New Arrivals Displays (CL - CW)
The displays of library new acquisitions are geared to enhance awareness of library holding and promote usage of the library resources. These displays of new library materials can be found inside the library and in the lobby of building #2.
Access to library materials and Catalog using QR code (CL - CW)
Just aim your smart phone, tablet or other mobile device squarely, not at an angle, at the center of select QR code of your choice. Following this, you can start viewing the content (HTML format) that is downloaded into your mobile device or making a quick search on the library catalog.
Books On A Kindle (CL - CW)
Hundreds of the library electronic books, many of them are classical fiction books are available for free to students, faculty and staff at PSU. In addition, these digital works can be accessed by viewing online or downloading into your mobile devices such as iPhone or iPad via the library QR code.
E- Dictionaries (CL - CW)
This online edition of dictionaries can be accessible via the library tablet installed inside the library. All the major languages around the world are available through E-Dictionaries. Come check out, among other things, this online reference resource.
Plagiarism Detection Service (CL - CW)
This service helps students to detect and prevent plagiarism. It also ensures that all sources used for research or projects have been documented accurately.
Referencing & Citations Service (CL-CW)
It is a service that helps the students to document references and sources used in their research. The documentation of references and sources is a very important step as it gives importance to the research and enhances the credibility of the information.
Sprout Devices & 3D Capture Stage (CL - CW)
Sprout (HP) devices are very useful for those majoring in Architecture and Interior Design Engineering at PSU. It integrates more than one feature in a single device such as scanning and capturing an object with high-resolution camera and modern applications. In addition, 3D Capture Stage is a device that features “virtual model” and captures it from all angles in 3D way.
Digital Drawing Tablet (CL - CW)
Digital drawing tablet, a new state-of-the-art electronic device, is now available through PSU Library (Women Campus). This device is equipped with a range of features and is a powerful and useful gadget for PSU students, faculty and staff who are interested in study and practice in the fields of Graphic Design and Digital Media.
Desktop Video Magnifier (CL - CW)
PSU Library has recently purchased a new device Desktop Video Magnifier, which comes with a range of features and is very easy to operate. Desktop Video Magnifier is very helpful for those who prefer large print of reading materials or have visual challenges.
Library Mobile Book Service (CL - CW)
Do you plan to read more library books after the library has closed? The library is pleased to announce that the mobile bookshelves with reading materials are accessible to library users who want to browse or read outside of the regular library hours. Moreover, the mobile bookshelves with fiction and non-fiction books are located near the entrance of the library and available to the public outside the library opening hours.
Users with Disability (CL - CW)
The Library provides support to its users with special needs in line with PSU and library mission. Library facilities are readily accessible to the service population in general, users with disabilities in particular.
Book Bank (CL - CW)
All the books on the Book Bank shelves can be borrowed from the library. Current PSU ID card is required if anyone needs to check out library materials located on the Book Bank shelves or in the other areas. Most of the Book Bank books have been donated to the library thanks to kindness of students, faculty and staff. Books in good condition can be brought to the library or placed into the containers designated for donation.
Korean Corner (CL - CW)
The collections of the Korean books and DVDs located in the Korean Corner cover various subjects related to language, history, politics and culture of South Korea. Korean books can be checked out for two weeks without renewal from the library for current PSU students and faculty with valid ID card. All the books and DVDS are the donations from the Embassy of Korea in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
General Services (both libraries)
Circulation Service
Circulation Services at PSU Libraries provide PSU community with the facility of borrowing and returning of their required library material. Circulation material is checked out and checked in using self-check machines placed at CL-MC and CL-CW. Reference sources and reserve material is checked out manually for limited time.
Current Awareness Service
It is important for academic community at PSU to remain up-todate with latest information resources added at PSU Libraries. We at PSU Libraries regularly update our website with fresh arrivals lists; rout the table of contents of journals to faculty; update our social media networks, display the newly arrived books at fresh arrivals corner to keep our users informed about the latest developments and additions at libraries.
Information Literacy Service
Information literacy is set of skills needed to find, evaluate, interpret and use information. PSU Libraries are committed to enhance information literacy skills of PSU community to equip them with the skills to find, evaluate, and use information easily, correctly and ethically. PSU libraries arrange trainings, orientations sessions, prepare brushers, and guides in this regard. Tailored information literacy sessions are provided throughout the academic year.
Reference Service
PSU Libraries feel pleasure to help faculty and students in fulfilling their information, research and teaching needs. Professionally qualified reference librarians provide reference services ranging from quick help to in-depth assistance at CL-MC and CL-CW. Reference librarians at men and women campuses libraries are available for consultations during the working hours of libraries. During the working hours when reference desks at CL-MC and CL-CW are unattended, users should feel free to contact the other librarians available nearby. The service is provided to PSU affiliated faculty, students and staff on site, through emails, and on telephone.
Document Delivery & ILL Services
At PSU Libraries, Document Delivery and Interlibrary Loan service provide the users with books, research papers and other materials form other libraries that are not available in PSU Libraries’ print & electronic collections. Users are requested to search library catalogue and online databases prior to sending the DD & ILL request. PSU faculty, graduate & undergraduate students, and staff can use the DD & ILL service free of cost. On arrival of the requested material, the users are notified.
In-Library Use
At PSU Libraries, internal borrowing service is available for noncirculating materials. The non-circulating material like reference sources and journal volumes can be borrowed to use inside the library premises. Users are requested to place the borrowed material on the tables and not to shelve the borrowed items.
Textbook Service
Textbook Service Information Resource Management Librarians offer textbooks services to PSU undergraduate and postgraduate students: men and women; they collect data, and prepare lists of required textbooks ahead of each academic semester, and submit to our local dealer Al-Shegrey Bookstore to provide in time and at reasonable prices, together with their accompanying manuals and disks, librarians keep following up textbooks requests, and deal instantly with out-of-print, out-of-stock, and market restricted items, and would submit alternative textbooks instead when needed; in addition, librarians check the availability of required textbooks, their numbers, quality, and prices, and coordinate with Al-Shegrey staff to supply instructors’ and students; manuals, and provide the library with copies of each textbook for students and faculty use. In case you have any issue regarding the availability of textbook(s) after the start of the semester, please write to Please click the links given below to check the status of textbooks.
Second Semester, Academic Year 2024/2025 [Term 242] (Men's Campus)
College of Business Administration (CBA)
College of Computer & Information Sciences
College of Engineering
College of Humanities and Sciences
Alshegrey Contact Details
Mr. Moataz Abdulrahman
Retail Department Director- Al-Shegrey & PSU Account Manager
Al-Shegrey Publishing and Information Technology
PO Box 8833, Riyadh 11492.
T: 2170227 ext. 134 (Al-Shegrey)
T: 494-8664 (Al-Shegrey PSU Branch)