The event is hosted by the Translator Club at Prince Sultan University. It covers various topics related to audiovisual translation.Speaker: Dr. Alaa Olwi, Princess Nourah University (PNU)
Events related to SDG 6
The event is hosted by the Translator Club at Prince Sultan University. It covers various topics related to audiovisual translation.Speaker: Dr. Alaa Olwi, Princess Nourah University (PNU)
Sustainability Development Goals (PDS 002 Exhibition)
Principles of Cinematography
How COVID-19 Terminology Was Developed: An Example of Medical Terminology.Dana Awad is an Associate Professor at Prince Sultan University. She holds a Ph.D. with distinction in Language Sciences from Lumière...
Herbal Compounds Thymoquinone and Curcumin Are More Cytotoxic in Oral Cancer Cells Compared to First-Line Anti Cancer Drug Carboplatin.Dr. Ishrat Rehman is an Associate Professor of Pharmacology at Princess Nourah...