Prince Sultan University
Center for Sustainability and Climate

SDG 5 Committee

Dr. Heba Khoshaim
Vice President, Female Campus
SDG Higher Committee Member, SDG 5 Committee Chair
Dr. Heba Khoshaim is the Vice-President for women campus at Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia. She has a Ph.D. in Mathematical Education from Ohio University, USA. She obtained her MSc in Mathematics from University of Ottawa, Canada.
She is the chair of SDG-5: Gender Equality at Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Amira AlKhawaja
Assistant to the Vice President, WC
SDG 5 Committee Co-chair
Bio will be uploaded soon.

Dr. Tanzila Saba
Associate Chair of Information Systems Deptartment, Lab Leader of Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics (AIDA)
SDG 5 Committee Member
Dr. Tanzila Saba Research Professor; Lab Leader of Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics (AIDA); and Associate Chair of Information Systems Deptartment at Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia.
She has a PhD from Universiti Teknology Malaysia, Malaysia. She is a member of SDG-5: Gender Equality at Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Norah Mansour Almusharraf
Assistant Professor, ERL leader & WTC Director
SDG 5 Committee Member
profile will be updated soon. . .

Ms. Arooj Yaswi
Lecturer in College of Humanities & Sciences
SDG 5 Committee Member
Ms. Arooj Yaswi is the Lecturer in College of Humanities & Sciences at Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia. She obtained her Master from International Islamic University, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
She is a member of SDG-5: Gender Equality at Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia.

Ms. Hanan Alsubai
SDG 5 Committee Member
She is a member of SDG-5: Gender Equality at Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia.

Ms. Shadden Almarshad
SDG 5 Committee Member
She is a member of SDG-5: Gender Equality at Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia.