University News related to SDG 4

Course in CyberSecurity ISO27001 Compliance System

Women Empowerment in Computing Technology

CS students recevied PSU Outstanding Student Awards

List of Architecture club series of workshops for Arch students and Community

Student acheived as CAPM ceritifed

Join us for IEEEXtreme Competion

ABET Accreditation for CS and IS Programs

MMU's Free Online Courses

Students' guide for attending Online Lecture

CBA Mode of Teaching Term 201

Research Talks by the Communications and Networks Engineering Department

The Communications and Networks Engineering Department at the College of Engineering successfully hosted the CME Research Talk on February 13, 2024, providing a platform for scholars to present cutting-edge research in engineering and technology. Chaired by Dr. Umashankar, the event featured insightful presentations on topics such as EEG-based prosthetic control, high-voltage power electronics, and 5G vehicular communication. Dr. Moustafa Nasralla opened the session with research on EEG-based upper limb prosthetics, followed by Dr. Maged Esmail’s talk on fiber optic sensing for industrial and medical applications. Dr. Mahajan Sagar Bhaskar highlighted recent power electronics configurations for high-voltage applications. Dr. Haleem Farman explored facial emotion recognition technology and its impact on healthcare and security, and Dr. Mehr E Munir presented super-compact millimeter-wave antennas for 5G vehicular applications. The event concluded with an engaging Q&A session, fostering knowledge exchange and reinforcing the department’s commitment to research and innovation.