Students from the Architects Department at #Prince_Sultan_University participated in the second workshop of the student exchange program “Villa Hegra” in Paris, France. This program was conducted in collaboration with two...
READ MORESDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Prince Sultan University exhibits high commitment to the global blueprints designed to deliver progress, peace and prosperity for people and the planet, including preserving and sustaining the heritage of communities. As an important stakeholder, PSU contributes towards the achievement of sustainable cities and communities through various events, practices and research. It regularly organizes events and exhibitions for students and employees to promote the culture and appreciation of Saudi heritage.
The strong commitment can be witnessed from the type of support provided in events related to arts and heritage and the sustainable practices followed for sustainable commuting, remote working for employees, affordable housing, buildings to sustainable standards etc. Moreover, the integration of sustainability as an important topic is endorsed in our curriculum, research and outreach.
Architecture Department Representatives Visit to Al-Ula
A delegation from the academic body from the Department of Architecture at Prince Sultan University, represented by the Dean of the College of Architecture and Design, Dr. Samaher Fallata, the Head of the Department of Architecture, Dr. Iman Sabry, and two faculty members, Dr. Jane Handal and Dr. Ola Jarrar, participated in a field visit and preparatory discussion sessions to the city of Al-Ula, accompanied by academic delegations from the universities of Paris. ENSA Paris Val-de Sein and ENSA Paris Malaques. The visit is considered the beginning of the student exchange program between the three universities, which is scheduled to begin next September and continue until February 2025
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The French-Saudi students exchange program in the Architecture Department
Best Poster selected for the Diriyah Global Seminar Competition
The College of Architecture and Design congratulates the architecture student\ Suad Al-Azem for selecting the poster for her third-year mixed-use design project, titled Al-Seraj Mall, as one of the best 5 posters in the Best Poster Competition held by the Diriyah Global Seminar held 10-11 December 2023.
Dr. Hala Sirror, an assistant professor in the architecture department, supervised the project
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SA-LAB Seminar_02: Innovation in Sustainable Housing Design
Construction Site Field Trip

The trip to the Riyadh Avenue construction site was a valuable experience for students of the second and third years in the Architecture Department, helping them connect textbook knowledge to real-life situations. This enhanced their understanding of construction concepts and improved their visualization skills in design courses. Overall, the trip bridged the gap between theory and practice, benefiting students' academic development and course learning outcomes.
Visit the websiteGreen Building & LEED Certification
The college of Architecture and Design Invites the architecture students (Fourth and Fifth levels) to participate in the Diriyah Mosque Design Competition
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شاركت طالبات قسم العمارة من #جامعة_الأمير_سلطان في ورشة العمل الثانية ضمن البرنامج الدولي للتبادل الطلابي (فيلا هجرا) في العاصمة الفرنسية باريس، بالشراكة مع الجامعتين الفرنسيتين ENSAPM وENSAPVS، وضم البرنامج 30...
Architecture Students: Shaden Alnashmi,Hatton Baras, Shoag Alkhateeb, Aya Althunayian and Afnan Hanash. Under The supervision of Dr. Walaa Metwally, won the first place in Women and Girls in STEM Exhibition...