University News related to SDG 4

Sustainable Architecture Lab Seminar 3

PLC Wiring and Programming

Best Poster selected for the Diriyah Global Seminar Competition

PSU Architecture student winner of the AIA Architecture Design Award 2023

SA-LAB Seminar_02: Innovation in Sustainable Housing Design

Top researchers for November

Top CHS Researchers

PSU's progress in Space Research and Radio Astronomy

Construction Site Field Trip

Saudi Umran Center

Women in STEM: Change the World

STEM Exhibition Day

Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics (AIDA) Lab
Data Science Club

Women in STEM: Change the World

Sunday, 12th February, 2023
9:00 AM - 2:00PM

    The exhibition has 3 submission categories:

  • Tangible Product Project
  • Prototype
  • Research based project

Join us to support gender equity in STEM!

For any assistance, feel free to contact: