تدعوكم لجنة التوعية والأنشطة الطلابية في السنة التحضيرية لحضور ورشة عمل مايكروسوفت اكسل - مستوى متوسط أ. منى الشدي
CyberSecurity ISO27001 Compliance System
تفاصيل المناسبة
CyberSecurity ISO27001 Compliance System
It is the pleasure of CYBEX to offer a sequence of professional development courses in the area of CyberSecurity. We are starting with an important course on ISO27001 Compliance. The Course consist of two certificate courses, you can opt for one or both of the the courses.
- Certificate in Foundation of Cyber Security
- Certificate in CyberSecurity ISO27001 Compliance System
You can register using the Link Register for the Courses!
For any inquiries you can send an email at : cybex@psu.edu.sa