Students’ Research Participation Policy

Policy Code: RS0007
Policy Name: Students’ Research Participation Policy
Handler: The Research and Initiatives Center
Date Created: 15 August 2020
Date of Current Review: 15 August 2020
Approved by: University Council
Date of Approval:


The Research and Initiatives Center (RIC) submits this proposal to develop a system to involve university students (both postgraduate and undergraduate) in the work and research production in order to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Contribute to achieve the goals of Prince Sultan University in research excellence, where scientific research is one of the most important pillars of excellence in university education.
  2. Achieve the requirements of academic accreditation in developing effective strategies to support the research work of students and increase their involvement in the research production of the university.
  3. Keeping up with the university’s tendency to increase the research output of its employees - including students - in quality and quantity.

The proposal includes three mechanisms:

  • First: Payment of publishing fees in refereed scientific journals:
    1. Full payment of the publication fee if the student is the first author of the published research.
    2. Payment of a percentage of the publishing fee if the student’s research is shared with other researchers outside the university. The percentage is determined by dividing the amount of fees by the number of authors and paying the percentage of the employees of Prince Sultan University.
    3. To pay the publishing fee, the student must have listed the name of Prince Sultan University as his affiliation.
    4. The payment of publication fees is required to be a scientific journal from a recognized scientific journal.
  • Second the reward of outstanding scientific publishing for students: Student can apply for the outstanding scientific publishing awards and will be awarded as the process for PSU faculty members, which provides payments of financial rewards for publication in journals classified in the Web of Science (ISI) or Scopus databases.

  • Third: Involvement of students in research work as research assistants:
    1. Through this mechanism, students are allowed to engage in research work directly according to the following procedures:
    2. The College Research Committee receives applications from students who wish to work as research assistants.
    3. The Committee will coordinates between the students and those interested in recruiting research assistants to implement their research projects.
    4. The student has the right to choose to work voluntarily or financially, so that the financial compensation is determined according to the payment mechanisms for students at the university or according to the offers provided by the beneficiaries
  • Forth: Conference Participation Students are allowed to participate in conferences in their related areas to present their accepted research papers, and they can submit their request to their department chair to take the same process as for faculty members’ requests for attending a conference, but the associated required funds for the conference for students requests will be processed by the RIC through the Rector office based on the availability of the funds and the recommendation of the concerned College Council