In an exciting collaboration between the Educational Design Studio (ID314) in the interior design department and Manarat Alriyadh School for Girls, a group of talented design students has been tasked with redesigning key areas of the school to enhance the educational experience for its students. This project, which seeks to transform the campus into a more dynamic, sustainable, and student-centered environment, marks a significant milestone in the studio’s commitment to advancing educational architecture.
A Vision for Modern Education Spaces
The redesign project at Manarat Alriyadh, a leading private school in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, comes at a time when schools around the world are reevaluating how physical spaces influence learning. The Educational Design Studio students, under the mentorship of their professors: Dr. Renad Alsekait and Ms. Nojoud Alaskar, were given the opportunity to reimagine classrooms, common areas, and outdoor spaces to reflect a modern, inclusive educational philosophy.
The students’ work focuses on creating flexible, adaptable spaces that foster collaboration, creativity, and emotional well-being. The goal is to provide an environment that supports both academic achievement and personal growth—one where students feel engaged, empowered, and inspired.