Prince Sultan University
Center for Sustainability and Climate
Mr. Duncan Ross
Chief Data Officer, THE (Times Higher Education), United Kingdom

Mr. Duncan Ross is Chief Data Officer of Times Higher Education, the leading provider of higher education data and rankings across the world.
Mr. Duncan Ross was tasked with bringing the data processing capabilities in-house and creating a data business for the company. Key achievements:
- 2015 bringing data collection and calculation for the World University Rankings in-house
- 2015 launch of first version of DataPoints benchmarking tool
- 2016 launch of the US College Rankings
- 2017 launch of the Japan University Rankings
- 2019 launch of the THE Impact Rankings – the only university rankings based on the UN SDGs
- 2022 named as one of DataIQ’s 100 most influential people in data
Since 2015 the number of universities for whom THE collects data has grown from 400 to over 4,000 from over 110 countries.
He has a Masters degree from the University of Cambridge.