SDG 10: Reduced inequalities
First-generation students
Students from developing countries
Students with disabilities
Employees with disabilities
Key Facts
- No. of first-generation students percentage will increase over 14 percent which is much handsome figure as compared to the previous decades. It would show us the awareness & results of proficient policies by government to reduce inequalities.
- Students from developing countries is almost 14% of the total students which belongs to low-income level or middle-income level. With respect to international students PSU assign special quota which is increased up to 20% of the total students in all fields. With all privileges
- 0.3% differently-abled students are enrolled at PSU with special treatments without any extra cost, providing opportunity to be equal and well-established citizens of the Kingdom
- Prince Sultan University is an equal-opportunity institute that strongly prohibits all forms of discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, or disabilitys
Reference: Academic Year 2023
Anti-Discrimination Policy
Prince Sultan University (PSU) is an equal-opportunity institution that strongly prohibits all forms of discrimination based on gender, color, age, race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, marital status, or disability.
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Deanship of Student Affairs' centers and units
Writing and Tutoring Center
The Writing and Tutoring Center (WTC) is a newly founded center offering academic services and support to undergraduate, graduate students, faculty members and admins at Prince Sultan University as well as researchers and external guests from outside the university.
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Services for Users with Disability
The Library provides support to its users with special needs in line with PSU and library mission. Library facilities are readily accessible to the service population in general, users with disabilities in particular
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Sports Facilities
Sports and games play an essential role in shaping a well-rounded personality and maintaining goodhealth. They directly contribute to the physical development of students and, together with other co-curricular activities they support the excellent results of Prince Sultan University community members.
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