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

CSR in Saudi Arabia and Carroll’s Pyramid: what is ‘known’ and ‘unknown’?


2020-11-16 dfakhri@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The effect of talent management practices on employee turnover intention in the information and communication technologies (ICTs) sector: Case of Jordan

Dr. Maha AlDalahmeh

2020-11-13 maldalahmeh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Factors Impeding Health-Care Professionals to Effectively Treat Coronavirus Disease 2019 Patients in Pakistan: A Qualitative Investigation

Dr. Amira Khattak

2020-11-09 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Coping with COVID-19 and movement control order (MCO): experiences of university students in Malaysia

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-11-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

SWOT analysis: A framework for comprehensive evaluation of drivers and barriers for renewable energy development in significant countries

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-11-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring the critical challenges and factors influencing the E-learning system usage during COVID-19 pandemic

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2020-11-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Consumer Acceptance of Internet of Things (IoT): Smart Home Context

Dr. Mobark Qoblan Aldossari

2020-11-01 mAldossari@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Coping with COVID-19 and movement control order (MCO): experiences of university students in Malaysia

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2020-11-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Customer experience and commitment in retailing: Does customer age matter?


2020-11-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corrigendum: The Impact of Authentic Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Affective- and Cognitive-Based Trust (Front. Psychol, (2020), 11, (1975), 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01975)

Dr. Amira Khattak

2020-10-22 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
other : erratum

Interplay between labour dynamics, accounting and accountability practices during the rise of a political logic: an Egyptian case study

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2020-10-15 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Institutional complexity and CSR practices: evidence from a developing country

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2020-10-13 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Measurement and assessment of accounting research, impact and engagement

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2020-10-08 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
other : review

What you see depends on where you look: performance measurement of Australian accounting academics

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2020-10-08 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Revisiting stakeholder theory and environmentalism: Evidence from an emerging economy

Dr. Allwiya Allui

2020-10-02 aallui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Revisiting stakeholder theory and environmentalism: Evidence from an emerging economy

Dr. Farida Saleem

2020-10-02 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Public health and project management: Do projects deliver?

Dr. Farida Saleem

2020-10-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Options trading strategy based on ARIMA forecasting

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-09-15 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Impact of Authentic Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Affective‐ and Cognitive-Based Trust

Dr. Amira Khattak

2020-09-10 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Do the IFRS promote corporate social responsibility reporting? Evidence from IFRS convergence in India

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-09-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Earnings management: A new paradigm of corporate social responsibility

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-09-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Psychological impact of covid-19 and lockdown among university students in malaysia: Implications and policy recommendations

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-09-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Quality management practices of food manufacturers: A comparative study between small, medium and large companies in Malaysia

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-09-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effect of CSR activities on meaningfulness, compassion, and employee engagement: A sense-making theoretical approach

Dr. Owais Nazir

2020-09-01 owani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Psychological impact of covid-19 and lockdown among university students in malaysia: Implications and policy recommendations

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2020-09-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Downside risk-based six-factor capital asset pricing model (CAPM): A new paradigm in asset pricing

Dr. Umara Noreen

2020-09-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Investigating the Knowledge of Vector Concepts of First Year Medical Students

Dr. Kolthoom Alkofahi

2020-09-01 kkofahi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effect of structuring on team behavior and learning

Dr. Farida Saleem

2020-08-17 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Ntru-like random congruential public-key cryptosystem for wireless sensor networks

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2020-08-02 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A Holistic Review Of The Present And Future Drivers Of The Renewable Energy Mix in Maharashtra, state of India

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-08-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : review


Dr. Ahmed Diab

2020-08-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate environmentalism: An emerging economy perspective

Dr. Allwiya Allui

2020-08-01 aallui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Managerial training effectiveness: An assessment through Kirkpatrick framework

Dr. Jolly Sahni

2020-08-01 jsahni@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate environmentalism: An emerging economy perspective

Dr. Amira Khattak

2020-08-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Gender, loyalty card membership, age, and critical incident recovery: Do they moderate experience-loyalty relationship?


2020-08-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate environmentalism: An emerging economy perspective

Dr. Farida Saleem

2020-08-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Battle of the glitters in the United Arab Emirates

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2020-07-04 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Influences of behavioral intention to engage in environmental accounting practices for corporate sustainability: Managerial perspectives from a developing country

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-07-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Joint audits and mutual ties of audit firm networks

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-07-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : note

Ubiquitous Role of Social Networking in Driving M-Commerce: Evaluating the Use of Mobile Phones for Online Shopping and Payment in the Context of Trust

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-07-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

COVID-19 pandemic, oil prices, stock market, geopolitical risk and policy uncertainty nexus in the US economy: Fresh evidence from the wavelet-based approach

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2020-07-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Investigating the main determinants of mobile cloud computing adoption in university campus

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2020-07-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effective Transparency and Institutional Trust in Honduran Municipal Governments

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2020-07-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Institutionalising multiple accountability logics in public services: Insights from Australia

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2020-07-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Human resources information systems implementation and influences in higher education: Evidence from Malaysia

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2020-07-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Green supply chain practices and company performance in Portuguese manufacturing sector

Dr. Luisa Alexandra Pinto

2020-07-01 lpinto@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring the relationship between sustainable projects and institutional isomorphisms: A project typology

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-05-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Efficiency, diversification, and performance of US banks

Dr. Rhada Boujlil

2020-05-01 rboujlil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Smartphone-based m-shopping behavior and innovative entrepreneurial tendency among women in emerging Asia

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-04-27 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The effect of CSR engagement on eWOM on social media


2020-04-22 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-04-20 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : editorial

Brand engagement and experience in online services


2020-04-15 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Implementing IFRS in Saudi Arabia: evidence from publicly traded companies

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-04-11 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Correction to: Reaching the sustainable development goals 2030: energy efficiency as an approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR) (GeoJournal, (2020), 85, 2, (363-374), 10.1007/s10708-018-09965-x)

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-04-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : erratum

How to Choose a Nonparametric Frontier Model? Technical Efficiency of Turkish Banks Assessing Global

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-04-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Measuring Mental Health of Caregivers of Special Children: A Case of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), Pakistan

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-04-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Reaching the sustainable development goals 2030: energy efficiency as an approach to corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-04-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Student-centered engineering education: The renewable energy case

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2020-04-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Determinants of financial e-transparency in Honduran municipalities

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2020-04-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Estimating the effects of tourism growth on emission pollutants: empirical evidence from a small island, Cyprus

Dr. Najia Saqib

2020-04-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Buyer-driven knowledge transfer activities to enhance organizational sustainability of suppliers

Dr. Amira Khattak

2020-04-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Strategic business enablers and infrastructure insights of the Saudi Arabian Tourism Industry: An assessment

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2020-03-13 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Assessing Google reviews to monitor student experience

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2020-03-12 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

On the interplay between US sectoral CDS, stock and VIX indices: Fresh insights from wavelet approaches

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2020-03-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Implementation and Adaptation of the Balanced Scorecard in a Government Agency

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2020-03-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Labour Market Discrimination in India

Dr. Nazia Hashmi

2020-03-01 nhashmi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Spillovers across European sovereign credit markets and role of surprise and uncertainty

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2020-02-13 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Investing in CSR pays you back in manyways! The case of perceptual, attitudinal and behavioral outcomes of customers

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-02-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of audit quality on narrative disclosure: Evidence from Egypt

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2020-02-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does higher education system moderate energy consumption and climate change nexus? Evidence from a small island

Dr. Najia Saqib

2020-02-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The effect of corporate social responsibility practices on brand equity: An examination of malaysia's top 100 brands


2020-02-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Social report innovation: evidence from a major Italian bank 2007-2012

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2020-01-20 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Ownership risk in contemporary islamic banking

Dr. Alam Asadov

2020-01-03 aasadov@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Extent of artificial intelligence into accounting and auditing work - An analytical attempt of job and duties

Dr. Sajed M. Abukhader

2020-01-01 sajed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Coping strategies of students for anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic in China: A cross-sectional study

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

How students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are coping with COVID-pandemic 19

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

International Saudi Arabia students’ level of preparedness: Identifying factors and maximizing study abroad experience using a mixed-methods approach

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Mental health and well-being during the covid-19 pandemic in higher education: Evidence from g20 countries

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Revisiting accountability: Corruption in health care in developing countries

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Social distancing and reopening universities after the COVID-19 pandemic: Policy complexity in g20 countries

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Socio-psychological impact on bangladeshi students during COVID-19

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2020-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Moderating effects of family business on audit committee diligence and firm performance: A middle eastern perspective

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2020-01-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Mobile Government Adoption Model Based on Combining GAM and UTAUT to Explain Factors According to Adoption of Mobile Government Services

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2020-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Towards a new model of work passion

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2020-01-01 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Najib Khan

2020-01-01 nkhan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Risk-based management control resistance in a context of institutional complexity: evidence from an emerging economy

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2020-01-01 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Building customer loyalty in online shopping: The role of online trust, online satisfaction and electronic word of mouth

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2020-01-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Interaction between Organizational Culture and Individual Behavior: A Conceptual Approach

Dr. Meshal Aldhobaib

2020-01-01 maldhobaib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Artificial intelligence (AI) collides with patent law

Dr. Saghir Munir Mehar

2020-01-01 smehar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effect of oil fluctuation on stock market return: An empirical study from India

Dr. Priyanka A. Aggarwal

2020-01-01 paggarwal@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Coping strategies of students for anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic in China: A cross-sectional study

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2020-01-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

How students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are coping with COVID-pandemic 19

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2020-01-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Moderating effects of family business on audit committee diligence and firm performance: A middle eastern perspective

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2020-01-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Socio-psychological impact on bangladeshi students during COVID-19

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2020-01-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A cross-sectional investigation of prevalence of occupational burnout in Saudi aviation industry

Dr. Allwiya Allui

2020-01-01 aallui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Critical Drivers and Barriers of Corporate Social Responsibility in Saudi Arabia Organizations*

Dr. Allwiya Allui

2020-01-01 aallui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Performance and potential of central government revenue: A panel data analysis for oil exporting and importing countries

Dr. Najia Saqib

2020-01-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Individual's intention to subscribe to freemium music streaming services: A conceptual framework

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2020-01-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Any Luck with Bitcoin in Saudi Arabia?

Dr. Umara Noreen

2020-01-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Growth Opportunities, Capital Structure and Dividend Policy in Emerging Market: Indonesia Case Study

Dr. Umara Noreen

2020-01-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Bridging the gap between authentic leadership and employees communal relationships through trust

Dr. Amira Khattak

2020-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Data Analytics in Mental Healthcare

Dr. Amira Khattak

2020-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Economic and social upgrading of firms in football global value chains

Dr. Amira Khattak

2020-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate social performance and firm performance: Comparative study among developed and emerging market firms


2020-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effects of inflation, interest and unemployment rates on economic growth: Evidence from Asean countries


2020-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Growth Opportunities, Capital Structure and Dividend Policy in Emerging Market: Indonesia Case Study


2020-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Investigating dynamic effect of energy consumption, foreign direct investments and economic growth on Co2 emissions between Oman and United Arab Emirates: Evidence from Co integration and causality tests


2020-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Leading determinants for sustainability of smes' in Bangladesh: Multiple cases studies


2020-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Ranking of performance measurement systems for smaller businesses


2020-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Growth Opportunities, Capital Structure and Dividend Policy in Emerging Market: Indonesia Case Study

Dr. Nevi Danila

2020-01-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

An investigation of consumer evaluation of authenticity of their company's CSR engagement


2020-01-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The sharing economy: the influence of perceived corporate social responsibility on brand commitment


2020-01-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Abusive leadership and employee commitment nexus: Conservation of resources theory perspective

Dr. Farida Saleem

2020-01-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of Servant Leadership on Performance: The Mediating Role of Affective and Cognitive Trust

Dr. Farida Saleem

2020-01-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Renewable energy products and customer’s purchase intentions having environmental concern

Dr. Farida Saleem

2020-01-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Dividend policy and the bank-firm relationship: Evidence from Tunisian context

Dr. Lama Alkayed

2020-01-01 lkayed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Rhada Boujlil

2020-01-01 rboujlil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Dividend policy and the bank-firm relationship: Evidence from Tunisian context

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2020-01-01 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Patient-centered communication: an extension of the HCAHPS survey

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2020-01-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Strategic Business Enablers and Infrastructure Insights of the Saudi Arabian Tourism Industry: An Assessment

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2020 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
bookchapter : bookchapter

Strategic value creation in a supply chain

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2020 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
bookchapter : bookchapter

Adoption of green supply chain management among SMEs in Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2020 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Applying an extended theory of planned behavior to sustainable food consumption

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2020 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Customer satisfaction in online shopping in growing markets: An empirical study

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2020 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Safeguarding halal integrity through halal logistics adoption: A case of food manufacturers

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2020 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The influence of customer value co-creation behavior on SME brand equity: An empirical analysis

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2020 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Behaviors also trickle back: An assessment of customer dysfunctional behavior on employees and customers

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2020 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a customer satisfaction and retention strategy in the chain restaurant sector

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2020 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Generating marketing outcomes through internet of things (Iot) technologies

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2020 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Investigating the effects of customer-based brand equity on turnover intentions with mediating effect of customer citizenship behavior

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2020 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Revisiting SERVQUAL as a formative construct using PLS-SEM two-stage approach in service quality research

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2020 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Role of HbA1c in diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2020 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The post-coronavirus world in the international tourism industry: Application of the theory of planned behavior to safer destination choices in the case of us outbound tourism

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2020 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Role of SME in poverty alleviation in SAARC Region via Panel data analysis

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-11-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of capital structure on profitability: A comparative study of islamic and conventional banks of Pakistan

Dr. Umara Noreen

2019-11-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Working well: A systematic scoping review of the Indigenous primary healthcare workforce development literature

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2019-10-29 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Conflicts and creative idea endorsement: Do subordinates’ political skills and implementation instrumentality matter?

Dr. Farida Saleem

2019-10-08 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Illusion of Inflation Targeting: Have Central Banks Figured Out What They Are Actually Doing Since the Global Financial Crisis? An Alternative to the Mainstream Perspective

Dr. Najib Khan

2019-10-02 nkhan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Striving for legitimacy through CSR: an exploration of employees responses in controversial industry sector


2019-09-27 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The linkages between financial literacy and its application in financial decision-making among academicians in Indonesia

Dr. Zaiton Ali

2019-09-03 zali@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The linkages between financial literacy and its application in financial decision-making among academicians in Indonesia

Dr. Nevi Danila

2019-09-03 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of related party transactions on firm value: Evidence from a developing country

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2019-09-02 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

“Corruption premium” on municipal borrowing cost: the case of Spanish Mayors

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2019-09-02 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The relationship between admission exam and students’ performance on an undergraduate interior design program

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-09-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Accounting as an engine for the re-creation of strategy at a university

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2019-09-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Case matrices and connections of entrepreneurial career management module


2019-09-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Talent retention in private universities of Malaysia


2019-09-01 zrawshdeh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The mediating role of person-organization fit in the relationship between socially responsible-hrm practices and employee engagement


2019-09-01 zrawshdeh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Institutional ambidexterity and management control: The role of religious, communal and political institutions

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2019-08-16 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Tax Evasion and the Role of the State Actor(s) in Bangladesh

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-07-27 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Meaningful work and organizational outcomes: The mediating role of individual work performance

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2019-07-12 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The financial and market consequences of environmental, social and governance ratings: The implications of recent political volatility in Egypt

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2019-07-09 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Do the illegal and legal rents of politicians affect municipal election outcomes? Empirical evidence

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2019-07-04 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Muslim millennials’ attitudes towards fashion advertising

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2019-07-04 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

SME social media use: A study of predictive factors in the United Arab Emirates

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2019-07-01 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Tinnitus perception mediates the relationship between physiological and psychological problems among patients

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-07-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Islamic venture capital – issues in practice

Dr. Alam Asadov

2019-06-26 aasadov@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Tourism development, energy consumption and environmental quality in Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco: a trivariate analysis

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-06-15 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Measuring religiosity among Muslim consumers: observations and recommendations

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2019-06-06 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
other : review

The impact of entrepreneurial business networks on firms' performance through a mediating role of dynamic capabilities

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-06-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The influence of islamic religiosity on the perceived socio-cultural impact of sustainable tourism development in pakistan: A structural equation modeling approach

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-06-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Tax mimicking in Spanish municipalities: Expenditure spillovers, yardstick competition, or tax competition?

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2019-06-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Employees’ perceptions of CSR, work engagement, and organizational citizenship behavior: The mediating effects of organizational justice

Dr. Amira Khattak

2019-05-02 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Brexit and the Trump Era: The future of IFRS

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-05-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : note

Linking sustainability-oriented marketing to social media and web atmospheric cues

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-05-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The driving forces of facebook social commerce

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2019-05-01 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Applying technology to enhance student satisfaction and engagement: Case of business students

Dr. Jolly Sahni

2019-05-01 jsahni@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The role of religious motivation in an international consumer boycott

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2019-05-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The interplay between ideological resistance and management control: an Egyptian case study

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2019-04-23 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The role of social media for sustainable development in mountain region tourism in Pakistan

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-04-03 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

An examination of sustainable HRM practices on job performance: An application of training as a moderator

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-04-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Do Psychological Diversity Climate, HRM Practices, and Personality Traits (Big Five) Influence Multicultural Workforce Job Satisfaction and Performance? Current Scenario, Literature Gap, and Future Research Directions


2019-04-01 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Investigating engineering student learning style trends by using multivariate statistical analysis

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-03-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Do multicultural faculty members perform well in higher educational institutions?: Examining the roles of psychological diversity climate, HRM practices and personality traits (Big Five)


2019-02-20 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Data falsification and question on academic integrity

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-02-17 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : note

Student satisfaction in the Russell Group and Non-Russell Group Universities in UK

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-02-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : data paper

The effect of sustainable urban planning and slum disamenity on the value of neighboring residential property: Application of the hedonic pricing model in rent price appraisal

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-02-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

History of research performance measurement systems in the Australian higher education sector

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2019-02-01 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of transformational leadership on job performance and CSR as mediator in SMEs

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-01-15 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Are Islamic bonds a good safe haven for stocks? Implications for portfolio management in a time-varying regime-switching copula framework

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2019-01-14 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A taxonomy of the expected roles of librarians towards knowledge management: An eight-layer perspective for practice

Dr. Sajed M. Abukhader

2019-01-07 sajed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Social media adoption and its impact on firm performance: the case of the UAE

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2019-01-04 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Public sector reform implications for performance measurement and risk management practice: insights from Australia

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2019-01-02 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A colour recognition device for the visually disabled people

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2019-01-01 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Aspect-Based Opinion Mining on Student's Feedback for Faculty Teaching Performance Evaluation

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Clustering students into groups according to their learning style

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does a good firm breed good organizational citizens? The moderating role of perspective taking

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does teaching qualification matter in higher education in the UK? An analysis of National Student Survey data

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does what goes around really comes around? The mediating effect of CSR on the relationship between transformational leadership and employee's job performance in law firms

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effects of variety-seeking intention by mobile phone usage on university students’ academic performance

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Engineering student evaluation of teaching quality in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Gender-based itrust in e-commerce: The moderating role of cognitive innovativeness

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Is M-learning a challenge? Students attitudes toward the sustainable learning and performance

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Learning style preferences of architecture and interior design students in Saudi Arabia: A survey

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The effects of corporate social responsibility practices and environmental factors through a moderating role of social media marketing on sustainable performance of business firms

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of social media on learning behavior for sustainable education: Evidence of students from selected universities in Pakistan

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The relationship of religiosity and marital satisfaction: The role of religious commitment and practices on marital satisfaction among Pakistani respondents

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2019-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate diversification: A fundamental exploration of general business environments, industry environments and firm characteristics


2019-01-01 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Modelling and implementation of proactive risk management in e-Learning projects: A step towards enhancing quality of e-Learning

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2019-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Transparency and government trust

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2019-01-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Feminist perspective of international law and its effect on international courts and tribunals

Dr. Saghir Munir Mehar

2019-01-01 smehar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Rohingya crises: Mapping the peer-reviewed literature

Dr. Saghir Munir Mehar

2019-01-01 smehar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Method of payments in the merger and acquisitions transaction: The case of Saudi Arabia

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2019-01-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The short and long-run performance of Sharia-compliant initial public offerings (IPOs) in the emerging market: Evidence from the Saudi Arabia Share Market

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2019-01-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Determinants of Entry Modes Choice for MNEs: Exploring Major Challenges and Implications for Saudi Arabia

Dr. Allwiya Allui

2019-01-01 aallui@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

eBay: Smart entry strategy into the Korean market through M&A and its post-merger integration

Dr. Allwiya Allui

2019-01-01 aallui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Transfer of training determinants in Indian public organisations

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2019-01-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate diversification: A fundamental exploration of general business environments, industry environments and firm characteristics

Dr. Jolly Sahni

2019-01-01 jsahni@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Jolly Sahni

2019-01-01 jsahni@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Role of Quality of work life in determining employee engagement and organizational commitment in telecom industry

Dr. Jolly Sahni

2019-01-01 jsahni@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Transfer of training determinants in Indian public organisations

Dr. Jolly Sahni

2019-01-01 jsahni@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Green innovation in South Asia’s clothing industry: Issues and challenges

Dr. Amira Khattak

2019-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Social supply chain practices and companies performance: An analysis of portuguese industry industry

Dr. Luisa Alexandra Pinto

2019-01-01 lpinto@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Categorization of indicators for performance of small and medium enterprises


2019-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

East Asian trends of human resource management: Theories and practices


2019-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring performance indicators of small and medium enterprises


2019-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Connecting the dots between CSR and brand loyalty: The mediating role of brand experience and brand trust


2019-01-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of perceived socially responsible-hrm practices on employee deviance behavior


2019-01-01 zrawshdeh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The effectiveness of human resource management practices on employee retention at national hydrographic centre (NHC)

Dr. Nor Asiah Mahmood

2019-01-01 nmahmood@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The relationship between job training and job satisfaction: A case study of royal Malaysian air force firefighters

Dr. Nor Asiah Mahmood

2019-01-01 nmahmood@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Theoretical framework for human resource functions on development of a competent workforce in the royal Malaysian Navy (RMN): Moderated by job satisfaction

Dr. Nor Asiah Mahmood

2019-01-01 nmahmood@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effect of Graham's share selection criteria on portfolio return in emerging markets: Case of Malaysian share market

Ms. Nadisah Binti zakaria

2019-01-01 nbintizakaria@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Method of payments in the merger and acquisitions transaction: The case of Saudi Arabia

Ms. Nadisah Binti zakaria

2019-01-01 nbintizakaria@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The short and long-run performance of Sharia-compliant initial public offerings (IPOs) in the emerging market: Evidence from the Saudi Arabia Share Market

Ms. Nadisah Binti zakaria

2019-01-01 nbintizakaria@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Brunei halal tourism outlook

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2019-01-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Exploring muslim millennials’ perception and value placed on the concept of ‘halal’ in their tourism preferences and behaviours

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2019-01-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Elucidation of supply chain integration in Halal food industry

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2019 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Employee intention to join a union in private university

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2019 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Factors affecting energy-efficient household products buying intention: Empirical study

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2019 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Social commerce an extended technology acceptance model: The mediating effect of perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2019 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The mediating role of person-organization fit in the relationship between socially responsible-hrm practices and employee engagement

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2019 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The role of firm size and customer orientation on halal transportation adoption

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2019 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Intentions to adopt ecopreneurship: Moderating role of collectivism and altruism

Dr. Farida Saleem

2018-12-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Microfinancing, governance, and performance: a South Asian perspective

Dr. Umara Noreen

2018-11-21 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of social, environmental and corporate governance disclosures on firm value: Evidence from Egypt

Dr. Ahmed Diab

2018-11-05 adiab@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

International perspectives on the pedagogy of climate change

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2018-11-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Addressing generational issues in training and development at Aerospace Composites Malaysia


2018-11-01 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A systematic literature review of the environmental upgrading in global value chains and future research agenda

Dr. Amira Khattak

2018-11-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A systematic literature review of the environmental upgrading in global value chains and future research agenda

Dr. Luisa Alexandra Pinto

2018-11-01 lpinto@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Young Saudi consumers and corporate social responsibility: an Islamic “CSR tree” model

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2018-10-17 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Young Saudi consumers and corporate social responsibility: an Islamic “CSR tree” model

Dr. Yazeed Alfakhri

2018-10-17 yalfakhri@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Young Saudi consumers and corporate social responsibility: an Islamic “CSR tree” model


2018-10-17 dfakhri@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A citation analysis of corporate social responsibility (1970-2014): insights from Islamic perspective

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2018-10-15 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : review

A citation analysis of corporate social responsibility (1970-2014): insights from Islamic perspective

Dr. Yazeed Alfakhri

2018-10-15 yalfakhri@psu.edu.sa
other : review

A citation analysis of corporate social responsibility (1970-2014): insights from Islamic perspective


2018-10-15 dfakhri@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Effects of job resources factors on nurses job performance (mediating role of work engagement)


2018-10-08 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Perceived costs and benefits of IFRS adoption in Saudi Arabia: An exploratory study

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2018-10-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Demand for audit quality in newly privatized firms in MENA region: Role of internal corporate governance mechanisms audit

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2018-10-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Retraction notice to “On the interplay between Energy consumption, economic growth and CO2 emission nexus in the GCC countries: a comparative analysis through wavelet approaches” (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2015) 51 (1737–1751), (S1364032115007200) (10.1016/j.rser.2015.07.073))

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2018-10-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
other : erratum

Corruption in Bangladesh: Insights from the financial sector

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2018-09-28 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Environmental upgrading of an apparel firm in Bangladesh: a case study of VIYELLATEX

Dr. Amira Khattak

2018-09-20 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Dynamic efficiency of European credit sectors: A rolling-window multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2018-09-15 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Do dividends announcements signal future earnings changes for Jordanian firms?

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2018-09-03 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Socioeconomic Determinants of Terrorism

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2018-09-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The interconnections between U.S. financial CDS spreads and control variables: New evidence using partial and multivariate wavelet coherences

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2018-09-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A multimethod approach to assess and measure corporate social responsibility disclosure and practices in a developing economy

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2018-08-20 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Multivariate Co-movement Between Islamic Stock and Bond Markets Among the GCC: A Wavelet-Based View

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2018-08-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The implementation of sustainable development goals in "BRICS" countries

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2018-07-18 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Mediating the role of work engagement between personal resources (self-efficacy, the big five model) and nurses’ job performance


2018-07-02 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Hybrid cat swarm optimization and simulated annealing for dynamic task scheduling on cloud computing environment

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2018-07-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Risks and Benefits of Legislative Budgetary Oversight

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2018-07-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The influence of transparency on budget forecast deviations in municipal governments

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2018-07-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Breaking the silence: An empirical analysis of the drivers of internal auditors' moral courage

Dr. Imen Khelil

2018-07-01 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The influence of corporate social responsibility on organizational commitment: The sequential mediating effect of meaningfulness of work and perceived organizational support

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2018-06-28 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of authentic leadership on organizational citizenship behaviours and the mediating role of corporate social responsibility in the banking sector of Pakistan

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2018-06-26 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of authentic leadership on organizational citizenship behaviours and the mediating role of corporate social responsibility in the banking sector of Pakistan

Dr. Amira Khattak

2018-06-26 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Doing good is not enough, you should have been authentic: Organizational identification, authentic leadership and CSR

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2018-06-15 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Understanding social media adoption in SMEs: Empirical evidence from the United Arab Emirates

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2018-06-04 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Consumer perceptions and corporate social responsibility: what we know so far

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2018-06-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Consumer perceptions and corporate social responsibility: what we know so far

Dr. Yazeed Alfakhri

2018-06-01 yalfakhri@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Consumer perceptions and corporate social responsibility: what we know so far


2018-06-01 dfakhri@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Perceptions of success of women early career researchers

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2018-05-14 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Diabetes classification using data mining techniques: Classification using data mining techniques

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2018-05-11 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Sectoral energy consumption by source and output in the U.S.: New evidence from wavelet-based approach

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2018-05-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2018-04-12 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : editorial

Reflections of entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized enterprises concerning the adoption of social media and its impact on performance outcomes: Evidence from the UAE

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2018-04-01 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Information transmission across stock indices and stock index futures: International evidence using wavelet framework

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2018-04-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The role of aesthetics and design in hotelscape: A phenomenological investigation of cosmopolitan consumers


2018-04-01 dfakhri@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A Multiple and Partial Wavelet Analysis of the Oil Price, Inflation, Exchange Rate, and Economic Growth Nexus in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2018-03-16 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

An evaluation of teaching methods of entrepreneurship in hospitality and tourism programs

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2018-03-01 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Accounting for Accountability: A Critical Reflection on the Private Higher Education in Bangladesh

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2018-03-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A methodology review: Investigation of entrepreneurship success


2018-02-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Tax evasion and religiosity in the Muslim world: the significance of Shariah regulation

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2018-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Divergence of opinion and moderating effect of investors’ attentions in IPO market: Malaysian evidence

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2018-01-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of job satisfaction on training motivation

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2018-01-01 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Musharakah Mutanaqisah home financing: issues in practice

Dr. Alam Asadov

2018-01-01 aasadov@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

An investigation of passengers' psychological benefits from green brands in an environmentally friendly airline context: The moderating role of gender

Dr. Jung Kyu Choi

2018-01-01 jkchoi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Can salaries and re-election prevent political corruption? An empirical evidence

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2018-01-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Rationality, accounting and benchmarking water businesses: An analysis of measurement challenges

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2018-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Method of payment in mergers and acquisitions: The case of Saudi Arabia

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2018-01-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

The short and long-run initial public offerings (IPOs) performance in the emerging market: Evidence from Saudi Arabia share market

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2018-01-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

The short-and-long run performance of mergers and acquisitions: Evidence from tadawul

Dr. Kamilah S. Kamaludin

2018-01-01 kkamaludin@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Understanding drivers, barriers, and benefits of social responsibility in Saudi Arabia organizations

Dr. Allwiya Allui

2018-01-01 aallui@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and economic growth: Empirical evidence from gulf cooperation council countries

Dr. Najia Saqib

2018-01-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Two sides of a coin: Effects of perceived and actual financial literacy on investment decision making behavior mediated by financial risk tolerance

Dr. Umara Noreen

2018-01-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

White land tax: The case of Saudi Arabia

Dr. Zaiton Ali

2018-01-01 zali@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Blended learning in higher education: Evidence from private women university

Dr. Jolly Sahni

2018-01-01 jsahni@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Are entrepreneurship educators cultivating entrepreneurs? Analysis of transformational attributes

Dr. Amira Khattak

2018-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Understanding drivers, barriers, and benefits of social responsibility in Saudi Arabia organizations

Dr. Luisa Alexandra Pinto

2018-01-01 lpinto@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Investigating the empirical relationship between service quality, trust, satisfaction, and intention of customers purchasing life insurance products


2018-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Student spin-off intentions in malaysian higher educational institutions: Founders’ characteristics and university roles


2018-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

CSR and consumer behavioral responses: the role of customer-company identification


2018-01-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of CSR on consumer responses in the hospitality industry: CSR and consumer responses


2018-01-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Chief audit executives' perceptions of drivers of moral courage: Tunisian evidence

Dr. Imen Khelil

2018-01-01 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Accounting for the construction of research quality in Australia’s research assessment exercise

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2018-01-01 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Human capital loss in an academic performance measurement system

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2018-01-01 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Arrangers’ identity and the syndicate structure of sukuk

Ms. Nadisah Binti zakaria

2018-01-01 nbintizakaria@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Method of payment in mergers and acquisitions: The case of Saudi Arabia

Ms. Nadisah Binti zakaria

2018-01-01 nbintizakaria@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

The short and long-run initial public offerings (IPOs) performance in the emerging market: Evidence from Saudi Arabia share market

Ms. Nadisah Binti zakaria

2018-01-01 nbintizakaria@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

The short-and-long run performance of mergers and acquisitions: Evidence from tadawul

Ms. Nadisah Binti zakaria

2018-01-01 nbintizakaria@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

White land tax: The case of Saudi Arabia

Ms. Nadisah Binti zakaria

2018-01-01 nbintizakaria@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Consumer-based brand equity: Relationship between country of origin and brand equity dimension

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2018 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effect of ethnocentrism and patriotism on the buying intention of Malaysian national car

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2018 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring the influence of hospitality on guest satisfaction in luxury hotel services

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2018 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) in relation to a halal food scandal: The Malaysia Cadbury chocolate case

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2018 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Factors affecting intention to use online dating sites in Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2018 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

How buyer relationship influences value co-creation: The moderating role of personality traits

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2018 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Integrating TPB, TAM and DOI theories: An empirical evidence for the adoption of mobile banking among customers in Klang valley, Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2018 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Relationship between entrepreneur's traits and cloud computing adoption among malay-owned SMEs in Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2018 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Social support, trust and purchase intention in social commerce era

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2018 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Understanding the moderating role of government regulations in telecom sector of Pakistan

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2018 btariq@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2017-11-28 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : editorial

Cloud scalable multi-objective task scheduling algorithm for cloud computing using cat swarm optimization and simulated annealing

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2017-10-20 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Mergers and Acquisitions in Latin America: Industrial Productivity and Corporate Governance

Dr. Ivan Duran

2017-10-03 idiaz@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Antecedents and outcomes of brand experience: An empirical study


2017-10-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Debt and financial performance of reits in Malaysia: A moderating effect of financial flexibility

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2017-09-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Financial literacy as competitive advantage for individual investors’ decision making

Dr. Umara Noreen

2017-09-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Accounting for Research: Academic Responses to Research Performance Demands in an Australian University

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2017-09-01 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Behavioural issues in performance- management practices: Current status and future research

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2017-08-15 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Comparative insights into management control practices in two Sri Lankan banks in the public and private sectors

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2017-08-15 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Management control systems research in the public higher education sector: Current status and future research agenda

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2017-08-15 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter


Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2017-08-14 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : editorial

IFRS and Saudi accounting standards: A critical investigation

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2017-08-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Organizational change in an Australian university: Responses to a research assessment exercise

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2017-07-01 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Transformation from an Oil-based Economy to a Knowledge-based Economy in Saudi Arabia: the Direction of Saudi Vision 2030

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2017-06-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Are Islamic indexes a safe haven for investors? An analysis of total, directional and net volatility spillovers between conventional and Islamic indexes and importance of crisis periods

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2017-06-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

An integrated framework to understand how consumer-perceived ethicality influences consumer hotel brand loyalty


2017-06-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A governance deficit in the apparel industry in Bangladesh: Solutions to the impasse?

Dr. Amira Khattak

2017-05-22 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Path modelling of antecedent of diabetes mellitus on blood glucose measurements


2017-05-12 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Budgetary change at a university: A narrative inquiry

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2017-05-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Dynamic network performance evaluation of general insurance companies: an insight into risk management committee structure


2017-04-16 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2017-04-13 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : editorial

Enhancing organizational commitment and employee performance through employee engagement: An empirical check

Dr. Owais Nazir

2017-03-06 owani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Factors Explaining Public Participation in the Central Government Budget Process

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2017-03-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Fiscal transparency and the cost of sovereign debt

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2017-03-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Government research evaluations and academic freedom: a UK and Australian comparison

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2017-02-23 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The effect of financial crises on stock market liquidity across global markets

Dr. Engku Ngah S. Engku Chik

2017-01-01 engkungah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The propensity to business startup: Evidence from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2017-01-01 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Auditors’ perceptions of the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in a developing country

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2017-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does cultural value affect board efficacy? Insights on international corporate governance

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2017-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The myth of tax evasion in south Asia: The case of a lower-middle income economy

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2017-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Debt and financial performance of REITs in Malaysia: An optimal debt threshold analysis

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2017-01-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Approaching information system evaluation methodology and techniques: A comprehensive review

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2017-01-01 dia@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Does more IT utilization improve police performance?

Dr. Mobark Qoblan Aldossari

2017-01-01 mAldossari@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Appreciative inquiry for accounting research

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2017-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Mixed methods for understanding accounting issues

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2017-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Researching everyday accounting practice: Epistemological debate

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2017-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

The Routledge Companion to Qualitative Accounting Research Methods

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2017-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
book : book

Human rights violations against Rohingya, no place to go.

Dr. Saghir Munir Mehar

2017-01-01 smehar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of fiscal and monetary policyon economic growth in an emerging economy

Dr. Priyanka A. Aggarwal

2017-01-01 paggarwal@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate governance in family business: Evidence from Saudi Arabia

Dr. Allwiya Allui

2017-01-01 aallui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Motivations, barriers and benefits in the adoption of ISO 14001 in Saudi organizations

Dr. Allwiya Allui

2017-01-01 aallui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of fiscal and monetary policyon economic growth in an emerging economy

Dr. Najia Saqib

2017-01-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The role of acquisitions in FDI: Evidence from the Pakistan stock market

Dr. Najia Saqib

2017-01-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Outsourcing vendor it governance practices and service quality in selected Malaysian organisations from client’s perspective

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2017-01-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Capital budgeting and capital structure decisions in Saudi Arabia

Dr. Umara Noreen

2017-01-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Assessing households' knowledge, attitude and behaviour and their welfare changes for the air quality improvement: A case study in Klang Valley, Malaysia

Dr. Zaiton Ali

2017-01-01 zali@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Career advancement challenges of single women: An examination of indian women experiences

Dr. Jolly Sahni

2017-01-01 jsahni@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Corporate governance in family business: Evidence from Saudi Arabia

Dr. Jolly Sahni

2017-01-01 jsahni@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring what constitutes 'quality' in quality of work life for female employees

Dr. Jolly Sahni

2017-01-01 jsahni@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Is strategic management practice important for small business enterprises? Evidence from Saudi Arabia

Dr. Jolly Sahni

2017-01-01 jsahni@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Ethical intentions among frontline employees working in the US-based fast food chains in Pakistan: The moderating role of love of money

Dr. Amira Khattak

2017-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Is social upgrading occurring in South Asia’s apparel industry?

Dr. Amira Khattak

2017-01-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Adoption of sustainable supply chain practices and its impact on company performance

Dr. Luisa Alexandra Pinto

2017-01-01 lpinto@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Motivations, barriers and benefits in the adoption of ISO 14001 in Saudi organizations

Dr. Luisa Alexandra Pinto

2017-01-01 lpinto@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Social sustainable supply chain practices and impacts on companies performance: An exploratory study on Portuguese manufacturing industries

Dr. Luisa Alexandra Pinto

2017-01-01 lpinto@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Health care in Uttar Pradesh: Tackling urban-rural disparities

Dr. Nazia Hashmi

2017-01-01 nhashmi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Performance measures for developing the performance measurement system: Systematic literature review approach


2017-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Dividend payout policy of Islamic vs conventional banks: case of Saudi Arabia

Dr. Lama Alkayed

2017-01-01 lkayed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does the country of origin of a halal logo matter? The case of packaged food purchases

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2017-01-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Young consumer response to message framing in recycling advertisements

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2017-01-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Attitude towards social commerce: A conceptual model regarding consumer purchase intention and its determinants

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2017 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Consumer retaliation to halal violation incidents: The mediating role of trust recovery

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2017 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Consumer retaliation to halal violation incidents: The mediating role of trust recovery; [Retaliasi pengguna terhadap insiden pelanggaran pensijilan halal: Peranan pemulihan kepercayaan sebagai pemboleh ubah pengantara]

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2017 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Food supply chain integrity: The need to go beyond certification

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2017 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Trust, commitment, and competitive advantage in export performance of SMEs

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2017 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Do First Year College Female and Male Students Hold Different Misconceptions about Force and Motion

Dr. Kolthoom Alkofahi

2017 kkofahi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Testing the Effect of Foreign Direct Investments on the Level of Output for Developing Countries, Does Grouping Mater?

Dr. Kolthoom Alkofahi

2017 kkofahi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Case of Case Study Methodology with Actor Network Theory

Dr. Samar Elsayad

2017 selsayad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Preliminary study for understanding the moderating role of government regulations in telecom sector of Pakistan

Dr. Beenish Tariq

2017 btariq@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference

On interactions between remittance outflows and Saudi Arabian macroeconomy: New evidence from wavelets

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2016-12-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Ceci n'est pas une pipe! Corporate Governance practices under two political regimes in Bangladesh: A political economy perspective

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2016-11-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Investors’ sentiment and US Islamic and conventional indexes nexus: A time–frequency analysis

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2016-11-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Strength of co-movement between sector CDS indexes and relationship with major economic and financial variables over time and during investment horizons

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2016-10-13 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Development of a performance management system in the Thailand public sector: Isomorphism and the role and strategies of institutional entrepreneurs

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2016-10-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Consumer responses to CSR in Indian banking sector


2016-10-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Measuring the influence of corporate social responsibility on consumer responses


2016-10-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Factors affecting service recovery performance and customer service employees: A study of Malaysian life insurance industry


2016-09-12 asyah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Budget Transparency and Legislative Budgetary Oversight: An International Approach

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2016-09-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Tax optimization and the firm's value: Evidence from the Tunisian context

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2016-09-01 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Political governance and (account)ability of private universities in developing countries

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2016-08-08 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The effect of CSR on consumer behavioral responses after service failure and recovery


2016-08-08 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The interactive relationship between the US economic policy uncertainty and BRIC stock markets

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2016-08-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Impact of Transparency on the Cost of Sovereign Debt in Times of Economic Crisis

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2016-08-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

3G post adoption users experience with telecommunications services: A partial least squares (PLS) path modelling approach

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2016-08-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The concept of online corporate brand experience: an empirical assessment


2016-08-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A method for classification using data mining technique for diabetes: A study of health care information system

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2016-07-26 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Diagnosis of breast cancer using intelligent information systems techniques

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2016-07-26 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Resource trading in cloud environments for utility maximisation using game theoretic modelling approach

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2016-07-03 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The role of suppliers in the greening of GVCs: Evidence from the sri lankan apparel industry

Dr. Amira Khattak

2016-06-27 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

The impacts of risk-management committee characteristics and prestige on efficiency


2016-06-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Measuring consumer perception of CSR in tourism industry: Scale development and validation


2016-06-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Institutions, agency and the institutionalization of budgetary control in a hybrid state-owned entity

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2016-04-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Consumer knowledge and religious rulings on products: Young Muslim consumer’s perspective

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2016-03-07 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Business Continuity in the Face of Fraud and Organisational Change

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2016-03-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Research gap in sustainopreneurship


2016-03-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The CSR's influence on customer responses in Indian banking sector


2016-03-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Toward power consumption in partitioned Wireless Sensors Networks routing technique

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2016-02-17 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Impact of entrepreneurship programmes on university students

Dr. Husam Ahmad Kokash

2016-02-08 hkokash@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Who cares about climate change reporting in developing countries? The market response to, and corporate accountability for, climate change in Bangladesh

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2016-02-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Managerial overconfidence, government intervention and corporate financing decision


2016-02-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Banking sector liberalization and economic growth: case study of Pakistan

Dr. Najia Saqib

2016-01-02 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring knowledge management implementation in large-sized service organizations – Saudi Arabia as a case

Dr. Sajed M. Abukhader

2016-01-01 sajed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The role of the state and accounting transparency: IFRS implementation in developing countries

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2016-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
book : book

Comparing functional link artificial neural network and multilayer feedforward neural network model to forecast crude oil prices

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2016-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Real growth co-movements and business cycle synchronization in the GCC countries: Evidence from time-frequency analysis

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2016-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Diagnosis of breast cancer using intelligent information systems techniques

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2016-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of the E-service quality of online databases on users’ behavioral intentions: A perspective of postgraduate students

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2016-01-01 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Are politicians successful in their electoral strategies? The case of tax revenue budgeting errors

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2016-01-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Changes in the Public Accounts Committee of a Less Developed Democratic Country: A Field Study

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2016-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

An empirical view of knowledge management

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2016-01-01 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Strategic value creation in a supply chain

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2016-01-01 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Sustainability: A comprehensive literature

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2016-01-01 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

An empirical evidence determining profitability indicators of indian public sector banks

Dr. Priyanka A. Aggarwal

2016-01-01 paggarwal@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Capital buffers and bank risk: Empirical study of adjustment of Pakistani banks

Dr. Umara Noreen

2016-01-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Stock price volatility and role of dividend policy: Empirical evidence from Pakistan

Dr. Umara Noreen

2016-01-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The role of trust & business relationships in successful management of project contracts: A case of construction sector of middle east

Dr. Umara Noreen

2016-01-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Domestic savings and economic growth in India

Dr. Nazia Hashmi

2016-01-01 nhashmi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Stress management - Causes and remedies: A study of working women in the city of Riyadh, kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dr. Nazia Hashmi

2016-01-01 nhashmi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Customer and firm technical knowledge integration in product service system development


2016-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of managerial overconfidence and government intervention on firm leverage decision: A MARS model approach


2016-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Managerial overconfidence and leverage decision. The moderating effect of human governance in Malaysia


2016-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Performance measurement system and business performance measurement system: A comparative study


2016-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

The determinants of exchange rate risk management in developing countries: Evidence from Indonesia

Dr. Nevi Danila

2016-01-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

How does corporate association influence consumer brand loyalty? Mediating role of brand identification


2016-01-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The role of customer brand engagement and brand experience in online banking


2016-01-01 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Audit committee – internal audit interaction and moral courage

Dr. Imen Khelil

2016-01-01 ikhelil@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Institutional entrepreneurship and management control systems

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2016-01-01 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Does CEO overconfidence influence tax planning? Evidence from Tunisian context

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2016-01-01 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

An empirical view of knowledge management

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2016 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
bookchapter : bookchapter

Mixed method research: A concept

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2016 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
bookchapter : bookchapter

Sustainability: A comprehensive literature

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2016 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
bookchapter : bookchapter


Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2016 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A survey on renewable energy development in Malaysia: Current status, problems and prospects

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2016 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of innovation on growth and performance of processed food SMEs in Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2016 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Management accounting and supply chains: actions, concerns, and networks

Dr. Samar Elsayad

2016 selsayad@psu.edu.sa
other : thesis

The Impact of the Housing Bubble on the Growth of Municipal Debt: Evidence from Spain

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2015-11-02 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Implementation of service learning and civic engagement for students of computer information systems through a course project at the Hashemite University

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2015-10-19 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Critical Socio-Technical Issues Surrounding Mobile Computing

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2015-10-19 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
book : book


Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2015-10-19 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
other : editorial

Social and technical perspective of individual's intention to purchase mobile application

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2015-10-19 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Mind the Gap: Accounting Information Systems Curricula Development in Compliance With IFAC Standards in a Developing Country

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2015-10-03 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

An Empirical Study of Factors Affecting e-Commerce Adoption among Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in a Developing Country: Evidence from Malaysia

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2015-10-02 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Tensions between politico-institutional factors and accounting regulation in a developing economy: Insights from institutional theory

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2015-10-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Dependence and risk assessment for oil prices and exchange rate portfolios: A wavelet based approach

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2015-10-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Public versus private in municipal services management

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2015-10-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A response to “theoretical triangulation and pluralism in accounting research: a critical realist critique”

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2015-09-21 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Building company reputation and brand equity through CSR: the mediating role of trust


2015-09-07 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Commonality in liquidity: Lessons from an emerging stock market

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2015-09-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

On the interplay between energy consumption, economic growth and CO2 emission nexus in the GCC countries: A comparative analysis through wavelet approaches

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2015-08-11 caloui@psu.edu.sa
other : retracted

Environmental upgrading of apparel firms in global value chains: Evidence from Sri Lanka

Dr. Amira Khattak

2015-08-01 akhattak@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A method for classification using data mining technique for diabetes: A study of health care information system

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2015-07-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Factors contributing to e-learning success: A case study in the Hashemite University

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2015-07-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

ERP implementation in the private hospitals of Saudi Arabia

Dr. Sajed M. Abukhader

2015-06-01 sajed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of cultural factors on the implementation of global accounting standards (IFRS) in a developing country

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2015-06-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Environment degradation, economic growth and energy consumption nexus: A wavelet-windowed cross correlation approach

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2015-05-26 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Determinants of urban political corruption in local governments

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2015-05-26 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Government accountability in Sri Lanka: The roles of Parliamentary Oversight Committees and the Auditor-General's Office

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2015-05-15 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Making governments accountable: The role of public accounts committees and national audit offices

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2015-05-15 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
book : book

Public accountability: The role of the auditor-general in legislative oversight

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2015-05-15 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

The development of the public accounts committees of Bangladesh's parliament: An overview

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2015-05-15 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Perceived service quality’s effect on patient satisfaction and behavioural compliance


2015-04-20 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Technology Motivation in E-Marketing Adoption Among Malaysian Manufacturers

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2015-04-03 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Budget Forecast Deviations in Municipal Governments: Determinants and Implications

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2015-03-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Non-fulfilment of debt limits in spanish municipalities

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2015-03-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Consumer perspective on csr literature review and future research agenda


2015-02-16 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Co-movement between sharia stocks and sukuk in the GCC markets: A time-frequency analysis

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2015-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate governance and credit ratings in Canada

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2015-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Estimation and performance assessment of value-at-risk and expected shortfall based on long-memory GARCH-class models

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2015-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Forecasting crude oil price using artificial neural networks: A literature survey

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2015-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Global factors driving structural changes in the co-movement between sharia stocks and sukuk in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2015-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Measuring risk of portfolio: GARCH-copula model

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2015-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Price discovery and regime shift behavior in the relationship between sharia stocks and sukuk: A two-state Markov switching analysis

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2015-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Volatility forecasting and risk management in some MENA stock markets: A nonlinear framework

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2015-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A blind 3D watermarking technique using spherical coordinates and skewness measure

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2015-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Towards a framework for quantifying system non-functional data definition and database requirements

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2015-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Towards improving the performance of distributed virtual memory based reversal cache approach

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2015-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Effects of Organizational Culture and Structure on the Success of Activity-Based Costing Implementation

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2015-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Agility barriers analysis in the Malaysian Palm Oil industry

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2015-01-01 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

SECI Process and its predictors: Behavioral intention from a socio technical perspective

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2015-01-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Determining factors of Corporate Real Estate (CRE) strategy implementation in the Malaysian business corporations

Dr. Zaiton Ali

2015-01-01 zali@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Predictors for the success and survival of entrepreneurs in the construction industry


2015-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Preliminary analysis on hybrid Box-Jenkins - GARCH modeling in forecasting gold price


2015-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Strategically integrating risk management into intellectual capital management


2015-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The effect of E-commerce usage of online business performance of hotels


2015-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Agility barriers analysis in the Malaysian palm oil industry

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2015 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Supply Chain System and Barriers of Exporting: Evidence from Ghana in Sub Saharan Africa...... 269 Gloria Sraha, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand This research applies interviews to investigate export barriers pertaining in the supply chain system of the agricultural industry of Ghana, as a representative country of Sub Saharan Africa. Evidence is provided from an unexplored area which is likely to bring new insights into export barrier literature

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2015 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Importance of Supply Chain Management in Positioning and Creating Brands of Agro-Based Products

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2015 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
bookchapter : bookchapter

Assessing the effect of loyalty program benefits in satisfaction- loyalty relationship: Evidence from Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2015 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Ecological conscious behaviour in Malaysia: The case of environmental friendly products

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2015 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Online service failure: Diagnosing customer's evaluation of critical incidents outcomes

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2015 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Personal values and entrepreneurial orientations in Malay entrepreneurs in Malaysia: Mediating role of self-efficacy

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2015 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The importance of supply chain management in positioning and creating brands of agro-based products

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2014-12-31 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

A value-based assessment method of the supportability for a new aircraft entering into service

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

2014-12-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Instabilities in the relationships and hedging strategies between crude oil and US stock markets: Do long memory and asymmetry matter?

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2014-12-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Mergers and acquisitions in Latin America, corporate governance and gravity model

Dr. Ivan Duran

2014-12-01 idiaz@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The causes of legal rents extraction: evidence from Spanish municipalities

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2014-12-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Accountability, governance and performance management in nonprofit organizations: An overview

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2014-10-10 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Boardroom governance: Interrogating, strategising, control and accountability processes

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2014-10-10 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Patterns of boardroom discussions around the accountability process in a nonprofit organisation

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2014-10-10 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Performance management in nonprofit organizations: Global perspectives

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2014-10-10 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
book : book

Insights into individual's online shopping continuance intention

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2014-10-07 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A predictive e-health information system: Diagnosing diabetes mellitus using neural network based decision support system

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2014-10-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Building a corporate identity using corporate social responsibility: A website based study of Indian banks


2014-09-30 mfatma@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The relationship between capital structure and performance of Islamic banks

Dr. Lama Alkayed

2014-09-02 lkayed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Human governance and firm's leverage decision: Evidence from Malaysian listed companies


2014-09-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Challenges to the successful implementation of online voting for E-democracy in developing countries' initiatives: Jordan as a case study

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2014-07-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Sustainable supply chains: Social practices and organizational performance

Dr. Luisa Alexandra Pinto

2014-07-01 lpinto@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Investors' protection, corruption and legal origin on the equity market volatility: A global perspective

Dr. Usha Rajagopalan

2014-05-30 urajagopalan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of governance on profitability, liquidity and gearing of companies

Dr. Usha Rajagopalan

2014-04-29 urajagopalan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Organizational factors, perceived acceptance and behavioral intention as dimensions of knowledge management readiness

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2014-01-23 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Public and private information: Lessons from the emerging Tunisian stock market

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2014-01-02 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Restoring service quality, satisfaction and loyalty in higher education institutions through market orientation

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2014-01-01 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

'Does accounting regulation matter?': An experience of international financial reporting standards implementation in an emerging country

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2014-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The role of the Securities and Exchange Commission in a developing economy: Implications for IFRS

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2014-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Co-movements of GCC emerging stock markets: New evidence from wavelet coherence analysis

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2014-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Impact of anti-crisis measures on the volatility of the stock market stress index in the euro zone

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2014-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Modelling and forecasting value at risk and expected shortfall for GCC stock markets: Do long memory, structural breaks, asymmetry, and fat-tails matter?

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2014-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

On the detection of extreme movements and persistent behaviour in Mediterranean stock markets: a wavelet-based approach

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2014-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A dynamic replication strategy based on categorization for Data Grid

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2014-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Implementation of service learning and civic engagement for computer information systems students through a course project at the Hashemite University

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2014-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Looking beyond technology: Barriers of E-commerce privacy in building E-loyalty intention on internet banking

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2014-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Software comprehension based on database relational algebra

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2014-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Towards a framework for quantifying system non-functional data definition and database requirements

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2014-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of organizational factors on e-government implementation - The case of Jordan

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2014-01-01 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Spillover Effects from Inward FDI on the Exporting Decisions of Chilean Manufacturing Plants

Dr. Ivan Duran

2014-01-01 idiaz@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Improving US airport taxicab services through governance arrangements

Dr. Dan Wong

2014-01-01 dwong@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Explaining Interest Rates in Local Government Borrowing

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2014-01-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

20 years of studies on the balanced scorecard: Trends, accomplishments, gaps and opportunities for future research

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2014-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Drivers of management control systems change: Additional evidence from Australia

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2014-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Measurement of sustainability performance in the public sector

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2014-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Climate change and air pollution jointly creating nightmare for tourism industry

Dr. Umara Noreen

2014-01-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Mergers & acquisitions: Vital instrument of corporate strategy current and historical perspective

Dr. Umara Noreen

2014-01-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

The S in Corporate Social Responsibility and Performance of the US Telecommunications Industry


2014-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

CEO characteristics and corporate tax planning evidence from US companies

Dr. Khaoula Aliani

2014-01-01 kaliani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Barriers to Implement Agility in the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry: A Pilot Study

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2014 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
conference : inproceedings

Factors that influence consumer purchasing behaviour towards kedai rakyat 1Malaysia

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2014 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Compulsive buying and credit card misuse among credit card holders: The roles of self-esteem, materialism, impulsive buying and budget constraint

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2014 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Negative and positive impact of internet addiction on young adults: Empericial study in Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2014 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Perceptions on renewable energy use in Malaysia: Mediating role of attitude

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2014 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Relationship between teacher's personality, monitoring, learning environment, and students' EFL performance

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2014 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Small-scale households renewable energy usage intention: Theoretical development and empirical settings

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2014 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The effect of foreign direct investments on the level of output and its economic growth; Investigating the Solow growth model and the issue of convergence, does grouping matter?

Dr. Kolthoom Alkofahi

2014 kkofahi@psu.edu.sa
other : thesis

Mean-drawdown risk behavior: drawdown risk and capital asset pricing

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2013-12-30 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corrigendum to Assessing the impacts of oil price fluctuations on stock returns in emerging markets [Economic Modelling Volume 29/6 pages 2686-2695]

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2013-12-24 caloui@psu.edu.sa
other : erratum

Towards a usage driven maintenance concept: Improving maintenance value

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

2013-12-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Dynamic adjustment towards target capital structure: Thailand evidence

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2013-12-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The electoral budget cycle on municipal police expenditure

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2013-12-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Cost-informed operational process support

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2013-12-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) success factors in a public higher education institution context

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2013-12-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Impact of derivatives on financial services sector and risk management

Dr. Umara Noreen

2013-12-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Creating Room For Manoeuvre: A Strategy To Generate Political Budget Cycles Under Fiscal Rules

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2013-11-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Labor market in the environment of Tawhidi methodology

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2013-10-28 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Assembly line balancing in manufacturing processes: Using simulation model


2013-10-04 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

E-Procurement Adoption in the Agro-Based Sector: A Malaysian Perspective

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2013-10-01 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Theoretical triangulation and pluralism in research methods in organizational and accounting research

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2013-09-27 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Capital structure of Southeast Asian firms

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2013-08-23 profizani@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

A case study of service learning and civic engagement for mechatronics engineering students through a course project

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2013-08-15 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Antecedents of environmental conscious purchase behaviors

Dr. Farida Saleem

2013-07-30 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Municipal spending in Spain: Spatial approach

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2013-07-09 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Management control research in the banking sector: A critical review and directions for future research

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2013-06-24 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Factors Affecting Speed of Adjustment to Target Leverage: Malaysia Evidence

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2013-06-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Determinants of Central Government Budget Disclosure: An International Comparative Analysis

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2013-06-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Transparency and political budget cycles at municipal level

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2013-06-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

An energy-efficient threshold-based clustering protocol for wireless sensor networks

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2013-05-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The effects of following islam in decisions about taboo products

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2013-04-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The US oil spot market: A deterministic chaotic process or a stochastic process?

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2013-03-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Electoral Cycles And Local Government Debt Management

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2013-02-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Municipal elections and cultural expenditure

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2013-02-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of business conditions on analyst coverage, analyst recommendations and revisions

Dr. Engku Ngah S. Engku Chik

2013-01-01 engkungah@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A case study of an internationalization process of a private Higher Education institution in Malaysia

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2013-01-01 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A Decision support tool for strategic engine maintenance planning and Life Limited Parts

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

2013-01-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Optimizing inspection intervals - Reliability and availability in terms of a cost model: A case study on railway carriers

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

2013-01-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Prognostic enhancements on health and usage monitoring systems

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

2013-01-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Towards a usage driven maintenance concept: Improving maintenance value

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

2013-01-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Evidence of dividend catering theory in Malaysia: Implications for investor sentiment

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2013-01-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Dividend signalling hypothesis in emerging markets: More empirical evidence

Dr. Basiem Khalil Al-Shattarat

2013-01-01 bshattarat@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A generic measurement model for system data definition and database requirements

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2013-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A generic model for the specification of software reliability requirements and measurement of their functional size

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2013-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A standards-based framework of software configuration derived from system requirements

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2013-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A survey of the satisfiability-problems solving algorithms

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2013-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Economic model for routing and spectrum management in cognitive wireless mesh network

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2013-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Model of system configuration requirements and measurement of their functional size

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2013-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Models for using internet technology to support flexible e-learning

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2013-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Optimal spectrum utilisation in cognitive network using combined spectrum sharing approach: Overlay, underlay and trading

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2013-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Secure local algorithm for establishing a virtual backbone in 3D ad hoc network

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2013-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Spectrum trading for routing in a multi service cognitive mesh network

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2013-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Toward power consumption in wireless sensor networks routing technique

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2013-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Intellectual capital and its impact on business performance: Evidences from the Jordanian hotel industry

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2013-01-01 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

An empirical study of the factors influencing information disclosure behaviour in social networking sites

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2013-01-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Teaching styles and attitudes toward blog use among Malaysian school teachers

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2013-01-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Depth penetration of enterprise risk management model in Malaysian government sector


2013-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The performance of hybrid ARIMA-GARCH modeling in forecasting gold price


2013-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

E-procurement adoption in the agro-based sector: a Malaysian perspective

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2013 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Investigating the structural relationship between loyalty programme service quality, satisfaction and loyalty for retail loyalty programmes: Evidence from Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2013 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Job stress with supervisor's social support as a determinant of work intrusion on family conflict

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2013 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Relationship between Islamic human resource management (IHRM) practices and trust: An empirical study

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2013 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Relationship between retention factors and affective organisational commitment among knowledge workers in Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2013 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Dream and the reality: The adoption of "digital concept" in an emerging country

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2012-12-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Did the securitization contribute to the release of the subprime crisis? Empirical investigation of American banks

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2012-12-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The importance of trust and security issues in e-commerce adoption in the Arab World

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2012-12-01 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Competitive forces and the levers of control framework in a manufacturing setting: A tale of a multinational subsidiary

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2012-12-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Industrial relations, budgetary participation and budget use: An empirical study

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2012-12-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Modeling the impact of information technology governance effectiveness using partial least square

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2012-12-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Open source e-learning anxiety, self-efficacy and acceptance - A partial least square approach

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2012-12-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The impact of Asian financial crisis to earnings management and operating performance in Malaysia


2012-11-27 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Computer use ethics among university students and staffs:The influence of gender, religious work value and organizational level

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2012-11-02 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Assessing the impacts of oil price fluctuations on stock returns in emerging markets

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2012-11-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Information privacy concerns, antecedents and privacy measure use in social networking sites: Evidence from Malaysia

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2012-11-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

20th Anniversary of the balanced scorecard

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2012-10-26 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Do malaysian focus-increasing spin-off firms underperform?

Ms. Nadisah Binti zakaria

2012-10-10 nbintizakaria@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Optimized drawdown risk in evaluating the performance of Malaysian mutual funds

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2012-09-21 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Accounting's role in promoting social change: A guest editorial

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2012-09-14 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Measuring employee readiness for knowledge management using intention to be involved with KM SECI processes

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2012-09-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The role of organisational concern for workplace fairness in the choice of a performance measurement system

Associate Professor Ann Sardesai

2012-09-01 asardesai@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Accountability in the Bangladeshi privatized healthcare sector

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2012-08-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Financial liberalization, banking crises and economic growth: The case of South Mediterranean countries

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2012-08-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Hurst exponent behavior and assessment of the MENA stock markets efficiency

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2012-08-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Early identification, specification and measurement for data definition and database requirements

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2012-07-30 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Relational database approach for execution trace analysis

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2012-07-30 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Testing weak-form efficiency of emerging economies: A critical review of literature

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2012-07-24 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Asymmetric effects and long memory in dynamic volatility relationships between stock returns and exchange rates

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2012-07-06 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

An empirical investigation on internet privacy on social network sites among Malaysian youths

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2012-07-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Special issue on service and innovation in information technology

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2012-07-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
other : editorial

A conceptual framework for information technology governance effectiveness in private organizations

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2012-06-11 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A threshold-based dynamic data replication strategy

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2012-06-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Technical trading systems as crystal balls in reducing risk: The Malaysian stock market


2012-05-16 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Crude oil price forecasting: Experimental evidence from wavelet decomposition and neural network modeling

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2012-05-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The voluntary disclosure of internet financial reporting (IFR) in an emerging economy: A case of digital Bangladesh

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2012-01-13 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Securing access of small-scale Badia producers in restructured agro-food market in Jordan

Dr. George Thomas

2012-01-01 gthomas@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Measuring nurse performance: A systems perspective

Dr. Sajed M. Abukhader

2012-01-01 sajed@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Board effectiveness, conglomerate diversification, and firm performance: The tunisian case

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2012-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Crude oil market efficiency: An empirical investigation via the Shannon entropy

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2012-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Further evidence on the time-varying efficiency of crude oil markets

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2012-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Political Budget Cycles in local governments

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2012-01-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A conceptual model of customer relationship management alignment

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2012-01-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Knowledge management enablers and knowledge management implementation

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2012-01-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Privacy concern on social network sites: The role of protection motivation, trust and risk

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2012-01-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Social network sites: Information disclosure, perceived vulnerability, privacy concerns and perceived benefits

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2012-01-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Estimating the risk of mutual funds in Indonesia by employing Value at Risk (VaR)

Dr. Nevi Danila

2012-01-01 ndanila@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Image enhancement with statistical estimation

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2012 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Is Religiosity an important factor in influencing the intention to undertake Islamic home financing in Klang Valley?

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2012 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Management accounting’s responses to supply chain challenges

Dr. Samar Elsayad

2012 selsayad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Measuring performance in government and non-profit organisations: The role of the balanced scorecard

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2011-12-15 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Domestic and foreign influence on banks' lending activities: An analysis of the bank-centric views in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2011-12-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
other : review

The relations among competition, delegation, management accounting systems change and performance: A path model

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2011-12-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Financial sector reforms and macroeconomic performance: Policy simulations based on financial macroeconomic model for Pakistan

Dr. Najia Saqib

2011-12-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A confirmatory factor analysis of the information technology governance effectiveness: Evidence from Malaysia

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2011-12-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Knowledge management readiness measurement: Case study at institution of higher learning in Malaysia

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2011-12-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Privacy measures awareness, privacy setting use and information privacy concern with Social Networking Sites

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2011-12-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Transformational leadership as a predictor of innovative work behavior: Moderated by gender

Dr. Umara Noreen

2011-12-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Factors explaining the variation of quality of life among employees in the malaysian public sector

Dr. Nor Asiah Mahmood

2011-12-01 nmahmood@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Latin American stock markets' volatility spillovers during the financial crises: A multivariate FIAPARCH-DCC framework

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2011-09-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Instrument for measuring quality of life of employees in the Malaysian public sector

Dr. Nor Asiah Mahmood

2011-09-01 nmahmood@psu.edu.sa
other : review

The determinants of local government's financial transparency

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2011-08-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

E-government application: An integrated model on G2C adoption of online tax

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2011-08-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Determinants of passengers' choice of airline check-in services: A case study of American, Australian, Korean, and Taiwanese passengers

Dr. Jung Kyu Choi

2011-07-01 jkchoi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Enhanced fast spread replication strategy for data grid

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2011-03-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A new iterative procedure for estimation of RCA parameters based on estimating functions


2011-02-28 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Budgeting for legitimacy: The case of an Australian university

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2011-02-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Horizontal environmental assessment of postponement strategy–A delphi-based investigation

Dr. Sajed M. Abukhader

2011-01-01 sajed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Dream or doom dome?

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2011-01-01 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

What's cooking? Indonesia's kerosene to LPG conversion program

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2011-01-01 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Enforcement and compliance of mandatory accounting standards in emerging economies: the case of Pakistan

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2011-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The perceived need for and impediments to achieving accounting transparency in developing countries: a field investigation on Bangladesh

Dr. Mohammad Nurunnabi

2011-01-01 mnurunnabi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Monetary shock,uncovered interest parity deviation and current account: The influence of international pricing

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2011-01-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

GARCH-class models estimations and value-at-risk analysis for exchange rate

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2011-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Service quality, brand loyalty, and profit growth in UK budget hotels

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2011-01-01 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Evaluation of local government debt in Spain

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2011-01-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Fatwa rulings in Islam: a Malaysian perspective on their role in Muslim consumer behaviour

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2011-01-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

A Conceptual Review on Development Strategies to Promote Techno-preneurship in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2011 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Enhancement of image resolution by binarization

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2011 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Issue Tracking System Using Java Swings -- Challenges and Solution

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2011 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
other : misc

Knowledge Management for Expansion of Human Resource Management Systems

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2011 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
conference : inproceedings

An empirical study of factors affecting electronic commerce adoption among SMEs in Malaysia; [Veiksnių, turinčių įtakos elektorinei prekybai, studija: Malaizijos pavyzdys]

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2011 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Applying the theory of perceived characteristics of innovating (PCI) on ICT adoption in the SMEs in Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2011 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) in halal food purchasing

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2011 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Entrepreneur's traits and firm innovation capability: An empirical study in Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2011 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Ergonomics and work stress issues in banking sector

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2011 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Factors affecting brand loyalty: An empirical study in Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2011 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Is religiosity an important determinant on Muslim consumer behaviour in Malaysia?

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2011 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Relationship between Islamic HRM practices and employee commitment: An empirical study of islamic banks in Bangladesh

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2011 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Retail loyalty programs in Malaysia: the relationship of equity, value, satisfaction, trust, and loyalty among cardholders; [Mažmeninės prekybos lojalumo programos malaizijoje: Nuosavas kapitalas, vertė, pasiteṅkinimas, pasitikejimas ir lojalumas]

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2011 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Cannibalization: How to measure and its effect in the inventory cost

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

2010-12-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Engine management: A decision support tool for strategic engine maintenance planning

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

2010-12-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Systemic safety investigations for aerospace MRO's

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

2010-12-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Central government fiscal transparency and the role of debt rating

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2010-12-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

Performance of Clustering in Mobile Domain

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2010-12-01 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Effects of financial sector's development and financial sector's efficiency on economic growth: Empirical evidence from developing and developed countries

Dr. Najia Saqib

2010-12-01 nsaqib@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

An integrated model on online tax adoption in Malaysia

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2010-12-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Research in management accounting innovations: An overview of its recent development

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2010-11-23 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Smart card technology integration in a higher education institution

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2010-11-08 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Intangible resources in performance measurement systems of the hotel industry

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2010-10-19 dia@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

An empirical insight on Spanish listed companies' perceptions of International Financial Reporting Standards

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2010-08-03 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Urban sprawl and the cost of public services: An evaluation of Spanish local governments

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2010-07-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The constructs mediating religions' influence on buyers and consumers

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2010-06-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Determinants influencing the choice of equity private placement

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2010-05-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Value-at-risk estimations of energy commodities via long-memory, asymmetry and fat-tailed GARCH models

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2010-05-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The role of nuclear power in reducing risk of the fossil fuel prices and diversity of electricity generation in Tunisia: A portfolio approach

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2010-04-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Wavelet decomposition and regime shifts: Assessing the effects of crude oil shocks on stock market returns

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2010-03-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Perceived international environmental factors and corporate voluntary disclosure practices: An empirical study

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2010-03-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Exploring Muslim consumers' information sources for fatwa rulings on products and behaviors

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2010-03-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Explaining differences in efficiency: An application to Spanish municipalities

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2010-02-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Stock returns and inflation with supply and demand shocks: Evidence from Malaysia

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2010-01-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The effects of concentrated ownership on the performance of the Firm: Do external shareholdings and board structure matter?

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2010-01-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Time-varying hedging using the State-Space model in the Malaysian equity market

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2010-01-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

E-government and Jordan-led development

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2010-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Job scheduling in economic grid environments

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2010-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Looking beyond technology: A study of e-commerce trust perception by Jordanian customers

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2010-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Mobile computing in Jordan: A roadmap to wireless

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2010-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Technology acceptance and usage in higher education: a case study of e-learning in Hashemite University in Jordan

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2010-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Technology Fears: A Study of e-Commerce Loyalty Perception by Jordanian Customers

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2010-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Using internet technology to support flexible learning in jordan: A case of Hashemite university

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2010-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Explanatory factors of the municipal fiscal burden

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2010-01-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

G2c adoption of e-government in Malaysia: Trust, perceived risk and political self-efficacy

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2010-01-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Credit Scoring Model Using Data Mining Techniques- A pragmatic approach

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2010 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
other : misc

Performance of clustering in Mobile domain

Dr. Aroop Mukherjee

2010 amukherjee@psu.edu.sa
conference : inproceedings

The antecedents of online brand trust: Malaysian evidence; [Pasitikėjimo internetinės prekes ženklu praeitis: Malaizijos pavyzdys]

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2010 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

What factors influence online brand trust: Evidence from online tickets buyers in Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2010 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A seven-factor procedural analysis of safety culture known measurement: A case study at KLM E&M

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

2009-12-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Individual adopter differences among Jordanian technology users

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2009-12-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Modeling G2C adoption in developing country: A case study of Malaysia

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2009-12-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

A case study on impacts of RFID adoption in tree inventory management

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2009-11-12 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

A descriptive analysis of IT adoption in malaysian small software firms

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2009-11-12 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Service quality and business performance

Dr. Dia Zeglat

2009-11-04 dia@psu.edu.sa
other : book chapter

An Empirical Assessment of the Municipal Financial Situation in Spain

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2009-11-04 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Open source software in information technology education

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2009-10-05 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

International working capital practices in Pakistan

Dr. Umara Noreen

2009-10-01 unoreen@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The effects of crude oil shocks on stock market shifts behaviour: A regime switching approach

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2009-09-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A case study of the performance management system in a Malaysian government linked company

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2009-06-05 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Five easy pieces: A case study of cost management as organizational change

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2009-06-05 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

From physical to accounting control: A study of accounting change resistance

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2009-06-05 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

GAOC 2008 conference issue: Accounting's role in organizational change

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2009-06-05 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Making development accountable: A critical analysis of the systems of accounting and accountability for the Constituency Development Fund in Kenya

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2009-06-05 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Performance management, budgeting, and legitimacy-based change in educational organisations

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2009-06-05 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Structural limits of capacity and implications for visibility

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2009-06-05 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Sydney water sector change and industrial water management

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2009-06-05 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Budget transparency, fiscal performance, and political turnout: An international approach

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2009-05-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Editor's note

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2009-03-20 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : editorial

Knowledge acquisition and its determinants: Malaysian international alliance experience

Dr. Abdul Rahim Abu Bakar

2009-01-01 aabubakar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A real options approach to investing in the first nuclear power plant under cost uncertainty: Comparison with natural gas power plant for the Tunisian case

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2009-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Resource allocation strategies for the economic computational grid

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2009-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The key success to mobile internet in the Middle East: Wireless set to take the lead

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2009-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Evaluating competitiveness of air cargo express services

Dr. Jung Kyu Choi

2009-01-01 jkchoi@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Organizational readiness and its contributing factors to adopt KM processes: A conceptual model

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2009-01-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Examining the profitability of mechanical trading rules application of standard deviation model, BBZ, on Kuala Lumpur composite futures


2009-01-01 nazizan@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

A study of job stress on job satisfaction among university staff in Malaysia: Empirical study

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2009 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Adoption of internet in Malaysian SMEs

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2009 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Cyber café usage in Malaysia: An exploratory study

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2009 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The effects of leader-member exchange on organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior: Empirical study

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2009 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Antecedents of customer satisfaction in repurchase intention in the electronic commerce environment

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2008-12-12 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

In search of a model for evaluating the quality of e-commerce Web sites

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2008-12-12 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Information technology in healthcare: A prototype for collaboration and learning

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2008-12-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

An example of creative accounting in public sector: The private financing of infrastructures in Spain

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2008-11-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

New organizational forms and accounting innovations: The specifier/provider model in the Australian public sector

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2008-09-19 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Measuring and reporting public sector outputs/outcomes: Exploratory evidence from Australia

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2008-08-07 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Enhancing mobile advertising via Bluetooth technology

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2008-07-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Eco-efficiency in the era of electronic commerce - should 'Eco-Effectiveness' approach be adopted?

Dr. Sajed M. Abukhader

2008-05-01 sajed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate real estate strategy: A conceptual overview

Dr. Zaiton Ali

2008-03-06 zali@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Corporate real estate strategy: The Malaysian perspective

Dr. Zaiton Ali

2008-03-06 zali@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Ownership monitoring mechanism and corporate performance: Evidence from banking firms in Asian emerging markets

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2008-01-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Information technology in transitional economies: The mobile internet in Jordan

Dr. Ahmed Yousef Khasawneh

2008-01-01 akhasawneh@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Corporate real estate strategies and financial performance of companies

Dr. Zaiton Ali

2008-01-01 zali@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Factors affecting e-commerce adoption in the electronic manufacturing companies in Malaysia

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2008 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Price and volatility spillovers between exchange rates and stock indexes for the pre- and post-euro period

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2007-12-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Effect of single celebrity and multiple celebrity endorsement on low involvement and high involvement product advertisements

Dr. Farida Saleem

2007-10-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Young adult perception towards celebrity endorsement: A comparative study of single celebrity and multiple celebrities endorsement

Dr. Farida Saleem

2007-10-01 fsaleem@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Editor's note

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2007-09-25 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Central government budget practices and transparency: An international comparison

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2007-09-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Disclosure in the annual reports of Australian government departments: A research note

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2007-06-12 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The Influence of Organizational Factors on Information Systems Success in E-Government Agencies in Malaysia

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2007-03-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Postponement strategy in food supply chains - An empirical investigation

Dr. Sajed M. Abukhader

2007-01-01 sajed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Islam and online imagery on malaysian tourist destination websites

Dr. Nazlida Muhamad

2007-01-01 nmuhamad@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Development and prospects of internet banking in Bangladesh

Dr. Syed Shah Alam

2007 salam@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Enabling change factors and IT success in the Malaysian e-government implementation

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2006-12-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Financial reports and decentralization in municipal governments

Prof. Francisco Bastida, PhD, CMA

2006-06-01 fbastida@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Factors contributing to E-learning success: A case study in Indonesian open university (UT)

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2006-01-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

The roles of management support and proactive technological orientation: Managing end-user satisfaction in the E-government context

Dr. Norshidah Mohamed

2006-01-01 nmohamed@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Corporate real estate strategy in the UK and Malaysia

Dr. Zaiton Ali

2006-01-01 zali@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Linking environmental uncertainty to non-financial performance measures and performance: A research note

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2005-12-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Securing institutional legitimacy or organizational effectiveness? A case examining the impact of public sector reform initiatives in an Australian local authority

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2005-06-24 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Régime de change et croissance économique : une investigation empirique

Dr. Chaker M. Aloui

2005-01-01 caloui@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A survey of management accounting practices in South Africa

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2005-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : review

A survey of management and economic impact of weeds in dryland cotton cropping systems of subtropical Australia

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2005-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Cost information in the new public-sector environment: Cost accounting change in a state-owned hospital

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2005-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : note

Management accounting change in South Africa: Case studies from retail services

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2004-12-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Ethnic inequalities in education in Kenya

Dr. Allwiya Allui

2004-12-01 aallui@psu.edu.sa
other : review

The material requirements planning system for aircraft maintenance and inventory control: A note

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

2004-05-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Policing the police service: A case study of the rise of “new public management” within an Australian police service

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2004-02-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : review

E-commerce and the environment: A gateway to the renewal of greening supply chains

Dr. Sajed M. Abukhader

2004-01-01 sajed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Logistics and the environment: Is it an established subject?

Dr. Sajed M. Abukhader

2004-01-01 sajed@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Forecasting intermittent demand for aircraft spare parts: A comparative evaluation of methods

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

2004-01-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The lead-lag pattern of leading, coincident and lagging indicators in Malaysia

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2004-01-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A contingency model of the association between strategy, environmental uncertainty and performance measurement: Impact on organizational performance

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2004-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

The environmental implications of electronic commerce: A critical review and framework for future investigation

Dr. Sajed M. Abukhader

2003-10-01 sajed@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Export externalities and economic growth

Prof. Izani Bin Ibrahim

2003-09-01 profizani@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Comparison of lot-sizing methods in aircraft repairable component inventory systems

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

2003-01-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Evaluation of forecasting methods for intermittent parts demand in the field of aviation: A predictive model

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

2003-01-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Total quality management and the balanced scorecard approach: A critical analysis of their potential relationships and directions for research

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2003-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Sources of intermittent demand for aircraft spare parts within airline operations

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

2002-07-16 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Using journal articles to teach public sector accounting in higher education

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2002-06-25 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Understanding non-financial performance measurement practices in Japanese banks: A new institutional sociology perspective

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2002-05-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : review

TQM implementation in a public sector entity in Fiji - Public sector reform, commercialization, and institutionalism

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2002-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

A predictive cost model in lot-sizing methodology, with specific reference to aircraft parts inventory: An appraisal

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

2001-12-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Implementing the balanced scorecard in government: The housing authority of Fiji

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2001-07-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
other : review

Strategic management accounting in the value-chain framework: A case study

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2001-03-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Market competition, computer-aided manufacturing and use of multiple performance measures: An empirical study

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2001-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Public sector reform: Implications for accounting, accountability and performance of state-owned entities - An Australian perspective

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2001-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Industry characteristics and productivity measurement systems - An empirical investigation in New Zealand-based manufacturing organisations

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2000-12-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Just-in-time production, automation, cost allocation practices and importance of cost information: An empirical investigation in New Zealand-based manufacturing organizations

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

2000-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Extending visual basic for applications to MRP: Low-budget spreadsheet alternatives in aircraft maintenance

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

1999-12-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

TQM adoption, institutionalism and changes in management accounting systems: A case study

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

1999-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Political and industrial relations turbulence, competition and budgeting in the nationalised jute mills of Bangladesh

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

1997-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Aircraft maintenance and inventory control using the reorder point system

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

1996-01-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Aircraft maintenance and inventory control: Using the material requirements planning system-can it reduce costs and increase efficiency?

Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

1996-01-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
conference : conference paper

Managing organizations in the third world: A case study of management control in a Bangladeshi jute mill

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

1994-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Rationality, accounting and politics: A case study of management control in a Bangladeshi jute mill

Prof. Zahirul Hoque

1994-01-01 zhoque@psu.edu.sa
journal : article


Prof. Adel A. Ghobbar

1988-01-01 a.a.ghobbar@psu.edu.sa
journal : article

Performance gap among male and female college students measure with the force concept inventory

Dr. Kolthoom Alkofahi

journal : article