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Employment practice unions
PSU recognises the labour rights (freedom of association) for its faculty members and administrative staff including women and expats, the international staff.

On 20 October 2020, Prince Sultan University’s (PSU) Global SME Policy Network (GSPN) signed an agreementwith the L20 (Labour 20 is one of the 6 outreach groups within G20) and Saudi National Committee of Workers Committees (SNC). PSU will contribute in undertaking research work on labour and employment in Saudi Arabia and globally through this knowledge partnership agreement. Both parties are required to initiate workshops, seminars, webinars and conferences on Employment and Labour at PSU Campus or virtually.
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As per the latest ministerial resolution dated 26/08/2020 from the Ministry of Human Resource and Social Development, Trade unions do not apply in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. There is not a single trade union in Saudi Arabia, as the law does not allow them to exist. Instead, the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development established the National Committee for Labor in the Kingdom on March 6, 2021. The Committee looks after the interests of all private and public workers in Saudi Arabia, and defends their rights and issues assigned to them by law, and in accordance with international conventions and standards ratified by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They also help in spreading labor awareness and culture and achieving the principle of justice and equality among all company workers.
Visit National Committee for Labor Website
PSU has recently established a compliance office in the year 2019-2020 which is responsible for ensuring the institution functions in a legal and ethical manner while meeting its institutional goals. The office is also responsible for developing compliance programs, reviewing the institutional policies, advising the management on the possible risks and addressing the complaints of the PSU employees.
Visit Compliance Office Website