Translation Exhibition

The Inter-University Translation Competition includes an exhibition to display the works of students’ Translation and introduce the students to the translation and language centers in Riyadh. The university students’ display their translation work such as translation projects, dubbed clips, magazines, translation clubs… etc. The exhibition was supplemented by the participation of other exhibitors such as; Riyadh Bank (Sponsor), Trans Orient, SAUDISOFT CO. LTD, King Abdullah Institute for Translation and Arabization, The Institute of Teaching the Arabic Language to Non-Native Speakers, King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz International Award for Translation, King Fahad National Library, Harf, Saudi Sign Language Association, TRAJEM, Translation and Authoring Centre (Organizer) and many other centers to enrich the competition and attract more audience. The exhibitors displayed their published books and offered information to the visitors on their training programs, employment opportunities and cultural activities.