EM 511 Project Management
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
This course will provide knowledge on the fundamental methodologies and analytical techniques for
the design and implementation of projects across a wide range of industries. This course provides
knowledge on how to organize and manage resources required within the defined scope, time, cost and
quality constraints and within acceptable levels of risk. The course provides knowledge on the
principles and applications of project management in asset and operations manner. With the knowledge
of this course participants can easily apply the different management theories in their respective
project to achieve the output within prescribed goals.
EM 512 Statistical Quality Analysis
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
This course covers modern quality control techniques to include the design of statistical process
control systems, process/quality improvement, DMAIC process, statistical quality methods for
improvement using descriptive statistics, probability distributions, point / interval estimation of
parameters and statistical hypothesis testing. Basic methods of statistical process control (SPC),
methods for process measurement and capability analysis (including Pareto charts, cause-and- effect
diagrams, control chart, SIPOC and Shewhart control charts) are also investigated.
EM 513 Engineering Financial Analysis
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
Financial Engineering is a multidisciplinary field drawing from finance and economics, mathematics,
statistics, engineering and computational methods. Emphasis will be on the use of simple stochastic
models to price derivative securities in various asset classes including equities, fixed income,
credit and mortgage-backed securities. Considerations of the role of asset classes during the
financial crisis will be given.
EM 514 Strategic Planning
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
This course provides a functional knowledge of strategic planning: its nature, scope, elements and
development as a critical area of management education and of the steps in the strategic planning
process. Also, provides an overview and applications of strategic planning theories, methods, and
group processes in different organizational environments. Participants will learn how to perform
internal and external analyses, identify problems, formulate goals and objectives, develop action
plans, and evaluate strategic plans.
EM 519 Research Methodology
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
The course will work on enhancing student’s communication and research skills by
developing effective communication strategies that help to persuade and by
familiarizing students with research methods. By the end of the course, students
will complete a short technical report.
EM 531 Sustainable Construction
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
This course provides advanced knowledge, problem-solving skills and a comprehensive understanding of
the key aspects of sustainability in construction engineering. It has a particular emphasis on the
future trends of global sustainable development. It is intended to provide vital awareness of
current and future problems associated with the intervention of sustainability strategies and their
integration in the construction sector. Topics include: Sustainable technology and building
materials; Sustainable energy and environment; Environmental engineering and management practice;
Sustainable urban planning strategies; Integration of energy strategies in the design of buildings.
EM 532 Construction Technology and Methods
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
This course provides an understanding of construction methods, building systems, material and
equipment selection. It provides the Construction Manager and Developer with the knowledge required
to effectively understand the various components of a building. This will include: the mechanical,
electrical, plumbing and sprinkler systems; the exterior and roofs of buildings; the structural
make-up of a project (concrete, steel, wood and stone); types of foundations that could be used for
a project; materials for interior construction work. Some discussion will be held in regard to cost
differences of materials and systems used and the efficiency of potential systems being considered.
EM 533 Construction Claims and Disputes Resolution
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
The main purpose of having course is to elaborate the legal frame work for different construction
claims which are recently observed in the construction industry. This course helps to introduce the
different clauses in the Bill of Quantity book for managing the different claims and also strategy
to resolve the dispute. With the knowledge of this course student can join the team of legal advisor
for the dispute resolution process in their respective organization.
EM 534 Construction Project Safety Management
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
This course examines the management of labour and public safety for construction projects. It
provides a comprehensive review of industry construction safety standards and public safety laws;
such as international and local regulations; legal and economic issues of safety; risk reduction;
risk & hazard identification and analysis.
EM 535 Application of Information Technology in
Construction Project Management
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
The purpose of having this course is to give knowledge regarding the different tools used for
Information Technology and how these different tools can be effect the productivity of the project.
Students will learn how IT tools can be applied during the different stages of the project to
the output in more professional way.
EM 537 Construction Project Scheduling and Planning
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
This course provides advanced techniques in plan and schedule development and implementation for
project management during the programming or construction phase of a project. Also the course covers
monitoring, updating, and controlling the project schedule; earned value; analyzing change orders
and delays; network models; resource levelling and equipment movement, and dispute-avoidance and
considerations. Also the course covers a construction project schedule using computer software
EM 538 Green Buildings
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
The growth of the green and sustainable building market has been widely publicized recently,
accelerated largely by government policies and rising recognition that such buildings are more
sustainable, environment- friendly and economical to operate in the building construction industry.
The course explores basic knowledge of green building principles and practices on the basis of
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system. The course also studies LEED
Score System in order to evaluate green building design and construction as well as building
operation and maintenance, which is categorized in eight basic areas: Location and Transportation,
Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor
Environmental Quality, Innovation, Regional Priority.
EM 539 Special Topics in Construction Management
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
This course covers a new or specialized topic in Construction Management for which there is a strong
faculty and student interest, but is not covered in other courses.
EM 551 Lean Management
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
Lean manufacturing is a systematic method for the minimizing (or eliminating) of waste within a
manufacturing system. The wastes to be eliminated in lean manufacturing include overproduction,
waiting time, transporting, inappropriate Processing, excessive inventory, excessive Motion, and
defects. Lean manufacturing improvement techniques creates a culture that is constantly improving
productivity, facilitating innovation, speeding the market and maintaining a competitive edge.
EM 552 Inventory Control and Production System
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
The current course aims to give students ability to inventory management principles, material
quantitative techniques, Inventory control systems, Inventory and material management, Inventory
costs, for different productions systems (pull, push, and hybrid). Further, the course includes,
inventory classifications, Economic order quantity, Materials cost methods, and Material Requirement
EM 553 Introduction to Operation Engineering
Management Decision Analysis
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
Understand the philosophical background and analytical tools of decision analysis. Tools include
decision trees and influence diagrams. The course covers methods of representing alternatives,
uncertainty, risk and conflicting objectives and the use of maximum expected value criterion in
finding optimal decision. Applications include a variety of business and management problems. The
course requires a project that makes use of decision analysis methodology for a certain management
or business problem.
EM 554 System Simulation
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
Simulation is becoming an important tool in most management discipline as a method for analyzing,
improving or investigating process performance. Theoretical aspects concern the performance
evaluation of a system by means of Monte Carlo estimation. The practical aspects concern of being
able to capture a realistic production, manufacturing, services system, logistic system, into an
abstract simulation model.
EM 555 Advanced Optimization for Engineering
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
This expands operations research techniques to general convex programming. Topics include quadratic
programming, geometric programming, semi-definite programming, stochastic programming, dynamic
programming and minimax programming. Applications include portfolio optimization, energy
optimization, network design and operation, finance, supply chain management and scheduling. The
course will also demonstrate convex programming using interior point methods and includes a course
project using MATLAB.
EM 556 Quality Management for Engineers
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
This course is designed to define quality problems and how to implement
solutions to successfully make positive changes in the organization by using modern quality
concepts, tools and techniques. Principals of quality leadership, quality philosophies and quality
management will be presented to students in order to enhance the productivity and improving the
quality in the establishment they work for.
EM 557 Engineering Risk Management
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
The purpose of this course is give knowledge about the current risk assessment and management for
different engineering projects. Students can design the process for risk analysis and with the
knowledge of risk management for different project and control the uncertainty. The knowledge of
risk management will help them in decision making.
EM 558 Supply Chain Engineering
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
Presents modern quantitative techniques for designing, analyzing, managing, and improving supply
chains using deterministic and probabilistic models. Topics include a macro view of supply chains,
demand forecasting, aggregate planning, sequencing and scheduling, inventory analysis and control,
materials requirement planning, pricing and revenue management, contracts decisions, transportation
decisions, location and distribution decisions, supplier selection methods, and global supply
EM 559 Special Topics in Industrial and System
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
This course covers a new or specialized topic in Industrial and Systems Management for which there
is a strong faculty and student interest, but is not covered in other courses.
EM 560 Enterprise productivity
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
Diagnosis and assessment of productivity loss, setting up productivity measurement program,
productivity improvement methods, and tools utilized in enterprise productivity enhancement, the
lean enterprise, case studies of assessing and improving productivity programs.
EM 561 Six Sigma Processes
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
The course will cover modern design tools and methods on the Six Sigma paradigm. Topics include
tools and methods including process flow diagrams, cause and effect diagrams, gage R&R,
organizational leadership, product development, system integration, critical parameter management,
quality function deployment, concept generation, and strategy for organizing six sigma techniques in
industry among many others. Provide useful tools to conceive new product requirements, design
baseline functional performance, optimize design performance, and verify system capability.
EM 571 Leadership and Organizational Behavior
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
Students will learn about strategies, models and practices on how to manage engineering firms.
Personal approach to leadership will be enhanced through students’ engagements in self-reflection
about his style and experience. Theory taught in the class related to leadership will be examined
through course project relevance to student experience in his organization.
EM 572 Communicating Technical Information
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
This course aims at developing effective communication strategies that enable technical managers to
connect with audience and achieve their related goals and remove barriers that block ideas. The
course deals with enhancing communication strategies, writing and presenting technical information.
Round table discussion a long with the assignments will enable students to learn how to persuade
audience, readers and managements.
EM 573 Marketing and Technology Venture
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
The application of modern marketing and its application are introduced. Identifying the winning
solution to satisfy the customer’s needs is presented through functional plans addressing pricing
and product distributions. Students will gain better understanding of modern marketing through
analysis of global trends and regional variations of marketing concepts.
EM 574 Energy Resources Management
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
Examine the four major components of energy management: supply, demand, regulation and environment;
and the concepts and principles behind successful energy management. Topics include energy auditing
and economic analysis; management control and maintenance systems; sustainability and high
performance green buildings; alternative energy systems; boilers and fired systems; cogeneration and
HVAC systems; ground source heat pumps; lighting and electrical management; natural gas purchasing;
thermal storage; codes and standards; indoor air quality; utility deregulation and energy systems
outsourcing; energy security risk analysis methods; and financing energy management projects.
EM 575 Project Scheduling and Planning
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
This course provides advanced techniques in plan and schedule development and implementation for
project management during the programming or construction phase of a project. Also the course covers
monitoring, updating, and controlling the project schedule; earned value; analyzing change orders
and delays; network models; resource levelling and equipment movement, and dispute-avoidance and
considerations. Also the course covers a construction project schedule using computer software
EM 576 Operations Management
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
In this course, you will learn about the role of operations and how they are connected to other
business functions in manufacturing- and service-focused organizations. You will learn and practice
the use of decision-making frameworks and techniques applicable at all levels, from management-level
strategic decisions such as connecting process to the needs of various customer segments, to
front-line tactical decisions such as choosing between ordering larger quantities vs. ordering more
EM 578 Data Mining for Engineering Applications
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
This course introduces data mining concepts and statistics/machine learning techniques for analyzing
and discovering knowledge from large data sets that occur in engineering domains such as
manufacturing, healthcare, sustainability, and energy. The topics covered in this course include
data reduction, data exploration, data visualization, concept description, mining association rules,
classification, prediction, and clustering. The course discuses data mining case studies that are
drawn from manufacturing, retail, healthcare, biomedical, telecommunication and other sectors.
EM 579 Special Topics in Project Management
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
This course covers a new or specialized topic in Project Management for which there is a strong
faculty and student interest, but is not covered in other courses.
EM 581 Legal Issues in Engineering Management
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
Basic concepts and practice of law will be introduced to the engineering students
including tort, company/corporate law, contract law, procurement regulations,
product liability, and potential claims and their settlement. International FIDIC
Contracts and Saudi public procurement and Saudi Public Works Contracts will be
emphasized with case studies as well.
The student will be able to understand the legal environment surrounding the
planning and executing engineering projects in Saudi Arabia and worldwide.
He/she will acquire skills in relation to analyzing legal environment surrounding
the engineering undertakings and quantifying damages arising from engineering
claims in addition to improving the legal and technical communications skills.
EM 598 MSc Project
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
A supervised research project aimed at providing practical and research experience in some aspects
of engineering management is required for completion of the MSEM program. Students are expected to
define the project, state its objectives, complete a literature review, set project specifications
and methodologies that draw upon the tools and techniques studied in the program. A report and an
oral defense presentation are required.
EM 599 Research Project
Credits: 3(3-0-0)
Selected topics of current interest, to be designated by subtitle and publish a paper in a refereed
EM 600 MSc Thesis
Credits: (6-0-0)
Master Thesis.