Prince Sultan University
Center for Sustainability and Climate
H.H. Princess Alanoud Al Saud
Supervisor of Audit and Compliance section at a Confidential Government, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

H.H. Princess Alanoud Al Saud is the Supervisor of Audit and Compliance section at a Confidential Government. She is a member of the Saudi-Emarati Youth Council.
Prior to that she worked as a consultant at KPMG – UAE and gained her experience within the internal audit and risk management, management consulting, and deal advisory. She also have an extensive experience in entrepreneurship and SME's as she worked at Dubai Startup Hub – Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Alanoud holds a Bachelor degree in Finance from PSU, and an Executive MBA from Alyamamah University. She also holds a post graduate diploma in International management and Leadership from Washington State University.