Core Courses

EM 511 Project Management

Credits: 3(3-0-0)

This course will provide knowledge on the fundamental methodologies and analytical techniques for the design and implementation of projects across a wide range of industries. This course provides knowledge on how to organize and manage resources required within the defined scope, time, cost and quality constraints and within acceptable levels of risk. The course provides knowledge on the principles and applications of project management in asset and operations manner. With the knowledge of this course participants can easily apply the different management theories in their respective project to achieve the output within prescribed goals.
EM 512 Statistical Quality Analysis
EM 513 Engineering Financial Analysis
EM 514 Strategic Planning
EM 519 Research Methodology
EM 531 Sustainable Construction
EM 532 Construction Technology and Methods
EM 533 Construction Claims and Disputes Resolution
EM 534 Construction Project Safety Management
EM 535 Application of Information Technology in Construction Project Management
EM 537 Construction Project Scheduling and Planning
EM 538 Green Buildings
EM 539 Special Topics in Construction Management
EM 551 Lean Management
EM 552 Inventory Control and Production System
EM 553 Introduction to Operation Engineering Management Decision Analysis
EM 554 System Simulation
EM 555 Advanced Optimization for Engineering Management
EM 556 Quality Management for Engineers
EM 557 Engineering Risk Management
EM 558 Supply Chain Engineering
EM 559 Special Topics in Industrial and System Management
EM 560 Enterprise productivity
EM 561 Six Sigma Processes
EM 571 Leadership and Organizational Behavior
EM 572 Communicating Technical Information
EM 573 Marketing and Technology Venture
EM 574 Energy Resources Management
EM 575 Project Scheduling and Planning
EM 576 Operations Management
EM 578 Data Mining for Engineering Applications
EM 579 Special Topics in Project Management
EM 581 Legal Issues in Engineering Management
EM 598 MSc Project
EM 599 Research Project
EM 600 MSc Thesis