Minor in Finance Criteria
- Students should complete a minimum of 60 credit hours before they could declare to do a minor.
- Students must have at least a cumulative GPA of 2.5 out of 4.00 when applying or declaring to do a minor.
- Students are allowed to study only one minor that must be within the other major disciplines in the college and not in the tracks of the actual main specialization (major) of the student.
- The student must complete a total of (15 hours) of the certified courses at Prince Sultan University in minor at a minimum.
- The following are the required courses to complete the requirements of a minor in BS in Finance
No. Course Code Course Title Prerequisite 1. FIN 250 Financial Markets and Institutions FIN 210 2. FIN 320 Principles of Investment FIN 210, FIN 250 3. FIN XXX Students can select any three finance courses other than the required courses by the college See the prerequisite of the selected course 4. FIN XXX 5. FIN XXX Note* The remaining 9 credit hours i.e., three additional courses must be level 3 and level 4.
- The student must complete all the pre-requisite courses before taking any course of the minor. The student must get a minimum score of C in the entry-level courses to proceed with the subsequent courses (i.e. FIN 210, Principles of Finance for Finance minor).
- The student must get an average of C in all the minor courses. The minimum grade for a minor course is D. If a student fails a particular minor course, he/she needs to repeat that course. However, if the failed course is a minor elective, the student has the option to take another elective course to replace the elective course that he/she failed.
- The student must complete the requirements of the minor before, or in conjunction with, the major specialization requirements. It is not allowed to study the minor after completing the major specialization requirements required to obtain a Bachelor's degree.
- The student is required to fulfill the requirements of the Cooperative Education Program in the major specialization only and is not required to fulfill another Cooperative Education Program of the minor.
- The minor is mentioned in the academic record of the student in addition to the major specialization.