Industrial Advisory Board
The College of Business Administration (CBA) is administered by the CBA Council consisting of the following dean, vice dean, department chairs, associate chairs and program directors as well as any additional members appointed by the University Council. The CBA Council is responsible for applying all the related regulations and decisions adopted by the Council of Higher Education and the University Council. Various college-, department-, and program-level committees, consisting of faculty members from relevant but diverse groups, help govern the college, departments, and programs. The CBA Council is advised by the CBA Industrial Advisory Board, which consists of business, government, and academic leaders as well as alumni from a cross-section of industries, government bodies, and higher education institutions in KSA.

Dr Ahmed Al-Meghames
CEO- Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants
Mr. khalid Mahdhar
Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
Mr. Abdulaziz A. AlSowailim
Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer, Earnst & Young MENA Region
Mr. Faisal AlSaber AlHemali
CEO, STC Solutions
Eng. Moaeed H. Alsaloom
CEO, Saudi Civil Aviation Holding Co.
Mr Sylvain Cote
Senior Economist and Corporate Advisor, Strategy & Market Analysis, Aramco
Eng. Sami Omar Al Hussayen
CEO, HUED, Saudi Arabia
Professor Branko Ljutich, PhD, MA, BA, CA, CPA
Principal - Partner. Audit & Assurance at Sante Fe Associates International -SFAI Montenegro, Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Zagreb, Croatia
Professor Norris Krueger, PhD
Expert Entrepreneurship Developer. Senior Subject Matter Expert for Entrepreneurial Ecosystems & Learning, OECD/EU Boise, Idaho, United States
Mr Mohammed Al Sellemi
Former Assistant Minister at Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, Saudi Arabia
Professor Nora Ann Colton D.Phil. PFHEA
Professor of Global Vision and Eye Health Education, UCL Pro Vice Provost (Postgraduate Education), Joint Director of Education, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology/Moorfields Eye Hospital
Professor Julie Furst-Bowe
Academic Vice President, Chippewa Valley Technical College Wisconsin, USA
Dr. Taghreed Alsaraj
CEO & Cofounder, Upskillable, Saudi Arabia
Dr. Basmah Omair
Founder & CEO of BMO Management Consulting
Ms. Asya AlSheik
Founder & CEO, TamkeenCSR