Prince Sultan University PSU
Policy Management System
Computer Replacement Program (CRP) Policy

Policy Code: IT0013
Policy Title: Computer Replacement Program (CRP) Policy
Owner: Information Technology Center
Responsible Office/Department: Vice President for Academic Affairs
Approved by: University Council, ISO
Date Created: 02 February 2017
Recent Review:
Effective date:


The Computer Replacement Program Policy is designed to systematically manage the lifecycle of computers within our organization. This policy outlines the criteria and procedures for replacing outdated or underperforming computers, ensuring our workforce is equipped with reliable and efficient technology. The aim is to optimize productivity, maintain high standards of security, and keep pace with technological advancements. This policy covers aspects such as assessment of current computer equipment, determination of replacement needs, budgeting, procurement processes, and the environmentally responsible disposal of obsolete hardware. It applies to all departments and is integral to maintaining an up-to-date and effective IT infrastructure, aligning our technological resources with the evolving needs of our organization.


The goal of the program is to ensure that computing resources in the PSU are current and adequate for performing work related tasks.

The objectives of the CRP are to:

  • Ensure that all faculty and staff members who use computing resources in their positions have access to a computer of sufficient capability to support basic computing needs in fulfillment of their work responsibilities;
  • Ensure that appropriate computing resources are available in departmental computing facilities and university offices in support of PSU mission;
  • Streamline the specification, acquisition, and deployment of new equipment and redeployment or disposal of old equipment.
  • Deploy a campus-wide backup program to protect university data on desktop computers.
  • No faculty left behind program (faculty development)


The program seeks to provide adequate technology for employees. We expect to replace and / or upgrade equipment once every two to four years. This lifecycle enables users to have the latest computer technology and the most recent operating systems and application versions. However, the volatility of the computer industry and system prices may require minor adjustments to this lifecycle.


Establish a centralized budget which provides basic computing resources for PSU employees, thereby providing relief to area budgets and reducing reliance on year- end surplus and current fund contingency for the CRP;

  • Implement minimum standards for computing resources in PSU increasing the supportability of the institution's installed base of equipment;

CRP Replacement Criteria

  1. Advances in technology are used to determine replacement along with age of existing systems and the ability to run current software.
  2. The cut-off point for which computers should be replaced is determined by the hardware audit and the level of performance that it can run current applications efficiently. The audit is an automatic service that runs when logging onto the network that records all hardware and software installed on the computer.


  1. Computer Replacement Program (CRP): An organized strategy to systematically replace or upgrade computer equipment based on a set schedule or specific criteria to ensure optimal performance and security.
  2. Life Cycle: The typical period during which a computer or hardware component is expected to function effectively before its performance diminishes or it becomes obsolete.
  3. End-of-Life (EOL): A stage in a computer or hardware component's lifecycle when it is no longer supported by the manufacturer, making it a candidate for replacement.
  4. Hardware: The physical components of a computer system, including desktops, laptops, monitors, keyboards, mice, and other related equipment.
  5. Upgrade: Enhancing a computer system or its components to improve performance, capabilities, or longevity without replacing the entire unit.
  6. Warranty: A guarantee provided by the manufacturer or vendor that the computer or hardware component will function as intended for a specified period.
  7. Refresh Cycle: The predetermined time interval after which computers or hardware components are evaluated for potential replacement or upgrade.
  8. Legacy System: An old computer system or application that, while still functional, may no longer meet the organization's needs or standards, thus making it a candidate for replacement.
  9. Decommission: The process of safely removing and disposing of old computer equipment once it has been replaced, ensuring data is securely wiped and environmental guidelines are followed.


ITC staff and the technology committee will review the technology plan and evaluate the CRP annually, monitor information collected through audits, feedback from program participants, external vendor and industry sources, and institutional priority


University personnel is expected to exercise care to assure against theft and damage of equipment provided to them. In situations where negligence or violations of this policy result in damage or loss of equipment, the cost for its repair or replacement will be the responsibility of the employee and/or department.  Stolen equipment requires a police report. In more details, the following steps are going to be followed when a violation takes place.

  1. Identification and Initial Assessment: Report and assess any suspected violations of the Computer Replacement Program Policy. This includes documenting the nature of the violation, the parties involved, and the affected equipment.
  2. Investigation and Reporting: Conduct a thorough investigation to understand the scope of the violation, involving system log reviews and interviews if necessary. Subsequently, compile a detailed report of the findings for management, outlining the violation's impact and recommendations.
  3. Corrective Actions and Resolution: Implement appropriate corrective measures based on the investigation's findings. This could range from retraining staff to disciplinary actions, depending on the severity of the violation. Monitor the effectiveness of these actions to ensure compliance.
  4. Policy Review and Documentation: If the violation reveals systemic issues or policy gaps, review and update the policy accordingly. Document all actions taken from the violation's identification to its resolution to maintain a record of the process and improvements made.