The PYP OSAC Committee cordially invites you to attend the MS Excel Intermediate Workshop. Speaker: Ms. Mona Alsheddi
How to Launch a Digital Start-up in Industry 4.0
Event details
How to Launch a Digital Start-up in Industry 4.0
Prince Sultan University is committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and implement sustainability-related initiatives. Towards achieving this, do you have an idea for a new Digital Start-up in the healthcare sector or in Sustainable Innovation to develop new clean tech
products and services with low carbon footprints? If yes, please join us for one full day online bootcamp training to learn.
The training will enable you to develop a disruptive industry 4.0 business idea and it will be held online on
Join bootcamp via following Google Meet ideo call link
The winner will receive financial support to help to launch and register as Start-up company in London UK