University News related to SDG 4

Message from the Rector Dr. Ahmed Yamani

PSU converts all its activities to online engagement

CBA Mode of Teaching Term 201

CBA courses that are offered in blended mode for 2020 Fall Semester

In accordance with the MoE instructions and guidelines for appropriate modes of teaching for theoretical and practical university courses, CBA will be offering the following courses in Fall Semester 2020 in a blended mode.

These courses are:

# CBA Program Courses Details
1 BS of Aviation Management AVM 320, Airline Operations, Section 56.
2 BS of Finance Fin 450, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Section 718.
Fin 450, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Section 1251.
3 BS of Marketing MKT 350, Marketing Research, Section 728.
4 MBA Program BUS 504, Quantitative Method for Business, Section 752.
BUS 504, Quantitative Method for Business, Section 117.
5 BS of Accounting ACC 453, Value Added Tax (VAT) Accounting, Section 745.
ACC 317, Corporate Reporting and Governance, Section 304.

The teaching modes for these courses will include elements of online teaching as well as on-campus teaching for the practical elements of the courses.

All necessary arrangements and precautionary measures will be implemented in coordination with all relevant units of PSU. This will be in accordance with all relevant guidelines and approved procedures as promulgated by the MoH. The aim is to safeguard the health and safety of all students and instructors and to enhance and raise the quality of the learning process.