Institutional Committees for Academic Year 2020-2021
President, VPs, DVPs, Deans and Vice Deans, Institutional Committee Chairs, EAAC and concerned directors
- The executive committee shall oversee the quality practices on both campuses through the different institutional committees.
- The executive committee shall monitor the progress and support all institutional committees to achieve their intended mission and goals.
- The executive committee is responsible for evaluating all institutional committees’ work to ensure adherence to the accreditation standards. Specifically, the executive committee shall oversee the following areas: governing councils and committees, leadership and management, systems, policies and procedures, organizational structure, quality assurance management and integrity, transparency, and ethics.
- The executive committee shall provide direction and guidance for the institutional and program for local and international accreditations.
- The following are sub-committees of IEQC: Institutional Effectiveness Committee, Institutional Policy Committee, Institutional Quality Committee and Institutional Online Education Committee.
Evaluation and Academic Accreditation Center (EAAC)
President, Dean-DQAD, Aide-to-the-Presidents, Director-PDU, and EAAC
- The committee is a sub-committee of the Institutional Executive Quality Committee.
- The committee shall support and oversee any academic and administrative issues related to quality assurance and accreditation. Some of the issues that may be discussed but not limited to the following: governing councils and committees, organizational structure, and integrity, transparency and ethics.
- The committee shall provide recommendations addressing these issues to the higher management.
- The committee shall also give support in solving the current issues of the concerned colleges/deanships/departments/centers/offices/units through the Office of the President.
Evaluation and Academic Accreditation Center (EAAC)
Dean-DQAD, DQAD Directors, College Quality Committee Chairs, and Program Quality Coordinators
- The committee is a sub-committee of the Institutional Executive Quality Committee.
- The committee shall ensure the quality assurance practices are being implemented throughout the institution.
- The committee shall coordinate with the Institutional Financial and Risk Management Committee (IFRMC) in ensuring all risks are identified in the quality improvement plan.
- The committee shall prepare the rating of the Self-Evaluation Scales for the Institution (SESI) and write the Self-Study Report for the Institution (SSRI). The committee shall also support and assist in the program accreditation preparation of all Colleges. Specifically, on quality assurance management and quality assurance and improvement of academic programs and administrative units.
- The committee shall study related tasks, issues and problems and provide recommendations of the best solutions or alternative course of actions to the concerned colleges, deanships, departments, centers, units/and or offices and subject for approval of the University Council/President before the implementation.
Deanship of Quality Assurance and Development – Quality Assurance Center (DQAD-QAC)
Policy Development Unit (PDU) Director, Compliance Officer, QAC Directors, and selected faculty members
- The committee is a sub-committee of the Institutional Executive Quality Committee.
- The committee shall prepare a plan for the purpose of reviewing the university’s regulations and submitting it to the President of the university who in his turn shall present it to the University Council for approval.
- The committee shall implement the plan for reviewing the university’s regulations.
- The committee shall prepare revision reports with regards to the university’s regulations each year and submitting them to the President of the university.
- The committee shall study the cases forwarded by the President of the university concerning the application of the regulations then writing the necessary policy.
- The committee shall prepare the rating of the Self-Evaluation Scales for the Institution (SESI) and write the Self-Study Report for the Institution (SSRI). The committee shall also support and assist in the program accreditation preparation of all Colleges. Specifically, on all systems, policies, and procedures.
- The committee shall study related tasks, issues and problems and provide recommendations of the best solutions or alternative course of actions to the concerned colleges, deanships, departments, centers, units/and or offices and subject for approval of the University Council/President before the implementation.
Deanship of Quality Assurance and Development–Policy Development Unit-Quality Assurance Center(DQAD-PDU-QAC)
CITO, ITC Leaders, ELC Leaders, TLC Leaders and other appointed members
- The committee is a sub-committee of the Institutional Executive Quality Committee.
- The committee shall ensure that the PSU adheres to the academic accreditation standards for E-Learning and Distance Education for the institutions and programs.
- The committee shall prepare the rating of the Self-Evaluation Scales for the Institution (SESI) and write the Self-Study Report for the Institution (SSRI). The committee shall also support and assist in the program accreditation preparation of all Colleges. Specifically, on all related IT and online education processes.
- The committee shall study related tasks, issues and problems and provide recommendations of the best solutions or alternative course of actions to the concerned colleges, deanships, departments, centers, units/and or offices and subject for approval of the University Council/President before the implementation.
ITC-ELC (Information Technology Center – E-Learning Center)
President, and First level leaders in the PSU Organizational Structure
- The committee shall oversee the percentage and status of accomplishments for all the goals, objectives and action plans under each strategic theme of the current strategic plan as determined by the Institutional Strategic Planning Steering Committee (ISPSC) including all risks associated to it.
- The committee shall confirm the comprehensiveness of all the goals, objectives and action plans under each strategic theme of the new strategic plan as formulated and prepared by the ISPSC. In addition, the realization of the Mission of the University will be reviewed periodically.
- The ISPHC has a subcommittee which is the Institutional Strategic Planning Steering Committee (ISPSC). The chairs of the sub-committees of the ISPSC may be invited to attend the ISPHC meeting.
Deanship of Quality Assurance and Development – Strategic Planning and Development Center (DQAD-SPDC)
Dean-DQAD, SPDC Leaders, Assigned Strategic Theme Chairs, and subcommittee members from the related departments/centers/units/offices
- The committee is a sub-committee of the Institutional Strategic Planning Higher Committee.
- The committee shall determine the percentage of accomplishments of the goals and objectives under each strategic theme for the current strategic plan.
- The committee shall monitor the progress of the goals and objectives of the current strategic theme assigned to them.
- The committee shall prepare a report and publication indicating the status of accomplishments with corresponding evidence for the current strategic plan.
- The committee shall assist the SPDC in the preparation and formulation of the next strategic plan with the support of other stakeholders of the university.
- The committee shall coordinate with Institutional Financial and Risk Management Committee (IFRMC) in ensuring all risks are identified in the strategic plans and action plans.
- The committee shall prepare the rating of the Self-Evaluation Scales for the Institution (SESI) and write the Self-Study Report for the Institution (SSRI). The committee shall also support and assist in the program accreditation preparation of all Colleges. Specifically, on strategic planning.
- The committee shall study related tasks, issues and problems and provide recommendations of the best solutions or alternative course of actions to the concerned colleges, deanships, departments, centers, units/and or offices and subject for approval of the University Council/President before the implementation.
Deanship of Quality Assurance and Development – Strategic Planning and Development Center (DQAD-SPDC)
VPAA, DVPAA, DVPCW, GSU, Chair of ILTC, Chair of ICC, Library, PPMO, and Maintenance Office
- The committee shall ensure the academic best practices are followed.
- The committee shall be responsible for long-range space planning and utilization.
- The committee shall also make recommendations about all projects and space assignments.
- The committee shall study related tasks, issues and problems and provide recommendations of the best solutions or alternative course of actions to the concerned colleges, deanships, departments, centers, units/and or offices and subject for approval of the University Council/President before the implementation.
- The following are sub-committees of IAFC:
- Institutional Learning and Teaching Committee
- Institutional Curriculum Committee
MANAGED BY: Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
TLC Leaders, ICC Chair, IAO Directors, and College Representatives
- The committee is a sub-committee of the Institutional Academic and Facilities Committee.
- The committee shall ensure the teaching and learning best practices are followed all throughout the institution.
- The committee shall prepare the rating of the Self-Evaluation Scales for the Institution (SESI) and write the Self-Study Report for the Institution (SSRI). The committee shall also support and assist in the program accreditation preparation of all Colleges. Specifically, on graduates’ attributes and learning outcomes, academic programs quality assurance and enhancement and educational partnerships.
- The committee shall study related tasks, issues and problems and provide recommendations of the best solutions or alternative course of actions to the concerned colleges, deanships, departments, centers, units/and or offices and subject for approval of the University Council/President before the implementation.
MANAGED BY: Deanship of Quality Assurance and Development – Teaching and Learning Center (DQAD-TLC)
Appointed ICC Chair, and College Curriculum Committee Chairs
- The committee is a sub-committee of the Institutional Academic and Facilities Committee.
- The committee shall prepare a plan for reviewing the academic curricula (Program Specification) and syllabuses (Course Specification) at the university and submitting them to the University Council for approval.
- The committee shall implement the plan for reviewing the university’s academic curricula and syllabuses.
- The committee shall review the plans of the new academic programs and the plans for developing the existing academic programs, their curricula and syllabuses and submitting relevant recommendations to the University Council/President.
- The committee shall prepare a report to review the academic curricula and syllabuses at the university every year and submitting it to the University Council/President.
- The committee shall prepare the rating of the Self-Evaluation Scales for the Institution (SESI) and write the Self-Study Report for the Institution (SSRI). The committee shall also support and assist in the program accreditation preparation of all Colleges. Specifically, on the design and development of academic programs.
- The committee shall study related tasks, issues and problems and provide recommendations of the best solutions or alternative course of actions to the concerned colleges, deanships, departments, centers, units/and or offices and subject for approval of the University Council/President before the implementation.
Institutional Curriculum Committee (ICC)
Dean and Vice Dean of DSA, Dean and Vice Dean of DAR, Alumni Unit, HPE D/AD, Physicians, College Representatives and College Student Engagement Committee Chairs
- The committee shall ensure the student journey best practices are followed all throughout the institution.
- The committee shall prepare the rating of the Self-Evaluation Scales for the Institution (SESI) and write the Self-Study Report for the Institution (SSRI). The committee shall also support and assist in the program accreditation preparation of all Colleges. Specifically, on students’ admissions, students record, students’ rights and duties, guidance and counselling, international students, students’ services and activities and alumni.
- In addition, the committee shall form ad-hoc sub-committee (in case one of the members of the committee is involved in the case) for the following:
- Hearing cases of alleged misconduct by students and student organizations as well as complaints of faculty members with their students.
- Giving decisions about the cases and submit it to the University Council/President.
- The committee shall ensure also the active involvement of the alumni to the university by:
- reporting their current information
- participating in the academic event
- supporting university initiatives
- The committee shall study related tasks, issues and problems and provide recommendations of the best solutions or alternative course of actions to the concerned colleges, deanships, departments, centers, units/and or offices and subject for approval of the University Council/President before the implementation.
Deanship of Student Affairs (DSA)
نائب رئيس الجامعة المساعد لفرع البنات، وقادة مركز التعليم والتعلم، ومديرا مكتب الموارد البشرية، وممثلو الكليات
اختصاص اللجنة
- يجب أن تضمن اللجنة اتباع أفضل ممارسات فترة عمل الموظف في جميع أنحاء المؤسسة.
- تقوم اللجنة بإعداد تصنيف مقاييس التقييم الذاتي للمؤسسة (SESI) وكتابة تقرير الدراسة الذاتية للمؤسسة (SSRI). كما يجب أن تدعم اللجنة وتساعد في إعداد الاعتماد البرامجي لجميع الكليات وما يتعلق بجذب وتوظيف واستبقاء الموظفين والتطوير المهني وتقييم الموظفين بشكل خاص.
- بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تقوم اللجنة بالمهام التالية:
- أ. تخطيط ومراقبة تنفيذ خطط توفير الموارد البشرية للجامعة مثل أعضاء هيئة التدريس والموظفين.
- ب. إعداد خطة توفير الموارد البشرية لكل عام دراسي على أن تكون ضمن ميزانية الجامعة وعرضها على مجلس الأمناء لاعتمادها.
- ج. الإشراف على تنفيذ الخطط المعتمدة من قبل مجلس الأمناء والتأكد من أن جميع المواعيد التي تمت خلال العام الدراسي متوافقة مع الخطة المعتمدة.
- د. التحقيق في الشكوى المقدمة ضد أعضاء هيئة التدريس والموظفين وتقييمها.
- هـ. رفع تقرير عن التحقيق إلى رئيس الجامعة مع التوصية بإحالة الواقعة إلى لجنة التأديب .
- و. تقوم لجنة التأديب بالرجوع إلى نظام العمل السعودي (إذا لزم الأمر) وعرض القضية وتقييمها ورفع تقرير عن التحقيق والعقوبة الموصى بها إن وجدت إلى الرئيس لاعتمادها.
- تقوم اللجنة بدراسة المهام والقضايا والمشكلات ذات الصلة وتقديم توصيات حول أفضل الحلول أو مسار الإجراءات البديلة للكليات والعمادات والأقسام والمراكز والوحدات و/ أو المكاتب المعنية وتخضع لموافقة مجلس الجامعة / رئيس الجامعة قبل التطبيق.
تدار من قبل:
مكتب نائب رئيس الجامعة المساعد لفرع البنات - مكتب الموارد البشرية
VPAFA, Aide-to-the-President, Selected deans, directors, and faculty members
- The committee shall develop constructive measures specifically designed to explore sources of revenue generation other than student fees.
- The committee shall be responsible to look after risk management related to properties, vehicles, health insurance policy and etc.
- The committee shall also coordinate with Institutional Strategic Planning Steering Committee (ISPSC) and Institutional Quality Committee (IQC) in ensuring all risks are identified in planning and quality assurance.
- The committee shall prepare the rating of the Self-Evaluation Scales for the Institution (SESI) and write the Self-Study Report for the Institution (SSRI). The committee shall also support and assist in the program accreditation preparation of all Colleges. Specifically, on financial resources and budget, safety and risk management.
- The committee shall study related tasks, issues and problems and provide recommendations of the best solutions or alternative course of actions to the concerned colleges, deanships, departments, centers, units/and or offices and subject for approval of the University Council/Rector before the implementation.
Office of the Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs
The Chair and members of the committee are appointed by the Chair of IFRMC
- The committee shall ensure that the financial and risk KPIs will be monitored.
- The committee shall assist all the colleges, departments, centers and the institution at large in benchmarking with other comparable and reputable institutions.
- The committee shall coordinate with the Institutional Quality Committee (IQC) in ensuring all risks are identified in the quality improvement plan.
- The committee shall coordinate with the Institutional Strategic Plan Steering Committee (ISPSC) in ensuring all risks are identified in the strategic plans and action plans.
- The committee shall coordinate with the Institutional Financial Risks and Management Committee (IFRMC) in ensuring all risks are identified in planning and quality assurance.
- The committee shall study related tasks, issues and problems and provide recommendations of the best solutions or alternative course of actions to the concerned colleges, deanships, departments, centers, units/and or offices to be submitted to the Chair of IFRMC.
Office of the Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs
President, RIC Leaders, College and Vice Deans
- The committee shall discuss the research update from each college and its achieving strategy.
- The committee shall evaluate each college performance at the end of the academic semester.
- The committee shall inform about the best performance award and the distinguished research award for the university.
- The committee shall prepare the rating of the Self-Evaluation Scales for the Institution (SESI) and write the Self-Study Report for the Institution (SSRI). The committee shall also support and assist in the program accreditation preparation of all Colleges. Specifically, on planning and management of scientific research and support of research and innovation.
- The committee shall study related tasks, issues and problems and provide recommendations of the best solutions or alternative course of actions to the concerned colleges, deanships, departments, centers, units/and or offices and subject for approval of the University Council/President before the implementation.
Research and Initiatives Center (RIC)
Appointed Chair, CSCEC Leaders, College Outreach Committee Chairs
- The committee shall ensure the community service best practices are followed all throughout the institution.
- The committee shall prepare the rating of the Self-Evaluation Scales for the Institution (SESI) and write the Self-Study Report for the Institution (SSRI). The committee shall also support and assist in the program accreditation preparation of all Colleges. Specifically, on planning and management of community partnership, and activating community partnership.
- The committee shall study related tasks, issues and problems and provide recommendations of the best solutions or alternative course of actions to the concerned colleges, deanships, departments, centers, units/and or offices and subject for approval of the University Council/President before the implementation.
Community Service and Continuing Education Center (CSCEC)