Mental Health Awareness Day 2022

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day Jubilation Office at Prince Sultan University and under the supervision of Dr. Jolly Sahni, Director of JO organized an online webinar on Tuesday, October 11th, 2022.
The overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health. The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide. Jubilation Office is committed to raising such awareness among PSU employees and ensuring our employee’s physical and mental well-being.
The webinar was organized on the most pressing topics post-Covid-19; “ Find Your Balance Live More Stress Less“ Tuesday, October 11th from 12 pm to 1 pm for PSU faculty and staff on both campuses, delivered by guest speaker Ms. Huda Almedayfir. Ms. Huda is a certified NLP, practitioner coach, certified associate leadership, certified organizational development coach, and therapist. She addressed the different kinds of stress and how to tackle it mentally and practically.
Dr. Jolly welcomed the guest to PSU and introduced her to the audience. Further, she said “it's Ok to not be Ok” and that we should seek help or assistance at critical times. The guest speaker began her webinar with a simple yet surprisingly wonderful question giving the audience a chance to ponder and brainstorm within themselves about the title or subject of the webinar addressing what the word stress really means ? and that everyone here experienced stress at some point in their life yet developing a clear understanding of how stress impacts your physical & mental health. In addition, Ms. Huda discussed the different kinds of stress and a brief of each kind, the guest speaker also explained how our bodies go through stress and that there are stages our bodies go through when dealing with it. Highlighting the signs of stress the speaker gave the audience an exercise that contained which sentence is right and which one is wrong the question was “ for quick stress relief at a work meeting what would you do? “ Ms. Huda explained the difference between stress & anxiety, also referred to another exercise revolving around a video, and asked the audience to give a solution. Moreover, she talked about how to cope with stress in & out of the workplace “tips & tricks” at last gave the audience a 4-step breathing technique when experiencing stress, at the end the speaker gave some room for the staff and faculty of PSU for any questions. The session was sensational yet analytical and all the attendees enjoyed it! The session was attended by PSU Faculty & Staff. To conclude the session, Dr. Jolly Sahni, thanked the guest for the engaging and insightful session and thanked all participants for their involvement.