Education for Employment(E4E) Program
A Leading Development Model to Rehabilitate University Graduates to the Labor Market
E4E Statistics
No. of Academies
No. of Companies with E4E students
No. of Graduates
Prince Sultan University is a result of effort, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, may Allah preserve him. The education for employment project at the university provides the most important international training programs targeted at graduates of Saudi colleges and universities who hold a bachelor degree.
Young men and women are the main foundation of any nation's development and the vital source of progress and prosperity for any society. This category is the effective instrument of society to build its future and embody its hope for development, construction and sustaining progress.
Therefore, essential that attention be paid to this category of both sexes' national youth population and find integrated scientifically based programs to develop their capacities to preserve our society's future features. To ensure that the pace of development continues, and although the practice of work is a contribution to national development, it is undoubtedly a means of earning and providing decent livelihoods. Having young men and women getting jobs is a goal for each family. An obsession haunts parents since end of the son and daughter's association at the university stage to searching for work where that ratio of youth unemployment in Saudi Arabia is 60% in both sexes, about 37% in males and 63% in females.
Hence, the Center's idea, which the university's officials give, notably His Highness Prince Dr. Abdulaziz bin Mohammed bin Ayyaf, Chairman of the University's Board of Trustees. In response to King Salman bin Abdelaziz's desire, since he was Prince of Riyadh, to actively espouse Saudi society's issues. The aim is to qualify university and college graduates who experience difficulties finding suitable job opportunities commensurate with their specialties and fill the shortage of skills and knowledge needed to meet their labor market needs.
The Centre and Vision 2030

The Education for Employment program is designed to keep pace with the ongoing development and rehabilitation of hundreds of young people from various universities and colleges in order to build the capacities and possibilities necessary to achieve the ambitious objectives of Vision 2030 and to achieve the aspirations of the University of Prince Sultan to serve the community by supporting and developing the youth of the country and thus achieving the objectives of the National Transformation Program.
Through, the Education for Employment program, a strategic partnership project has been established between Prince Sultan's University and eight leading global technology companies worldwide. Namely, Cisco, Juniper, Oracle, Microsoft, SAP, Huawei, Red hat and VMware. The aim is to transfer global technical knowledge, expertise, and technical skills to the Kingdom and rehabilitate and build Saudi youth who suffer from job security, particularly university graduates.
Global partnerships
The demand for international professional programs has increased that offering graduates opportunities for a prosperous career. The Centre has built partnerships with several major global companies that are continually attending university, accommodate more graduates from Saudi universities in the Centre and provide more opportunities to qualify Saudi girls who still have difficulty obtaining employment opportunities.
The focus in the first batches of the Centre, launched in 2006, was on some highly needed advanced labor market programs, such as CISCO Networks, ORACLE databases. However, require forging partnerships with other global firms such as Juniper Network Security Leader, SAP Software Industry Leader for various business sectors, Microsoft Information Technology and Software Development Leader, and Huawei Communications, Information Technology and Networks (the second-largest global telecommunications and information technology company).
Since its launch, the Centre has yielded good results. A collection of Saudi youth graduates from various Saudi universities has received global professional degrees that have transferred them from unemployment or job insecurity to leadership positions and high salaries.

Cisco World's Leading Network Academy
The Academy's associate program qualifies the associate to obtain the CCNA certificate in Transformers and Routers. Two certificates followed them in Network Security and Digital Voice Technology. The specialization is the final stage through the qualification of the associate for CCNP certification.

Huawei’s Academy for communications, information technology, and networks
Huawei’s academy has joined the previous academies, and it is (the second-biggest global company in the communications and information technology field). And recently an agreement was signed with Huawei’s Applied University, (one of the most important educational divisions of Huawei), which is an extension of the previous agreement signed with the director of Huawei in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The agreement extended the first agreement which was limited to the first level of information networks represented in (HCDA) and (HCDP) certificates, where Huawei’s academy affiliated with the King Salman Education for Employment center in the university to give the advanced level certificate (HCIE).

Juniper The leading global academy in network security
Juniper is one of the most known global companies, especially in network security, whether for clients or service providers in the network field.

Microsoft academy the leader in information technology and software development
Their program consists of two tracks that focus on preparing trainees for the jobs that require using Microsoft. The first track is for information technology experts, and the second track is for software development experts, and each track consists of a training course on the latest developments found by Microsoft.

Oracle the leader global academy in database
The program aims to qualify male and female graduates in finance, business administration, and accounting fields and train them on the most popular and newest financial applications which are used in major companies and institutions that work in various fields. And to qualify them through specialized training and help them to gain skills and practical experiences that will prepare them for this job to work in the financial and accounting sector in international institutions to make it easier for them to join large companies.

Red Hat Academy
Red hat company which became a part of the center as the seventh leading company in the Linux solutions field. It is the first open-source software company to achieve revenues that exceeds $2 Billion. The company develops Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). And it promotes it through the subscription system, one of the most distributed Linux offerings in large organizations. In addition to developing Linux distribution and other software solutions such as the JBoss application server, Red Hat provides specialized training and certification programs for managing RHEL systems or other Red Hat solutions.

SAP a leading academy in the software industry for the business sector
SAP is considered as a leading German company in the software industry for different business sectors, in implementing, specialized managing business operations and customer relations. SAP is also one of the largest software companies in the world, focusing on six sectors: process industries, discrete industries, consumer industries, service industries, Financial Services, Public Services, and it also provides integrated products for small, medium-sized, and large companies.

VMware Academy
The academy, which is considered as the first of its kind in the region, qualifies its trainees to lead virtual data centers and raises the number of the center's academies to eight academies, where seven academies were affiliated with the center before its establishment: Cisco Academy, Oracle Academy, Microsoft Academy, SAP Academy, and Juniper Academy Huawei Academy and Red Hat Academy. VMware, Inc., which handles the technical supervision of the academy, is one of the largest companies in the field of providing cloud computing software and simulating operating systems and is based in Palo Alto, California, USA
E4E Testimonials
E4E Graduation Ceremony
Check out some twitter post of the event:
Eng. Al- Mezal
The Center provided for us the best courses and the most recent laboratory, in addition to instructors at a high level of experience, and opened the university doors for us 24 hours to apply and prepare for exams. I am the first Saudi to get it, and my number in the world is 193.
Ahmed Al-Sharif
The important of this center lies in developing the skills of graduates and preparing them for the job market in a number of important programs such as (Cisco, Oracle, Juniper, Microsoft and SAP), indicating that he would like to study the Cisco program. Because there is nearly 90% of the labor market companies need Cisco certificates.
Moath Abdullah Al-Daraan
Since my graduation, I have been looking for programs that develop my skills and abilities until God, through a colleague, helped me to join the King Salman Center for Education and Employment, which includes a large number of programs required by the labor market. He joined the SAP program after completing the English language course prepared by the center.
Eng. Rami Bin Matouq Hassan Al-Obaidi
The CCIE certificate represents a great challenge for anyone who wants to go through this experience, especially after the controversy over whether we can pass the test, and it also represent for us to chart the right way to continue this fast field development.
Eng. Muhammed Hosni Bukhari
Such a program is rarely found in universities and training centers, in addition to direct cooperation between PSU and Cisco the leader in this field.
Eng. Aqeel Abu Bakr
This certificate means a lot to me, so it is enough that I am one of only 27 thousand people around the world who hold this certificate, and I have realized through several interviews that this certificate makes a quantum leap in employment and salary.
Faisal Turkey Al-Enezi
There are special courses in the center to qualify graduates, and this is what encouraged me to join it and develop my capabilities. Regarding the means by which he learned about the launch of the program, Al-Enezi said: I have friends with whom I communicate about such matters, and through them I learned about the start of registration in the program, and we have now started to study the English language, and then after four months we will start studying the specialization for a period of seven months according to choice the person for the program he wants, indicating that he has determined his desire to start joining the program, which is to study the Cisco program and obtain the (CCNA) and (CCNP) certificates, until reaching the highest certificate, which is (CCIE).