Prince Sultan University PSU
Policy Management System
Collection Development and Acquisition Policy (Foreign Languages Information Resources)

Policy Code: LB004
Policy Title: Collection Development and Acquisition Policy (Foreign Languages Information Resources)
Owner: Central Library
Responsible Office/Department: Vice President for Academic Affairs
Approved by: University Council
Date Created: 02 February 2017
Recent Review: 27 September 2023
Effective date:


The Central Library provides a balanced library collection in languages other than Arabic, to its users to satisfy their present and anticipated research, learning and teaching needs. Library also acquires resources for non-credit courses where material may be used for leisure readings.


Collection management at PSU Central Library is viewed as a user service function, and is a joint effort of the Library and teaching faculty with the Central Library managing the process. Foreign Information Resources Management Librarian collaborates with faculty and staff regarding the selection and development of information resources aligned with areas of teaching, learning, and research related with to curricular foci and university fields of concerns, through library faculty liaison committee, whose faculty members represent the varied academic spectrum of the programs offered at Prince Sultan University.

The policy functions as guideline for systematic and sustainable development of PSU's foreign-language collection, ensuring that it remains relevant to the evolving needs of the PSU community.


The services documented in this policy are aimed to fulfil the information, teaching and research needs of PSU faculty, staff and students. These services encompass both the needs of the campus academic community and those of the wider scholarly and local communities. The collection development objectives, however, are focused primarily on the needs of the campus academic community. Library staff, faculty, students and staff of PSU, library vendors and suppliers have main concern with this policy.

The main purpose of this policy is to provide PSU Central Library staff, and PSU community with a policy document, that describes the process and procedures of collection development and acquisition at Foreign Information Resources Management & Development Department at Central Library.


  • This policy shall ensure that the collection of the central library remains supportive of PSU’s mission.
  • This shall confirm that collections at the central library are relevant to the academic programs and research objectives of Prince Sultan University.


  • Collection development: process of systematically building library collections to meet study, teaching, research, accreditation, and information needs of users.
  • Information resources: refer to the materials/sources of information that are acquired, processed, organized, and made available to library users by PSU Libraries.
  • Faculty Liaison Committee Members: a faculty member from each academic department to help the library in materials selection process.
  • Library budget: a financial statement of the estimated expenditures for a definite period of time.
  • Library acquisition: process of ordering, claiming, receiving and dealing with payments of selected library materials

    A team composed of faculty liaison committee members, and liaison librarians under the supervision of library directors on both campuses ensures the compliance with this policy.

    Besides, the Library Collection Development and Acquisition Policy will be published on the library's website and included in the library's handbook for effective implementation.


    Failure to abide by the Collection Development and Acquisition Policy may invite the intervention of the Library Director. The Director reviews the nature and extent of violations of the policy and determines corrective measures.