
Inspiring Graduates - Session 8

Inspiring Graduates - Session 8

The Linguistics and Translation Department (LTD) cordially invites you to meet our inspiring graduates.Published Paper: Translation of cognate accusative from Arabic to English: The case of Call of the Curlew....

Cognitive Appraising Factors in Perceived Career Development

Cognitive Appraising Factors in Perceived Career Development

Dr. John Oselenabo Ekore will discuss how cognitive factors influence career development, teaching psychology, ethics, and career management. Speaker: Dr. John Ekore, Faculty, General Studies Department

Volleyball Tournament

Volleyball Tournament

Join us for an exciting volleyball tournament. Open to all interested students.

College of Humanities - Events

Inspiring Graduates - Session 8

Inspiring Graduates - Session 8

The Linguistics and Translation Department (LTD) cordially invites you to meet our inspiring graduates.Published Paper: Translation of cognate accusative from Arabic to English: The case of Call of the Curlew....

Cognitive Appraising Factors in Perceived Career Development

Cognitive Appraising Factors in Perceived Career Development

Dr. John Oselenabo Ekore will discuss how cognitive factors influence career development, teaching psychology, ethics, and career management. Speaker: Dr. John Ekore, Faculty, General Studies Department

Volleyball Tournament

Volleyball Tournament

Join us for an exciting volleyball tournament. Open to all interested students.

AI Neural Networking for Data Clustering of Carbon Dioxide Model

AI Neural Networking for Data Clustering of Carbon Dioxide Model

Dr. Hasib Khan will present research on using AI neural networking for clustering carbon dioxide data. Speaker: Dr. Hasib Khan, Senior Researcher, PSU

Fostering Ethical Decision-Making in Undergraduate Education

Fostering Ethical Decision-Making in Undergraduate Education

Dr. Hala Ismail will discuss ethical decision-making models and their impact on education. Speaker: Dr. Hala Ismail, Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy, UK