PSU signed an MoU with Albir Charitable Organization in support of Community Service. This, is in an aim of supporting the goals of programs and collaborative community service initiatives in several initiatives such as PCs Donation.

Out of our social responsibility toward society and in order to provide an effective social response toward (Covid-19) pandemic, ITC initiated a donation of full 55 PCs and other devices to the most needed families in a way to support the online education for their children. As a response to the high need of having PCs at homes for children to be able to continue their studying from homes due to Covid-19 effects. ITC played a major role in collecting all the unused PCs in PSU, checked them, and coordinate with CSCEC for a proper donation. CSCEC also has provided all its devices in both lab 180 and 181 to support this donation. As a way to ensure reaching the targeted beneficiaries, the PCs have been given to AlBir Organizational Charity who confirmed the need of PCs at their beneficiaries. As an outcome of this great initiative in this difficult time, an agreement has been established with AlBir Organization.