The MBA program enables students to develop leadership skills, sound business knowledge, and analytical abilities for integrating ideas from different disciplines to solve even the complex and unstructured business problems. Thus, the program prepares them to be the leaders and entrepreneurs of the future. The emphasis of the program is on active learning, one that allows aspiring young business executives to work in specialized areas and sectors armed with the necessary tools of conceptual, interpersonal and problem‐solving skills. In order to accomplish its learning goals, the CBA uses excellent curriculum, pedagogy, faculty and facilities for the program.
The MBA program offers four tracks namely General, Finance, Human Resource Management, and Marketing. This is to help the students to customize their MBA to their specific areas of interest and requirement. However, at the first instance, all the selected candidates will be admitted by default into the General track. Later, they will be given the option to choose any other track, if they would like. The chosen track will be approved if there are a minimum of 5 students opting for that track (from the cohort under reference) due to reasons of viability. Otherwise, the students will have the opportunity either to continue with the general track or to move into another open track.