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MBA Guest Session:Leadership & Teamwork in the Post-Pandemic World
Event details
MBA Guest Session:Leadership & Teamwork in the Post-Pandemic World
Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at Prince Sultan
University organized a Webinar on "Leadership & Teamwork in the
Post-Pandemic World" and invited Prof. Ramesh K Arora, Former Dean,
University of Rajasthan (India) as the Guest Speaker (23rd November 2021). The
webinar was structured to equip BUS570 students with the contemporary knowledge
on Leadership & teamwork in challenging times like covid-19. Prof. Arora
elaborated on the effective leadership styles & traits in the Post-Covid
Scenario. With practical examples students could understand how to be effective
future leaders and manage teams in an efficient & effective way even during
disruptive times. The session was intense, participatory, interesting and
engaging for all participants. It was attended by students of ‘Managing
Organizations & People’ course and organized by Dr. Jolly Sahni, The MBA
Associate Director."