Student Council
The Student Council is conducted under the supervision of the Deanship of Student Affairs. The Council aims to give students opportunities to develop communication, problem-solving, and leadership skills by organizing and carrying out university activities and service projects. The Student Council represents the voice of the students and periodically attend meetings with senior administration to deliver student ideas, interest and concerns to develop student community at the University.
The Student Council follows parliamentary procedures and protocol. Ideas are presented, voted on and confirmed by the majority vote. Students interested in leadership, organizational behavior, event planning or becoming more involved in the University are welcome to nominate themselves for election to the Student Council.
The Deanship of Student Affairs allocates the chance for students to nominate themselves. Following that, the Deanship reviews the applicants, if no violations exist, they are accepted. Afterward, an election process starts online, and by students only where the nominees introduce themselves to the students on campus, then the voting process starts. When the voting deadline has passed, the Deanship takes the highest voted nominee becomes the Student Council President and the second highest votes becomes the Vice President and the rest of nominees become members.

Since 2010, thirteen Student Councils have been elected under the supervision of the Deanship of Student Affairs. The Deanship team looks forward to your participation, whether by nomination, or voting in the next election.

Student Council Advisory Board
In the Deanship’s continuous efforts to further empower, and solidify the Student Council’s role as a representative of PSU’s student-body, it became paramount to establish the Student Council Advisory Board; which has the following as its duties and responsibilities:
- The Board Shall review, determine the feasibility, and confer on the implementation of the proposals set fourth by the Student Council
- The Board shall ensure a unified vision for the Student Council on both Campuses
- The Board Shall establish a budget for the Student Council- if needed
- The Board shall meet once per semester (ad-hoc meetings may be requested by the chair, or any of the members, if necessary)
- The board shall deliver the concerns and feedback of students for the purpose of remedying and further enhancing the PSU educational and experiential journey of all students
Student Council Mentor Program
The Student Council chairs the mentor program; which aims to have mentors named as “Mentor-Brothers”; Mentor Brothers are mainly third- or fourth-year students with excellent knowledge of the PSU educational experience (exams and recommendation of clubs that will suit to be useful to their major). This program will ensure that students always have a place to refer back to with regards to any complications they might have. The student Council handpicks the best mentors with the most optimum level of knowledge, thereby ensuring that mentors provide the best advice to their mentees