Deanship Centers and Units
Academic Advising Center (AAC)
The Academic Advising Center AAC is meant to be a supporting beam throughout a student’s life cycle and to help the students develop both personally and intellectually during their journey at Prince Sultan University (PSU). It provides students with the best possible guidance in planning their studies and future careers. It aims to facilitate students ' successful transition through their academic journey by enabling them to make informed decisions to achieve educational and career goals. This can be achieved by working in partnership between students and instructors to promote student success. The center emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning as an extension of both work and study.
Student Support Unit (SSU)
The Student Support Unit (SSU) offers help and support for all students on a daily basis. It is staffed by experienced PSU personnel and works in tandem with the Ministry of Education. This unit provides students with the information related to PSU policies, and procedures. It receives students ' inquiries, solves their academic problems, and creates a link between the university and students’ parents. The SSU handles all students ' absences and medical excuses.
Educational Enhancement Unit (EEU)
The Educational Enhancement Unit (EEU) is committed to the ideal that all students should have the opportunity to participate fully in all university activities. To this end, it will cooperate with departments and management to ensure that all appropriate facilities are available to accommodate all individual needs. Two of the Unit's pivotal services are the hotline service; which has been in operation since 2017, and Student Counseling which was established in 2010: both services have helped in providing guidance to students and helped them overcome some of their difficulties. In 2023, the Educational Enhancement Unit served 76 students, 44 female and 32 male students.
Services Provided by the Educational Enhancement Unit (EEU)
- Counselling and Assisting Students with Special Needs
- Providing Counselling and Psychological support/sessions to Students who need special care by:
- Following up with those students who have psychological or Chronic Health issues (ADHD, Dyslexia, panic attacks, etc.)
- Having a special plan for each case in order to help them overcome their difficulties by Allowing them to have their exams in a separate room, giving them extra time, or by providing counselling through (the hotline or personal sessions)
- Dealing with urgent matters referred by the Security Department or other Departments
- Arranging periodical sessions and lectures for students.

Student Leadership Center (SLC)
Developing students’ skills and talents in all fields.
Developing and enhancing student skills through extracurricular activities and providing a high grad of services that contribute to a positive university environment that helps them in their personal, professional and academic growth.
The Student Leadership Center seeks to achieve its mission through the Student Activities Unit and the Student Development and Services Unit which would focus on achieving the basic objectives of the center, which are as follows:
- Developing students’ competencies and abilities in the fields of thinking, creativity, and entrepreneurship
- Preparing students with a high grade of skills & knowledge to accommodate labor market needs and requirements
- Meeting all students’ needs and requirements in order to provide them with an attractive university environment
- Providing a variety of training programs and workshops that will help develop their personal and practical skills to become future leaders
- Creating volunteer opportunities and stimulating community experiences that develop the spirit of giving and interaction with society
- Organizing and implementing events, exhibitions and conferences to highlight students’ creativity and innovations
Students Activities Unit
The Student Activities Unit seeks to develop student skills and discover their talents through participating in implementing a diverse series of extra-curricular programs and activities organized by the Deanship in the University to include events, exhibitions, conferences and workshops. Also, the Unit is responsible for supervising and follow up on student clubs.
Student Clubs
The Deanship of Student Affairs recognizes the importance of student clubs and their roles in the overall development and morale of university students. Towards that end, the DSA encourages students to submit club proposals which are vetted and assessed end route to being listed as a DSA recognized student club. The Deanship of Student Affairs offers two types of Clubs: academic, and non-academic. This ensures that the university students’ needs are met whereby their overall academic performance can improve by becoming a part of academic clubs and their talent can be discovered by the non-academic clubs.
Students Clubs General Goals:
- Holding events and activities that highlights student efforts and innovations.
- Organize lectures and events that develop students in general.
- Develop leadership personality and ability to make decision.
- Acquisition and exchange required experiences and demanded in market place.
- Refine student skills and training them on carrying responsibility.
- Increase awareness regarding social service and importance of volunteering.
- Develop communication skills and team work.
- Discover student talents and develop them
- Provide the suitable environment to support and develop student’s creativity and innovations.
For more information about student clubs, kindly visit: Here

Students Development & Services Unit
The Student Development & Services Unit is committed to providing PSU's students with the highest grade of services and activities, throughout their academic journey. The unit is also responsible for the general development of students and providing everything that contributes to their development to be future leaders by implementing a full range of extracurricular initiatives for them, such as volunteer opportunities, soft skills workshops, and dialogue sessions in order to achieve the requirements and goals of the university.
Volunteering Opportunities
The Deanship offers volunteering opportunities for students through participating in organizing University events and activities held by colleges and deanships. The Unit in cooperation with external affiliations organize and supervise student volunteering participations such as, associations, hospitals and Riyadh Region Municipality.

Soft Skills Workshops and seminars
The Unit organizes soft skills workshops that student needs it during the university journey. It aims to develop skills and enhance strengths in line with University goals and vision.
Miras Part Time Program
The Miras Program is designed to provide students with opportunities to gain meaningful experience in their fields of interest. Miras is an Arabic word which means “flexibility and experience”. The name was chosen to reflect its objectives. The purpose of the Program is to provide students with work experience in a professional setting aimed to enhance their academic, professional and personal learnings. These experiences enable students to apply classroom theory to real-world situations, gain awareness of the professional to real-world situations, gain awareness of the professional expectations in the work environment, identify personal developmental needs and gain insight in their potential career directions.

The Student Development & Services Unit also provides lockers for students to help them store their personal things Lockers. It also issues University ID Cards and Identification Letters for PSU Students.
International and Minority Student Support Unit (IMSSU)
In our efforts to provide the most optimal, inclusive, and harmonious environment to all of our students; we have created the International and Minority Student Support Unit, with the following being its' objectives:
- Identify the needs of all international and minority students
- Meet with students regularly to gauge their level of accommodation
- Prepare students for a smooth transition into our culture
- Help students with familiarizing themselves with the rules and regulations of PSU
- Provide a hospitable environment for all students
- Host events strictly aimed at acclimating students to the environment of PSU
- Continually solve and mediate any complications students will face during their educational journey here at PSU
Cooperative Education Unit (CEU)
The Cooperative Education Unit (CEU) aligns its goals with PSU's, by supporting all Co-Op students in building a deeper understanding of their respective fields, learning how to overcome work-related obstacles, and to merge dynamically in the workforce. Some of the skills in which the unit aims to hone for students are in Preparing CVs, interview skills, proper work ethics, discipline, self-efficacy, and effective teamwork. Moreover, the CEU provides- through its extensive network- Co-Op training for all PSU students, upon finishing their required credit hours.
Alumni Relations Unit (ARU)
The Alumni Relations unit (ARU) ensures maintaining solid foundations with all PSU alumni through several methods of communication, most prominently, of which, is the alumni reunion. Additionally, the Alumni Relations unit is constantly fostering meaningful connections with the labor market, both locally and internationally- thereby ensuring a constant flow of employment opportunities.
- Invest in periodic activities and events to bring PSU graduates together to upgrade the sense of being PSU alums
- Ongoing communication and contact between PSU and its graduates
- Promote and cultivate the sense of the identity of being PSU alumni/alumnae
- Strengthen bonds between the university graduates
Student Questions and concerns