Title : Principles of green construction designDate: 23 November 2021Time: 12-1pmUN sustainable development goals: Goal 11 (Sustainable communities and Cities)Green building fundamentally affects the way we live, consequently, it can...
Events related to SDG 11
Title : Principles of green construction designDate: 23 November 2021Time: 12-1pmUN sustainable development goals: Goal 11 (Sustainable communities and Cities)Green building fundamentally affects the way we live, consequently, it can...
Students and faculty are cordially invited to attend the Symposium: Recent advances in earth and planetary space exploration, organized by College of Engineering and presented by Dr. Charles Elachi, Professor...
Organizer: Dr. Salma DwidarName of Workshop: Towards Healing Environment for Hospital BuildingsPresenter: Dr. Eman SabryDate: Thursday 11th of November 2021Time: 12:00 to 1:00pmLocation: OnlineWorkshop Link: https://meet.google.com/npx-ndzk-rzq?authuser=0Registration Link : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ro5JyP_8pwOqSTfMoeOPgJ03Mhkyk3OF/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108789647480683238642&rtpof=true&sd=true
This workshop evaluates the potential of usingplant-based fibers in construction materials. Thus,date palm fibers are evaluated in terms of theirchemical and mechanical properties, as well as theireco-friendliness and cost-effectiveness. In...
Presenter: Ms. Nora El Omar, Ms. Tahani Musa, Ms. Aya Nour EldinDate: Thursday, October 28, 2021Time: 12:00 - 1:00pmLocation: Online (Open to Community males and females)Workshop Link: https://meet.google.com/rke-tckk-evt?authuser=0Registration Link :...