Institutional Committees

The different institutional committees support the management of PSU, specifically on the following aspects:

  • implementation of the Strategic Plan
  • continuous improvement for quality assurance and accreditation
  • connecting the colleges and departments institutionally

The image below shows that all institutional committees are under the Institutional Executive Quality and Planning Committee. It highlights that all committees are mapped with:

  1. NCAAA Standards (The new 8 NCAAA Standards)
  2. PSU’s 4th Strategic Plan themes (with acronym DRIVE)
  3. All concerned colleges/departments/centers/offices and units are well represented
Institutional Committees ( click image to view full size )

Inter-relationship among the institutional, college and department level committees

Inter-relationship among the institutional, college and department level committees ( click image to view full size )

The image above shows the interrelationships among the institutional, college, and department level committees.

It also shows the communication flows and decision-making bodies among the three levels.

The institutional committees’ chairs and all college deans are members of the Institutional Executive Quality and Planning Committee (IEQPC). To ensure to disseminate the information down to their respective faculty members.

The five colleges mandated committees support the institutional committees. The chairs of the college level committees automatically become members of the institutional committees. For the other institutional committees, colleges are represented as well with their selected faculty members.

At the department level, the department heads have the discretion to form their committees based on the department's size.

The deans/vice deans and chairs/associate chairs (academic directors/associate directors) coordinate with each other in assigning faculty members in the college and department level committees to ensure equal and fair assignments in the committee memberships.

Lastly, the Board of Trustees, University Council, and committees chaired by the President are the bodies that can make decisions for the whole university. The College and Department Councils can make decisions that could only affect the college and department level operations based on existing institutional policies. The rest of the institutional, college, and department level committees can only make continuous improvement recommendations.